Life's Not Out To Get You

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Billies POV

"Alright! From the top, boys" Chris speaks through the speaker, a wide grin on his face.

I adjust my guitar strap, wiping my sweaty forehead with the back of my hand. We'd been working for about 5 hours now, nonstop checking and producing and playing. My fingers were almost bleeding from the guitar, and I my throat felt like I had swallowed razor blades.
If I knew it was going to be this much work, I would have had second thoughts.

"Ok" I say, breathlessly. "Let's go" I shut my eyes, licking my dry lips.

My hands move to the right cords, and Tre begins to play the beat. I want to stop, but I know I can't. This needed to be done today. After today, the album would be recorded and then we would just have to wait for it to be processed.
It feels unreal. Soon, my thoughts and melodies would be open to the world, and that scared the crap out of me.

What if people don't like it? But more importantly, what if we don't make enough money? We won't be able to pay off our debt, meaning we'll be in even more trouble. Especially Sapphire.

I shudder at the thought of any of those men's slimy hands on her. It was all my fault she was put in this situation, and if she got hurt I'd never forgive myself. She said so herself she was terrified, and now I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure nothing happens.

The lyrics of She run through my head. That's the song that made me like Sapphire. I feel as if I got to know her that much more, after she ranted to me about her life. I couldn't think of anything else to do but write a song. It was how I expressed myself, and she understood that.

I wasn't even singing the song, but my thoughts were with it. I felt like I'd just had an epiphany. I was bubbling over with feelings, but I didn't know what they were. I'd never felt them before. It felt like I was just about to have a panic attack, but it was a warm feeling in my chest. I felt like I could fly.

But it's probably just adrenaline.

I slide my strap over my shoulder, letting out a huge sigh of relief. I was exhausted, but it was finally over. I hear applauding, which makes a smile grace my face. I needed a beer. In fact, I needed about 6.

"C'mon, we're celebrating" I shout, slapping Mike on the back. He grins back at me, nodding his head.


"Everyone shut up, we need to toast!" Chris raises his glass, trying his best to quiet the rowdy group.

I think about half the people who watched us play in LA are in this bar tonight. It's weird to think there's a group of people that follow us around, actually interested in what we're doing. It's probably the closest to a fan base we'll get in our careers, but I still thought it was pretty fucking cool.

I was surprised at how many local punks had asked me when the albums out. I thought since we'd been signed to a somewhat mainstream company, we would lose respect. But it seems that we've gained respect.

"Get that gay shit out of here!" Tre replies, his hands cupped around his mouth. Everyone laughs, agreeing with Tre's statement but soon quiet down to pay attention to Chris.

"I have hope in these guys. I had hope in them when I first contacted them. Our genre is dying. We're being mislabelled every day, but these guys can change that"

Fuck. Those words hit me hard. I fucking love you Chris.

I wanted to say the words out loud, but I was either too drunk or too overwhelmed to talk. Instead I communicate by reaching over and patting Mike's hair. He doesn't even realise whats happening as he's staring down at his phone, a smile on his face.

"You antisocial bitch!" I joke, trying to grab the phone out of his hands.

"Hey, fuck off" Mike laughs. "This is a very important conversation"

"I'm sure it is" I wink.

Mike smirks, before looking back down at his phone, back to ignoring me. I slump in my seat, bringing the beer bottle to my lips. Tre was out pole dancing, and Mike was on his phone. I wish Sapphire was here, I'd be less bored.

"Well who're you talking to?" I sit up again, trying to look over Mike's shoulder.

"Its Ally, piss off Billie" Mike moves the phone out of my view.

"You're still talking to that pre-schooler? If you go out with her in public, you're gonna look like a paedophile"

"You better not be saying that shit when she comes over"

"Well she better not fucking come over! Do you think Sapphire needs a reminder of what happened in LA?" My words begin to slur. I had no clue what I was saying anymore.

"Dude, I've spoken to her about it. She likes Ally" Mike places a hand on my shoulder, trying to hold me upright on the stool.

"You told her before me?" I pout my lip.

"Yeah because you'd act like this" Mike scoffs, smiling at me.

"But I'm drunk!" I whine, leaning into him.


I groan again, pushing myself off the stool. I stumble as I stand, Mike letting me go.

"You're boring. I'm gonna go find Tre" I grab my beer off the counter, and turn on my heel.

"Use protection!" Mike calls out, making me flip him off.

I weave through people, listening out to the manly screams to find Tre. I almost throw up at the smell of BO and different types of alcohol on people. If I had hung out with Sapphire, we would have got drunk, eaten pizza in our pyjamas and watched Pirates of the Caribbean movies. Sometimes I like nights like that over this.

When I finally reach Tre, he looks different.

He doesn't have his usual lazy smile, from his drunken mind. He has a happy smile, and gleaming eyes. It was unlike Tre to be like this.

"How much acid did you have, eh?" I slide onto the chair next to him.

"No acid, just true love" Tre grins.

"True love?" I furrow my eyebrows.


This was definitely weird for Tre. He never talks about girls in this way. He's one to ejaculate and evacuate, not have cliché relationships and talk about true love.

"Who's this girl you sex pest!?" I jump up in my seat, suddenly growing interested.

"Oh, you know her" Tre slyly looks at me, standing up.

"Who?" I call out again.

"See you at home, Beej!" And he runs off into the night.

A/N Don't be mad, you gotta have some boring chapters!

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