Big sisters

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Mia and Charlotte had been eagerly anticipating this moment for weeks. Ever since they found out that Charlotte was pregnant, the excitement of having another baby in the family had been bubbling inside them both, but they wanted to wait for the right time to share the news with their little girls, Grace and Felicity. It had to be special, something the girls would always remember.

It was a sunny Saturday morning, and the house was filled with the comforting aromas of breakfast—freshly made pancakes, warm syrup, and bacon sizzling on the stove. The girls were playing in the living room, their laughter and chatter filling the air. Grace, the more adventurous of the two, was building a castle out of blocks, while Felicity, ever the imaginative one, was lost in her world of picture books, her little nose buried in the pages.

Mia and Charlotte exchanged a glance from across the kitchen, both of them knowing that this was the moment. With a soft nod, Mia set down the spatula she was holding and wiped her hands on a towel. She felt a flutter of nerves mixed with excitement as she walked over to the living room, Charlotte following close behind.

"Girls, come here for a minute," Mia called out, her voice warm and inviting. "Mommy and I have something very special to tell you."

Grace and Felicity immediately perked up, their curiosity piqued. Grace's hands paused mid-air, holding a block that was destined for the top of her castle, while Felicity slowly closed her book, her big, curious eyes peeking over the cover as she tried to guess what the special news might be.

The girls scrambled over to their moms, their little faces alight with anticipation. Grace's blue eyes were wide with interest, while Felicity's brow was furrowed in concentration, clearly eager to hear whatever surprise was in store. They climbed up onto the couch, settling in between Mia and Charlotte, who both wrapped their arms around their daughters.

"What is it, Mommy?" Grace asked, her voice tinged with excitement as she looked up at Mia.

Mia took a deep breath, her heart swelling with love as she glanced at Charlotte for support. "Well, you know how we've talked about how wonderful it would be to have a little brother or sister for you both to play with?" she began, her voice gentle.

Grace nodded enthusiastically, her eyes sparkling with excitement, while Felicity tilted her head slightly, her small hands gripping Mia's arm. The idea of having a baby brother or sister had always fascinated them, and they had often talked about what it would be like to have another little one in the family.

Charlotte smiled and placed a hand on her belly, feeling a rush of love for the life growing inside her. "Guess what, girls? You're both going to be big sisters soon. Mommy has a little baby growing in her tummy."

For a moment, there was a stunned silence as the girls processed what they had just heard. Grace's mouth dropped open, her eyes growing even wider as the words sank in. Felicity, too, was quiet, her gaze shifting from Charlotte's face to her belly, as if trying to understand the magic that had just been revealed to her.

And then, as if a dam had burst, the girls erupted into excited squeals and laughter. Grace practically bounced off the couch, her hands flying to Charlotte's belly, her voice filled with delight. "Really? Are we going to have a baby? I'm going to be a big sister again?"

Felicity, not wanting to be left out, quickly followed her sister's lead. Her small hands gently pressed against Charlotte's stomach, her eyes wide with awe. "A baby! Can I see the baby, Mommy? Is it a boy or a girl?"

Charlotte laughed, her heart swelling with happiness at their reactions. "You can't see the baby just yet, sweetie," she explained, her voice soft and patient. "The baby is still growing inside my tummy, and it'll be a little while before it's ready to come out and meet you. And we don't know yet if it's a boy or a girl. But we'll find out soon, and we'll tell you as soon as we know."

The girls' excitement was palpable. Grace was already planning how she would help take care of the baby, talking a mile a minute about all the things she would teach her new sibling—how to play with dolls, how to build block castles, and how to dance to her favourite songs. Felicity, on the other hand, was more focused on making sure the baby would have all the best bedtime stories and cuddles.

"I'm going to be the best big sister ever!" Grace declared, her face glowing with pride as she gently patted Charlotte's belly. "I'll make sure the baby knows all the important stuff, like how to brush their teeth and how to say 'please' and 'thank you.'"

"And I'll read the baby my favourite stories," Felicity chimed in, her voice soft and sweet. "And I'll share my blankie, too, if the baby gets cold."

Mia and Charlotte couldn't help but smile at their daughters' enthusiasm. They had been worried about how the girls might react to the news, but seeing them so excited and eager to welcome a new sibling into the family filled their hearts with warmth and love. This was exactly how they had hoped it would be—a moment of pure joy and connection.

As the morning wore on, the girls continued to chatter excitedly about the baby, asking endless questions about what it would be like to have a new sibling and what they could do to help. Mia and Charlotte answered each question with patience and love, enjoying every second of this special moment with their daughters.

Finally, as the excitement began to settle and breakfast was ready, the family gathered around the table. Grace and Felicity were still buzzing with excitement, their eyes shining with happiness as they talked about the baby over pancakes and syrup. Mia and Charlotte exchanged a knowing glance, their hearts full.

After breakfast, they all cuddled up on the couch together, the girls snuggled between their moms as they watched a movie. The house was filled with a sense of peace and contentment, the love between them all so strong it was almost tangible.

As they sat there, with Grace's head resting on her shoulder and Felicity's small hand in hers, Mia felt a deep sense of gratitude. This was their family—full of love, laughter, and endless possibilities. And soon, they would be welcoming a new life into it, a new chapter in their story that was already filled with so much joy.

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