All the news at once

247 9 1

TW  -  Mentions of blood

It was 9 am on Monday.

Every Monday, like clockwork. Siobhan would walk into the nursery, and head straight for the family room. 

Not even a few minutes later, Vivian walked in, dropped Jamie off and with their two coffees joined Siobhan in the family room. 

That is where the two of them stayed for almost an hour. No one knew why, and each time someone asked, they just got a 'We had a meeting'. There was a bet going on how long it would take the two to kiss finally. They weren't blind. They started these little meetings when Roger still had his hand over Siobhan, but even with him gone, they continued. 

Today was no different

Vivian walked in, two coffees in hand and Jamie right behind her.

"Good Morning! Hi Jamie! Have a fun weekend?" Charlotte asked as they walked into the preschool room. Jamie ran up and nearly jumped into Charlotte's arms. The boy absolutely loved his teacher. In such a short amount of time, he became attached to her. Vivian smiled at her kid. 

"Good morning, Charlotte. I am sure he will talk your ear off about his weekend. I have a meeting to get to." She said smiling, looking over at the family room.

"Yes, of course, don't want to leave her waiting," Charlott smirked the mother. Just as she is about to walk off, Vivian spotted something."

"Wait a second, Charlotte. Is that a ring?" 

Charlotte looked at her hand, with a smile on her face. She thought back to that moment.



"Marry me?" She froze as she pulled back from Mia. Opening and closing her mouth like a babbling fish. 

"After not being able to remember who you are and everything, I realized that I don't want to wait anymore. You mean so much to me and I know it's kind of soon, but Charlotte, I have never loved anyone as much as I love you." 

"Yes." Char breathed out.

"Wait what?" Mia was surprised, she wasn't actually expecting that.

"Yes Mia,  I will marry you, I love you more than anything." She smiled as she pulled her, now finance, for a kiss. 

"Ahh, yes it is. Mia, my... fiance, proposed over the weekend" Charlotte smiled as she said the word fiance.

"Well, congratulations." Vivian offered her a smile as she started making her way to the family room for her 'meeting' with Siohbon. Charlotte smiled as Jamie started rambling on about his weekend.


At the end of the day, everyone was making sure that the last things were clean for the day when Autumn showed up at the school. Everyone had wondered where she was, but Marjorie had just told them that she was off sick. 

"Autumn, what are you doing here? You should be in bed resting!" Marjorie scolded her. autumn just waved her off and walked to her husband. Giving him a quick kiss before the two of them walked out of the nursery without another word. 

"Marjorie, do you know what's going on with them?" Charlotte asked as she came up from behind her.

"Yes, I do. but I promised not to say a thing. It's their news." Marjorie sighed out. She had tons of paperwork to do and had barely left her office all day. This was her first time seeing Charlotte after the hospital. 

"How is Mia doing?" She asked her, and Charlotte's face got bright red.

"She's going fine. I didn't think her memory would be back so quickly. She went back to the hospital for another scan, just to make sure everything was okay. Marjorie just nodded, and the two of them bid their goodbyes. Charlotte waves to Marjorie as she leaves the nursery. Only then does she see the glimmer on her hand.

"IS THAT A RING?!" She shouts, Charlotte just laughs and gets into her car, leaving to go pick up her girls from their after-school activities. 

They also had not told the girls yet, but that is what they were planning on doing tonight after Mia got the okay from the doctor that she was better. They were taking the girls to their favourite restaurant and telling them that they were going to get married. They absolutely love Mia, so they really hope they will be okay with it. 

As Charlotte walked into their home, the girls ran off to their room to go get ready, she saw her gorgeous Fiance walk out of the living room.

"Hi there, sweetheart." Mia smiles as she pulls Charlotte in for a kiss. Char melts into her arms, a smile on her face.

"Hi," She breathes out when they pull apart.

"What did the Doctor say?" 

"Everything is okay. No more swelling, normal brain functions. It's all perfect."


It was all far from perfect. 

It all happened so slowly

They were driving, their light was green. He didn't see them.

Everything was spinning. 

One second they were in the car, and the next second, Mia was on the road, looking up at the stars. She could hear screaming, but she didn't know if she was screaming or if it was someone else. 

It wasn't long before she could hear the sirens. She had been trying to move, but she just couldn't, her body didn't want to listen to her.  She just lay there, staring at the stars. 

That's when she heard her voice. Her sweet, caring voice. Screaming.

"Where is My fiance? MIA?!" Charlotte saw Mia, on the floor, running towards her, looking her over. She could see Charlotte's face. She looked relatively unharmed, just a small trail of blood making its way down her face.

"You're hurt," she says as she lifts her hand to wipe at the blood. Soon the paramedics were next to her, they strapped her and made their way to the ambulance with her.

"Wait. our girls." Mia said, causing Charlotte's heart to beat faster. 

"It's okay, They are right over there, they will be in the ambulance right behind us. The paramedics got them out before we found you. Charlotte didn't seem worried, and that calmed Mia.

What they didn't know, was that Charlotte was hiding just how much she was actually panicking.

Mia was getting sick of hospitals, she just wanted to be happy with Char. She was tired of not getting a break. She just needed a break.

They were at the hospital quickly and they were taken for some checkups. As the doctor was clearing Mia, she saw Charlotte walk to her, the cut on her head now had a bandage on. They smiled at each other, Mia got up from the bed and walked over to Char. Giving her a soft kiss.

"Let's go see our girls," Mia said taking Char's hand. Just as they started making their way to the room, the alarms went off.

"Code Blue! Hurry!" They could hear the doctor yell, and it was at that moment Charlotte's heart dropped. 


Orchards and Moonlight - a Mialotte story (TNN)Where stories live. Discover now