So The Truth Is Revealed

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Get the tissues ready

Billies POV

Sapphire. What does Sapphire mean to me?
Sapphire was the girl I could spill my guts to, laugh my guts out to, and even have my guts punched.
Sapphire was the girl I could either kill, or die for.

It wouldn't make sense to anyone. It doesn't even make sense to me. I'm not sure if there's a word for it, and it's hurting my brain to keep it inside of me. I needed to let it out.

So on a fine, spring day, I sat Mike down at our hangout and told him everything.

He stared at me for a while, wrapping his head around what I'd spilled. He didn't reply for a while, but continued circling his finger around the half empty beer bottle.
Mike was like my therapist. I always went to him when I needed help. Of course I didn't tell him everything. I would have, then Sapphire came along speaking words of wisdom.

It was nice having a GBF (girl best friend, not gay) since she has the perspective of the other gender. There was only a little sexual tension, meaning no awkwardness. Like, none whatsoever.

"So..." Mike begins. "You need to figure out these feelings"

"That's why I'm talking to you!" I almost shout, growing frustrated. I just wanted an answer.

"I know dude, chill" He shuffles in his seat. "First, you should categorise it. Like, are they thankful feelings, best friend feelings, little sister feelings" Mike lists.

I run my hands through my hair, my mind reeling. I wasn't sure. Yeah, I was thankful for everything she's done for me. But I also loved her so much as my best friend for the sacrifices she's made. But also, I wanted to protect her as much as a little sister.

"Uh... all three?"

Mike sighs. "Dude, you're messed"

I slump down in my seat. Mike was right. I was messed. I couldn't even figure out my own feelings. And it's not like I could talk to Sapphire. She would know what to do though.

"Ok... so... are your feelings towards Hayley different to Sapphire?"

"Well yeah. Hayley's my girlfriend"

"While we're on the topic, what even are your feelings towards Hayley?"

"She's hot"


"She's... pretty?"

"God man, do you even like any aspect of her personality?!"

"Of course I do!" I argue back. How could Mike be saying this?

"Like what?" He crosses over his arms.

Of course I liked her personality. I don't get with people for their looks. I'm not like that! I'm not that type of guy!

"Like... how she takes care of me"

"Where was she on your dad's anniversary?"

"Don't bring that up you fuck" I whine, hunching over. Once again, the dirty whore Mike Dirnt was right.

"I think I got this" He clears his throat. "And who was there on that day?"

I blink at him a few times. "Sapphire?" I question. Where was he going with this?

"And what conclusion can you make of that?"

"That Sapphire is a good friend?" I naïvely reply

Mike groans, tugging on his hair. "You're not getting it"

"Not getting what!" I cry. This was too difficult. I shouldn't have said anything.

"Who went to LA with you? Who went with you to get your dick pierced? Who's been there all along?" Mike stands up.

"Why do you keep comparing Sapphire and Hayley?!" I stand with him, not answering his question. He was really confusing the fuck out of me.

"Dude! Don't you get how shit Hayley treats you?"

"That's not true" I scoff. "She treats me fine"

"Oh come on BJ you're lying through your teeth! A girlfriend is supposed to be supportive! Not force you to wear boat shoes and not dare to hang out with anyone else"

"Hey fuck off, you're supposed to be supportive of my girlfriend" I defend myself, playfully shoving him.

"That's true, but Sapphire treats you so much better. It sounds like you think better of her"

"Stop comparing them! Ones my girlfriend and ones my best friend"

"Billie, how are you not getting this" Mike sighs for the hundredth time, rubbing his temples.

"Getting what?! Just fucking tell me!"

"It's right in front of you! You like her dude!"

I stare back at Mike, frozen in the spot. Did I mishear him? Did he really just say that?
I was bewildered, speechless. I'd never thought that I would like Sapphire. Wait, do I even like her? This whole conversation just made me even more confused.

No this can't be. HOLY FUCKING SHIT.

I'm freaking out. All those tingling feelings from every touch, the sickness at the pit of my stomach when I was around her.

It all meant something. Fucking shit. Fuck fuck fiuck fiuck.

"Dude oh my God... I like her!" My hands fly to my hair. FUCK HOLY SHIT HOW DID I NOT SEE THIS.

"I FUCKING NEW IT!" Mike cheers, a huge grin on my face. "Ally and I have been talking about it since LA! FUCK YES!" He fist pumps, and begins to jump around. What the fuck is that supposed to mean?

"S- SO WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?" I grab him by the shoulders, growing nervous as fuck. I was about to have a breakdown.

I'd been asked by so many people why we weren't a couple. Or why we hadn't even fucked yet. I mean, she is hot, but I never thought of her romantically. Or maybe I have... and I was just blinded by the fact that we were best friends, and that Hayley is hot as fuck. SHIT.

"GO TELL HER DUDE!" Mike yells, spinning me around and shoving me back towards the hill.

"What?!" I turn back around to face him. "I can't just tell her. She'd never like me back!"

"How would you know" Mike smirks. "Just go tell her!"

"No, never. I can't. I can't deal with rejection from her. We would never be friends the same again"

"You gotta. You just gotta. Go now! She would never hurt you!" He shakes his head. My emotions were crazy.

"Fuck you think I should?" I shake my hands like a teenage girl.

"Yes!" Mike shoves me again.

"OK! I'm gonna do it!" I puff out my chest. "Wait here!" I yell.

Then, I ran up the hill towards my truck parked at the top. I wasn't thinking about Hayley or anything. This was it. Maybe this time

I would be







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