Yes, I Call Band Members My Dad

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crappy birthday to me

Sapphires POV

I cross my legs on my bed, hearing my CD player load as I had set it to the beginning of the album. I'd been listening to Kerplunk nonstop for a couple of days, and I've started to put some pieces together. To my distaste, the first and very amazing song was written about the one and only Hayley.

2000 Light Years Away was written at the blossoming of Hayley and Billie's relationship. It showed how Billie felt about her, and how he always thought Hayley was out of his league. I imagine him sitting in his old bedroom, actually thinking about him having a relationship with Hayley. How long had he liked her before he told me about it? Had he ever noticed me as the other friend? All these questions my brain never thought of suddenly swept my mind. I've been thinking too much (help me).

The next song that came on brought a smile to my face. I knew One for the Razorbacks was written about me, even though Billie very smartly changed the name to Juliette. I remember him writing it. It was after LA, and Billie had messily scribbled down some lyrics on a napkin as I lay down beside him. He tried so hard to bring me up, and I felt so bad, that I had to put on a fake smile just to assure Billie what he was doing was good. It had taken him a good while but I couldn't bear to see his eyes drop when I didn't laugh at a silly joke, or act the same around him.
I felt warm and bubbly listening to the song, even with the thought of Tre lingering at the back of my mind.

I could never put my finger on 80. It didn't have the familiar scent of Hayley and Billie's relationship through it, and I don't think it's about me. I didn't even know about the songs existence until I heard the completed record. It sounded like Billie was torn. Confused about something, but I had no clue who he could be talking about. I guess some lines related to our relationship, but some things Billie sung in the song are things he had never said to me before.

Don't hate on me for analysing some songs this closely. I get top marks for English, and it's a habit to use my skills in real life- as geeky as it sounds.

I let the rest of album play out, not bothering to look into any of the other lyrics. I guess I loved having Billie's voice echo through my room, out of the CD player. I bet kids all around the world are one day going to feel the exact same thing. They deserve the growing fan base. They're going to make it.

Green Day was the talk of the town. Random off the streets would complement them, ask for signatures photos. It was as if they grew famous overnight. The boys were ecstatic about this, since all three of them are egotistical, obnoxious horny teenage boys.

Tonight, they were playing their first show since the release of the album. Surprisingly, I'd hung out with Hayley the whole day. We went to op shops, and scavenged any vintage clothing and Cd's we could find for an extremely cheap price. We hadn't done anything like that since we were 15, and it felt refreshing knowing we could still do it.

The biggest bombshell of that social activity is what Hayley said to me while we were stuffing our faces at a cheap fast food place. She told me she felt guilty about cheating on Billie, and she wanted to make it right.
I said the most reasonable thing and told her to tell him, but she seemed hesitant. This secret was enough of a burden on me, and I just wanted it to be let out so I can stop stressing about other people's problems.

Hayley made me promise her again to not say anything, and when I agreed, I still had an uneasy feeling in my stomach. Something needed to be done.

So here I was, standing at the back of the hall, beer in hand and aching feet. The show would start in about half an hour, and I made no effort to see any of the boys.

I couldn't bear to look at Billie knowing the huge secret, I didn't want to talk to Tre because he still hasn't admitted what he did was wrong, and Mike seemed to be more interested in his phone now rather than actual human beings.

I had spoken to Chris earlier about the photo-shoot, and apparently it went wrong in the best of ways. The boys were fucking around the whole time with Mike greening out 5 minutes before, Tre refusing to take off his fairy wings and Billie suddenly growing camera shy. But in the end, they got some good shots that would be revealed on flyers at the end of the night.

The hall was filling up fast with laughter and shouting, and I could tell it was going to be one of their biggest shows. Chris was over his head with local interviews and questions. All the popular bands he'd signed had moved on to better companies, and I swear I saw the man cry when he first heard the album.

I look down in my nails in boredom, waiting for the show to start. Hayley was backstage and Thalia wasn't coming until later, so I stubbornly chose to wait out in the crowd. I was all alone, and because I pay for my own shit I have zero internet on my phone.

Just as I was about to retreat to the toilets just outside, a familiar voice calls out my name.


I look up, and my jaw drops to the floor. It was Ally- but not exactly.

Her one bubble-gum blue, curled hair was dyed dark brown, and sat in edgy waves. Her lip gloss and winged eyeliner was replaced with plum lip stick and dark smokey eye cascaded over her eyes. She wore a black lip ring, and a ripped singlet and skinny jeans. To say she looked good was an understatement.

"Holy shit" I finally say. "Where's Ally and what have you done with her?!"

Ally laughs, strutting over to me. I was embarrassed to say I was kind of intimated by her.

"I go by Al now" She shrugs. "You learn a couple things while hitch hiking"

"Woah" I say in awe. I was impressed. "The others are gonna flip when they see you!"

"That's what Mike said" Al explains, flipping her hair over her shoulder as an old habit. "I just hope all of you are good after LA" She scrunches her lips in regret.

"We're fine" I brush it off. I didn't really want to explain any other incident about what happened after LA right now.

Our conversation was cut short when the crowd bursts into roars and cheers, indicating that Green Day were on stage.
Sure enough, the three giant babies came bounding out, Billie bouncing the baby blue guitar. After an introduction of screaming from Tre, they began to play in the track order of Kerplunk. (Don't ask me how I knew I'm their #1 fan)

Al and I relocate to the middle of the crowd, and join in on the sweaty movements and spilt alcohol. I didn't see Hayley for the rest of the night.

Billie's eyes always found mine wherever I went. He would stare intently at me as he sung his lyrics, the green orbs hypnotising me. Just as I try to push the feelings down, they come bubbling up again.

And I knew I just couldn't ignore them.

A/N fuck so sorry for filler and long wait ive had heaps of stuff on my mind and ive just gone back to school.

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