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Charlotte's world was falling apart... again

She stared at Mia, absolutely flabbergasted. She took two steps back. Tears stinging her eyes.

"Please don't leave. I... I don't know you, well I don't think I do. But, that kiss. it... it felt familiar. And I don't know what's going on right now." Char could see the small panic in Mia's eyes. She knew her Mia was still there.

"It's okay. I'm not leaving. I just want to go get a doctor okay? I'll be right back."


Four hours.

They did multiple tests and scans.

They couldn't find anything wrong with Mia. No more pressure on her brain, and she was looking really good for someone who's car rolled. 

Between the tests, Charlotte would sit and tell Mia about their relationship. She told her how they met, and how Mia helped her through everything with Charlie, the girls, and even the letter from her father. 

Charlotte called everyone and let them know what happened. They wanted to come but Charlotte said that it would be too overwhelming for her. She needed rest, and just some time for everything to get a bit more calm.

Charlotte never left Mia's side. Mia knew somewhere deep down who Char was, but her brain couldn't connect the dots. Aa Charlotte talked and filled Mia in on everything, Mia was mesmerised. She found Charlotte so gorgeous.  She could listen to her talk for hours on end.

At one stage when the doctor was taking some blood, Mia grabbed Charlotte's hand, but their hands shocked. Causing Mia's eyes to widen. Charlotte tilted her head in confusion.

"What's wrong Mia?"

"That happened the day we met."

"Yeah", that's right, the day we... wait... Do you remember that?"

Mia nodded her head, and Charlotte could feel her heart beating faster. Mia remembered something. She could maybe remember everything if Charlotte helped her in the right way. Charlotte talked to the doctor and he agreed that Mia going home, might be best to help her remember. 

And so the next day, the two women were walking into their home together. Charlotte looked at Mia nervously. 

"Does this... help?" she asks.

"I don't remember, but.. this place feels... safe." 

Charlotte lets a small smile through. She takes Mia on a small tour of the house. Mia stops at every photo that is hung in the hallway. Hoping that seeing something would help, even if it's just one memory. Charlotte goes to the kitchen to make them some tea. She knows Mia loves tea when she is stressed.

When she gets back to the living room, Mia is standing in front of the fireplace. 

"Hey, I made some tea." Mia turns and smiles at her, before looking at the fireplace again her eyebrows knotted together.

"What is it? Do you remember something?" Charlotte walks closer to Mia, Mis tilts her head slightly.

"Hmmm, kind of. I remember whipped cream."

Charlotte nearly choked and Mia mentioned that. Her face turned bright red. 

"Uhh, the morning after you asked me to be your girlfriend, we had pancakes with whipped cream." 

"Ah... well I remember that it was on more than just pancakes" A small smirk makes its way onto Mia's lips. If it was even possible, Charlotte's face turned even more red.

Mia sat down next to her, took the cup of chamomile tea from the table, and took a sip. She hummed as the warm liquid made its way down her throat.

"Umm, is there anything you want to know about?" Charlotte asks her. Mia thinks for a moment. 

"I have these gaps, between moments. And I don't know if filling those gaps will help, or just make me more confused. I don't know."

"That's okay. I am not expecting anything to happen overnight, I just wish I could do more."

"You have already done so much for me. I know I care for you, and I trust you. But it's just a lot right now. Maybe some sleep might help." Charlotte nodded.

She led her to the room.

"You can sleep in the guest room if you feel more comfortable with that, but this is still your bed too." 

"I think... I'll sleep here"

Charlotte's heart skipped a beat. She missed the feeling of Mia sleeping next to her. A smile broke out on Charlotte's lips as she nodded her head.

"Um, but I kinda want to shower first, I still smell like a hospital and would love to feel fresh."

"Oh yes of course. The bathroom is right there, and the closet on the right is yours. I am just going to grab some water from the kitchen." 

As Mia took her shower Charlotte stood in the kitchen. She was so happy that she had Mia back, even if she couldn't completely remember who she was, she was still here. She noticed her phone on the counter and she got an idea. 

Excitedly, she went to go look for the photos. Once she found them, she made her way back to the room.

"Hey Mia, I had a thought. What if we work backwards? We go from the day of your accident and then go back. Maybe it'll help jog some newer memories." Char said as she walked in. 

When Mia didn't answer she looked up from her phone. Mia's back was turned to her, and she was standing in front of her closet, clearly focused on something in her hands.

"Mia? Are you okay?" Charlotte asks as she walks closer. Mia still didn't move, nor did she attempt to say anything. This worried Charlotte slightly.

"Mia please, you're sacring me." She was now standing right behind Mia, her hands trembling.

"I am sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to scare you."

Charlotte let out a breath, Mia slowly turned around and it was only then when she saw what Mia was holding, that same breath got caught in her throat. 

It was the black velvet box.

"You... you called me sweetheart," Charlotte said, still in shock, her eyes glued to the box. 

"That I did." Mia smiles at her, before stepping closer, capturing Charlotte's lips in a deep heated kiss. The kiss had everything. Every feeling, every moment, every thought. Neither woman wanted to stop. If they could, the kiss would go on until the end of time.

The two finally pull apart, resting their foreheads together. She had her Mia back.

The two basked in their moment together, before pulling back more, looking into each others eyes. 

It was going to be okay, everything was going to be okay.



"Marry me?"

Orchards and Moonlight - a Mialotte story (TNN)Where stories live. Discover now