Our little Boy

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In the quiet calm of their hospital room, Mia and Charlotte found themselves basking in the glow of new parenthood. The gentle hum of hospital sounds outside their door seemed distant as they focused on the tiny bundle in Charlotte's arms. The nurse, with a warm smile, had just handed their newborn son to Charlotte, his little body wrapped snugly in a soft blanket.

Charlotte gazed down at him, her heart swelling with a mixture of love, relief, and pure joy. His tiny fingers curled and uncurled, and his eyes, still adjusting to the world, blinked slowly as if trying to take everything in. Mia, sitting beside Charlotte, couldn't tear her eyes away from their son. She reached out, lightly brushing her fingers across his delicate cheek, marvelling at how small and perfect he was.

"He's so beautiful," Mia whispered, her voice thick with emotion.

Charlotte nodded, unable to speak, tears welling in her eyes. She had been through so much to bring this little boy into the world, and now, holding him, everything felt worth it. The pain, the fear, the uncertainty—it all melted away as she cradled him against her chest.

Just then, there was a soft knock on the door. Before Mia could respond, the door opened slightly, and Autumn and Winter stepped into the room. Their faces lit up with joy when they saw Charlotte and Mia with their newborn. Autumn, usually so composed, had a rare smile on her face, her eyes filled with genuine happiness for her friends.

"Congratulations," Winter said warmly, his voice quiet as if he didn't want to disturb the peaceful moment.

Autumn stepped forward, her smile widening as she looked down at the baby. "He's perfect," she said softly, reaching out to gently touch his tiny hand.

Mia beamed at her friends, feeling a surge of love and gratitude for the support they had shown throughout the pregnancy. "Thank you for being here," she said, her voice trembling slightly. "It means so much to us."

"Of course," Winter replied, placing a reassuring hand on Mia's shoulder. "We wouldn't miss this for the world."

Charlotte looked up, her eyes glistening with tears as she met Autumn's gaze. "It's been such a journey, but he's finally here," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Autumn nodded, understanding the weight of those words. She knew how much this baby meant to Charlotte and Mia, how long they had waited for this moment. "He's a strong one," she said with a knowing smile. "Just like his moms."

Autumn glanced at the baby, then back at Mia and Charlotte. "Have you two decided on a name yet?" she asked, her tone gentle but curious.

Mia and Charlotte exchanged a knowing look, a smile spreading across both their faces. It was a name they had thought about for months, one that felt right in every way.

Charlotte nodded, looking down at their son with love in her eyes. "Oliver Tyrion Roberts," she said softly, the name rolling off her tongue as if it had always belonged to him.

"Oliver," Mia repeated, her voice full of affection. "It just felt right. And Tyrion... well, it's a name that means a lot to us."

Autumn smiled, the name settling into her mind as if it had always been there. "Oliver Tyrion Roberts," she echoed. "It's perfect."

Winter nodded in agreement, a warm smile on his face. "A strong name for a strong boy," he said, his eyes twinkling with approval.

Mia and Charlotte looked at each other, their hearts full. The name was a reflection of their journey, their love, and the future they had dreamed of together. It was a name that carried with it all the hopes and dreams they had for their son.

"Welcome to the world, Oliver," Charlotte whispered, pressing a gentle kiss to his forehead. "We can't wait to watch you grow."

As Autumn and Winter stood up to leave, Charlotte, still cradling Oliver, reached out and gently took Autumn's hand. Her eyes were full of emotion as she said, "Please, send our love to Marjorie and Reece. Let them know we're thinking of them, and we're here if they need anything."

Orchards and Moonlight - a Mialotte story (TNN)Where stories live. Discover now