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Sapphires POV

"No, Billie this shit only happens in movies!" I stress, tugging on my hair. I'd been pacing around my room for about 10 minutes now, not calmed down from the recent texts.

Billie had already shut and locked my window, and made sure everything else in the house was safely shut. Billie had hardly spoken a word, his lips kept pursed as he continued to avoid me. He couldn't even look me in the eyes properly.

I panicked, Ok? I didn't mean to make Billie feel guilt. The memory just flashed before me, since he was an intimidation. And when I looked at Billie, I felt the same emotion that I did in LA. He was angry. I could tell.
We've hardly touched the subject. And I knew that Billie would want to bring it up. I just wanted to forget it. We didn't need to talk about it.

Billie looks down at his phone, texting away. I guess he was telling Mike and Tre about it, since he'd already came to the conclusion that it was about the money they owe. Billie bites his lip, nervously tapping his foot still seated on my bed. I was scared shitless, and I could tell Billie was too as he kept anxiously glancing up at the window as if he would catch someone.

I let out a shaky breath, sitting down on the dark love seat in the corner of my room. I fidget with my fingers, feeling my heart beat in my throat.
They know where I live. They stalk me. They know me. At any given moment they could be in this house and I couldn't do anything about it.

I knew Michael would somehow come back into my life. I thought I could forget about it, but it seems he's back to fuck it up. Billie was right. Michael took the money. Again. I just didn't want to think it was true.
I don't' know how I can go on thinking anyone can truly love me after that. I guess I'm just not a person for relationships. I'm just a fuck and go. An object.

How could I have not seen past the brightness of Michaels eyes? Was I really that easy that all he had to do was compliment me and I was all his? It just made him easier to fuck up Billie's life. This is my fault. Billie warned me about Michael but I didn't listen. I was desperate, lonely and fucking stupid. I brought this on myself. I deserve every bit of this, and what's to come.

"Sapphire" Billie softly says, giving me a fright as he kneels in front of me. I didn't even know that my eyes had welled up, so I try to furiously wipe them before Billie notices everything.

"I know you're scared... hell, I am too" He puts a hand on my thigh. "But I promised you before and I'll promise you again. I'll keep you safe. It'll always be you over me"

"Billie, no" I protest, feeling my lip begin to quiver. "I'm the one who brought Michael to us. I'm the reason the money got taken. This is my fault"

"Don't talk like that" His eyes gleam with desperation. He stands from his position, running his hands through his hair as he begins to pace the room. "You don't think that every time I look at you, I see the alley way? I see what they did to you? And- and I have to live with that guilt?" Billie's breaths begin to get heavier, distress put into every word "I fucking gave you scars. Okay? Y- You don't need any more of those"

"What?" I breathe, curling my toes.

"Your wrists, Sapphire. I saw your wrists"

"They're old" I quickly say, my head shooting down.

"I don't give a shit!" Billie says, looking right at me.

By now, the tears are falling freely from my eyes. My hands fly to my face to hold it as I begin to cry. I hear Billie step forward, and feel his arms wrap around me, holding me in embrace.

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