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Charlotte woke up before Mia did. They were facing each other, and Mia was on her back, arms above her head, causing the duvet to slide down to her waist exposing her breasts. Charlotte bit her lip and thought back to the night's activities. She could see the marks she had made down Mia's neck and chest. She was going to get an earful about how she needed to hide these, but she couldn't care. Mia looked so hot with Charlotte's marks.

"It's rude to stare sweetheart," Mia said, without even opening her eyes. Her voice was extra raspy this morning. When Char didn't say anything, Mia opened her eyes to look at the woman next to her. She could see Char's eyes looking her up and down. 

"Like what you see?" Mia smirks as she looks at Char. Char just smirks at her, biting her lip again. She sits up slightly, swinging one leg over Mia's waist. Duvet pools around her waist, as she places her hands on Mia's shoulders. Now it's Mia's turn to bite her lip. Charlotte leans down, her lips ghosting over Mia's ear. 

"Hm, what do you think, honey?" she says as she nibbles on Mia's earlobe. Mia moans softly. 

"What time do we need to pick up the girls?" Mia asks, trying to string any coherent thought together.

"Not until after lunch," Char says as she continues to nibble on Mia's ear. This caused the taller woman to smirk. Her hands started rubbing up and down Char's thighs. Char leans back, and the two women lock eyes. Both knew exactly how they would be spending the time before they had to leave.


Monday morning both women were rushing as they had overslept. Mia said she would drop off the girls as their school was a little bit closer to her nursery. Charlotte gave them all a quick kiss before she got into her car and also left for work. 

It was a normal morning, a few parents were working on her nerves, but nothing she wasn't used to. It wasn't until her lunch break when she walked by the baby room and saw Winter sitting with a half-asleep baby in his arms, that the feelings she had been trying to suppress came bubbling up. 

She covered her mouth with her hand to suppress a sob. Tears were burning her eyes. She had to get away from the sight.

"Charlotte." she heard from behind her. She quickly turned around locking eyes with Autumn. Autumn could see the pain on her face. It was the same pain she had when she lost her baby.  

Autumn opened the office door and motioned for Charlotte to go in. She wiped her tears and walked into the office, plopping down on the couch. She dropped her head in her hands, and her entire body sagged. 

"Charlotte. You're not okay." Autumn's voice was softer than usual. 

"I don't know how to do this Autumn. I am so happy with Mia, but every time I see any baby or anything to do with them. Everything inside me hurts. I didn't even know I had it before I lost it. But I lost it, and it hurts... How? How do you and Winter do this?" She finally lets out everything she has been holding in. Tears stream down her face.

"We talk to each other. We let each other know how we are feeling. He helps me just as much as I help him. I think you should talk to Mia. Tell her how you feel. She might be able to help you."

Char looks up at Autumn, catching the hurt in her eyes too. 

"And if that doesn't help. You can always come to Winter or myself. Sometimes it's nice to know you aren't alone. Also, it wasn't your fault okay? It was his, and he is paying for it now. This isn't on you."

That's when something that she never thought would happen, happens. Autumn wrapped her arms around Charlotte and hugged her. Charlotte hugged her back, and both women had a few tiers falling down their faces.


Charlotte wasn't expecting to see Mia that night. They had agreed that Mia would come over on the weekends, to make Char feel more comfortable. But she knew that if she asked Mia to come, she wouldn't hesitate. That is how Charlotte ended up sitting on her couch after putting the girls to bed, finger hovering over Mia's name. 

Just as she was about to call her, the doorbell rang. 

Who would be here this time of night? She wondered. She got up and looked through the peephole first, she learned her lesson after the last time. When she saw who was on the other side, she unlocked the door and swung it open in a split second. 

"Mia." She breathed out. Her eyes looked over the woman in front of her. 

"Hi, sweetheart." Mia smiled at her, and that was the moment Char realised that Mia was actually holding flowers. 

"What... I, you're here." Char could barely think straight.  She stepped aside and let Mia come in, closing the door behind her.

"I have been thinking of you all day, and I couldn't wait to do this any longer. These are for you. And with them, I wanted to show you how much you mean to me. Will you be my girlfriend? I will be here for you until every last one of these roses dies." Mia held out the bouquet of black roses, and only up close could Charlotte see, that there, right in the middle, was a hand-made plastic rose. One that would never die.

Charlotte begins to tear up. She takes the roses from Mia and puts them down on the table before turning back to the woman in front of her. She doesn't falter in her movements and kisses Mia deeply. 

Everything she feels comes rushing forward. Tears escape her eyes and blend in with their kiss.  Mia tastes the saltiness and pulls away.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" Mia cups Char's face, wiping her tears with her thumbs. Charlotte takes a deep breath and leads Mia to sit down on the couch. Char starts playing with her fingers, but Mia doesn't rush her. She sits next to her, patiently.

"I have been so happy with you Mia. I... I feel so lucky to have you. But, I am scared. Mia, I'm not okay." Char finally admits. It feels so good to finally let it out. 

"Talk to me, Char." Mia took Char's hand in hers, rubbing her thumb over the back of Char's hand. 

"It hurts, Mia. Every time I see a baby, everything inside me hurts. I didn't even know about the baby until it was too late. But, it still hurts. Mia I, I don't know what to do." Char feels Mia place a soft hand on her cheek.

"Charlotte. Sweetheart, I wish you told me earlier. I will be here for you, no matter what you need okay? I will do what I can to help you through this. Char, I love you,  and I am not going anywhere." 

"You... what?" Mia realised what she had said. A soft smile made its way to her face.

"I love you, Charlotte."

Orchards and Moonlight - a Mialotte story (TNN)Where stories live. Discover now