Hi Yes I'm Alive

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I am honestly so sorry for a shitty chapter and a long wait. A big and difficult thing has come up in my life, and I wasn't in the right mindset to write a chapter. It would have been full of shitty dads and sadness.

I'll try more, I swear. I've started to go to therapy and counselling so hopefully that helps.

Also, should I do a giveaway? I really want to do one. It sounds so exciting.

Sapphires POV

"Hey" Billie quietly greets me, swinging his leg over the backwards chair.

"Hey" I look up to him, not moving from my seat on the couch.

After the boys played their gig, a group of people went back to Tre and Mikes for a small after party. And to shock you even more, they weren't lying when they said small. Only about 10 other people were scattered around the small apartment, making the party last weekend seem like Project X.

Al had begged me to come here, when all I wanted to do was go home and watch reruns of Freaks and Geeks. I only finally gave in when we told me we had catching up to do. She has no idea.

"Tre wants to talk to you" Billie says, slightly flinging his arm towards the kitchen. I swallow hard, letting out a deep breath.

"Did he send you out here?" I ask.

Billie blinks, before shuffling on his chair. "Maybe"

I sigh again, stopping myself from rolling my eyes. I knew this had to happen. We couldn't just leave what happened as it was. So I stand from the couch, and ruffle Billie's hair as I walk past him towards the kitchen.

Things haven't been the same with Billie and I either. Ever since that night, it's as if he's nervous around me. He makes things awkward, and it's gotten to the point where sometimes I don't even know what to say to him. This was a drastic change from Billie and I's usual relationship, and if I'm gonna be honest, I'm scared. I'm scared it's never gonna be the same again.

I'd pushed away any wondering thoughts when I see Tre, casually leaning against the counter. He looks worried, his sober eyes glued to the ground, hands fidgeting through each other.

"Hey" I say, making Tre shoot up.

"Uh- Hey" He replies straightening himself up.

"You... wanted to talk?"

"Yeah... yeah... I did" His voice trails off as his eyes wonder to the floor again.

Ok, I felt bad for him. It might be an act, but Tre acting like this was adorable and honestly made my heart burst.
His now brownish-fake green hair was sticking up in all different places, and it looked like he hadn't slept well last night. I really just wanted to go hug him. But at the same time, I wanted to make a point to him.

I slowly step towards him, watching him look up and move to the side to let me rest next to him. He continues to fidget with his fingers, keeping his eyes trained on the ground. Another strange personality of Tre Cool discovered.

"A- Are you okay?" He finally asks, looking at me with one eye squinted. I nod, not stopping to control the smile etching onto my face. Tre smiles back, slowly breaking out of the shell he had formed in the last week.

"Good... I'm s-"

"Stop" I stop Tre mid-sentence. "You don't need to say sorry when there was nothing you could do"

Tre sighs, bringing a hand up to run it through his hair. He knew I was right. That's why he wasn't arguing back. I had said the exact same thing to Mike and Billie.

"Ok" He quietly says. "I'm sorry for the... other thing too"

"Its fine" I shrug. "I probably over reacted anyway"

"Really?" Tre raises an eyebrow. It wasn't all the time I admitted stuff like this.

"Yeah" I grin. "Plus, I missed you too much to stay mad"

"Who's the romantic sap now, eh?" Tre laughs, pulling me in to kiss me on the top of my head.

"OK!" Al huffs, pulling me by my wrist. "You have to tell me everything that happened while I was gone!"

I let Al tug me away, hearing laughs from the rest of the guests hanging around the living room. I follow her down the hallway, and into Mike's room.

I smile as he slams the door shut, whipping around, her dark hair following her. I simply stare at her as she paces over to the unmade bed in the centre of the room, and sits down, expecting me to shadow her actions.

"Sit!" She pats the bed twice.

I jump down on the bed, not wiping the smile off of my face. She's really missed out on so much, and honestly, I don't know how much to tell her.
After thinking for a while, I decide to go from the start. From the first sleep over with Hayley and Thalia, to the time Tre threw a can of open beer into the ceiling fan. I went into every detail I possibly could, and almost hesitated when telling her about my huge and hopeless crush on Billie.

She didn't comment or react the whole time. She just intently stared, nodding her head every couple of sentences. I was surprised how well she took it, and was expecting her to jump up and scream it to the world.

I finally finish up to Tre and I's conversation, only an hour before. I let out a huge breath of air, the feeling of everything out of my system refreshing. It was almost therapeutic to get it off my chest, especially the part about Hayley cheating on Billie.

"First of all, Hayley is a fucking bitch and you deserve Billie way more" Al rushes.

"Don't talk so loud!" I shush her, hiding the blush creeping its way onto my cheeks.

"You know it's true!" She lowers her voice to a shrill whisper.

Al lies back on the bed with a huff. "I don't understand why you don't just tell Billie... about everything"

"It would wreck him I don't want to-"

"Not about the cheating, about you liking him!"

"I don't know..." I quietly say, looking down. "How could I compete with Hayley?"

"Dude, you and Billie and pretty much a couple without the sexual stuff"

"That's what he says"

"Doesn't that give you any vibes?"

"I really don't want to talk about this" I massage my temples with my fingers.

Al sighs again, taking me by the hand and pulling me down with her. "If it's because you don't think you're good enough, it's not true"

"Al, please" I pull my hand from hers.

"Whatever" She brushes it off. "Thank me when you and Billie are fucking"

She hops up from the bed, brushing herself off. Before I can open my mouth to reply, she rushes from the room, not looking back.

I really hope she doesn't say anything.


Do you guys like Al or do you think shes annoying?

Also, I wanna start a KIK group to become more connected with you guys. Comment your kik name to be added in a super cool fun squad I shall create with Destiny (panicathesocialevent)

Send in kik names!

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Stay Tre Cool

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