Stay Alive |-/

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a/n  the definition of skinny love is literally sapphire and billies relationship atm

Sapphires POV

The weather matched my mood today. Stormy, and cold.

Its weird to think that the end of spring would bring such weather, but its also weird to think that I would be in such a bad mood on such a day like this.

My birthday.

Now I know what you're thinking. A teenage girl who hates her birthday? How individual and alternative of her! But this seriously was a terrible day.

I usually don't mind having music blasted in my ears, but I really wasn't in the mood. Tre said I wasn't in the mood a lot now days, which I can't argue about. I was acting different. Its not like I could help it though.

The familiarity of these feelings was like an old friend. I used to only have reminders, the scars that tell a story, but now that the feelings are back, its as if they never left.

I stretch my mouth open to yawn, my jaw cracking with a satisfying click. I just wanted to sleep for a thousand years. But of course I couldn't, this was the last local show the boys were playing before they went on their tour.

They had just finished playing Christie Road, one of my personal favourites on the album. The crowd cheers, the boys cockily grinning from ear to ear. God, they loved that stage.

"This next ones dedicated to the birthday girl" Billie speaks into the microphone, his chest rising and falling rapidly, sweat cascaded over his body.

I look up to see him smile and wink at me, a glint in his eyes. I send him the best smile I could muster from the mood I was in, and raise my red solo cup full of water. Billie looks back down to his guitar, his fingers moving to press the strings down to make the cord.
He looks up once more, his black hair flopping backwards as he quickly flips his head up. The crooked smile still makes my heart race.

"Happy birthday, Sapphire" He grins, as Mike begins the bass line. 

She... she screams in silence...

The crowd sings along to the song. The song that was written about me. I don't think I'll ever get over that, no matter how depressed i'm feeling that day.

After they finish the song, they remind the crowd of their upcoming tour and then exit the stage. I place my cup down, and push my way through the crowd to the front of the stage. Al appears beside me, and we both walk up to our boyfriends to congratulate them.

"Fuck your hands look so good when you play" Al breaths, flinging her arms around Mike. He laughs, and engulfs his sweaty body into hers.

"Nice job up there, Mr Cool" I punch Tre in the shoulder, grinning.

"Thanks, Saph" He mutters, brushing me off and walking past me.

I stare in hurt and confusion as he continues to walk away. What the fuck did I do? Why is he acting like such a dick?

"Would he like some pepper with that salt?" Billie jokes, standing next to me. I laugh, shaking my head. Billie was right. He was being awfully salty.

"You guys want a drink?" Al nudges me. 

"Nah" I shake my head, Billie doing the same.

Al shrugs, and heads down towards the bar with Mike right behind her. They were actually the ultimate relationship goals. They trusted each other with their own lives whilst having the ability to muck around and act like best friends. Thats what I wanted. But Tre changed.

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