35) Jungkook - Bullies

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TRIGGER WARNING: Talks of bullying and fighting. PLease do not read if you're uncomfrtable

Jungkook was never the most popular kid in their school, many kids knew that he existed but they never knew exactly who he was. But, ever since he got back to school more and more people approached him in the hallways for a small chat. It was strange, but Jungkook knew that most of them were vampires by his newly heightened sense of smell. They didn't smell much different than how they were before, just an added touch of fresh rain.

During the first week or so of Jungkook being back they were mostly nice and polite, as time went on they became more stuck up and aggressive. At first, it was 'accidentally bumping into him or slightly nudging him to the side but soon it became more physical. Tripping or getting pushed down to the ground became normal in Jungkook's life. It wasn't enough to become bruises yet but it made him so confused about what he did to deserve it all. Mark was the worst of them. He was normally the one who bothered him the most, he was the leader per se.

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Jungkook didn't think much of the teasing and tripping by Mark and his group, he thought it was because he cut in front of him by accident in the dining hall or because he took his parking spot. Either way, Jungkook didn't think much of it, nor did he tell Yoongi or Taehyung what was happening, he just didn't think it was important enough to talk about. Jungkook was so accustomed to the pain others have inflicted on him, that he just became numb. The bullying continued to become worse and worse as the days went on. Mark didn't have any classes with Jungkook, but they would always pass each other in the hallway.

After a few weeks of Mark's teasing and other shenanigans, things became a bit more serious. While Jungkook was in the restroom, Mark walked up to him and pushed Jungkook into one of the stalls, and closed the door behind him.

"You better show up in the back parking lot after school today. I need to discuss some things with you." Mark hissed into Jungkook's ear, sending complete chills down his spine. Jungkook was only able to respond with a weak nod, but it wasn't enough for Mark.

"Words, darling, I need to have a verbal reply so I know for sure you will be there," Mark demanded, making Jungkook shake.

"I'll be there, Mark." Jungkook finally replied in a meek voice, trying his best to not stutter.

"Good, I'll be seeing you after school then," Mark smirked with a wink before walking out of the stall.

Once Mark was gone, Jungkook let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding. He took another minute to calm himself down and head to his next class, trying to forget about the incident and focus on his last few classes. Unfortunately, that didn't exactly follow through as Jungkook planned. It was all just too familiar to him. It reminded him too much of his mother, but with Yoongi and Taehyung not being at school with Jungkook, he didn't have anything to save him. If he didn't follow through with it, it would only be worse because he had no escape.

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Much to Jungkook's dismay, the day eventually came to an end, meaning that Jungkook was supposed to meet Mark out in the back parking lot. The backlot was only used for overflow parking during school events, meaning there were never any cars or cameras back there during the usual school day since no one ever parked back there. It was also pretty disconnected and about a five-minute walk from the school.

"So you decided to do this the easy way and show up, huh?" Mark smirked as soon as he noticed Jungkook approaching him.

"Let me just start by telling you the truth." He continued, grabbing Jungkook's shoulders, and holding him in place. "I fucking hate that you became a part of our world, and because of that, I will let you feel the pain that your former kind brought upon us." Jungkook shivered as he looked Mark in the eyes, not even realizing someone or some people were sneaking up behind him. One grabbed his arms and pulled them behind him and the other tied a blindfold on him to prevent Jungkook from seeing who his attackers were.

"Enjoy your little nap bunny." Mark eerily whispered into Jungkook's ear before there was a punch to his gut and a blow to his head. Jungkook lost consciousness after that.

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Jungkook didn't know how long he had been out, but he knew for sure that his head was throbbing. It took him a minute to regain his bearings but as soon as he was able to think properly he immediately started looking for his phone, to check the time. After grabbing his phone, which surprisingly wasn't broken because the rest of him felt so sore, he realized he had three missed calls from the library and another twenty divided between Yoongi and Taehyung. Knowing that the library was his job, he immediately called them back. Jungkook lied to them that he got into a bike accident, hitting his head and passing out near his house, which they completely understood and gave him the rest of the week off from work so he could rest up. Jungkook was a little disappointed that he would be able to see the clumsy but hot nerd, but it was probably for the better because Jungkook would not want him to see Jungkook like how he was. Next Jungkook called Yoongi, knowing that he would be the most understanding of the situation, let him stay at his house, and come up with an excuse to allow Jungkook to stay there for a few days. Yoongi immediately answered his call and agreed to pick Jungkook up, not even mad that he was disrupted during his and Jimin's cuddle session, knowing that Jungkook was very fragile and needed a lot of reassurance.

Jungkook was thankful that Yoongi didn't question his appearance and wouldn't yell at him when he got back to Yoongi's apartment. Unfortunately for Jungkook, there would be some yelling once they got there.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT MIN? You just ran out without an explanation, I thought I did something wrong." Jimin exclaimed, running over to Yoongi and hugging him with a few stray tears running down his face, as soon as the elder stepped through the door.

"Shhh, I'm sorry Minnie, I will explain in a minute," Yoongi said soothingly as he hugged Jimin back. "Now let's go sit down, so Jungkook can explain what happened, okay?" Yoongi shifted Jimin to wrap his arm around his boyfriend and reached out to Jungkook to guide the both of them to the couch.

Once they got over to the couch, Jimin had mostly calmed down, knowing that his boyfriend wasn't mad at him, and finally acknowledged the other boy in the room.

"Omg, what happened to you?" Jimin asked after a single glance and then ran to the bathroom to grab a first aid kit and returned before Jungkook could even acknowledge the question. Upon return, Jimin began placing ointment on the coloring spots on Jungkook's arms, soon realizing that it went up his shoulder too. Jungkook still hadn't said a word about what happened, but Jimin and Yoongi were more focused on fixing the visible pain first.

"Kookie, can you please take off your shirt so I can get to your shoulder better?" Jimin coaxed the dazed boy. After getting no response, Jimin decided that he would most likely have to do it himself as it was evident Jungkook wouldn't do it despite how bad his stomach hurt.

Jimin, with the help of Yoongi, carefully took Jungkook's shirt off to get to the rest of the bruises. Jimin yelped at the sight and Yoongi lowly growled at the sight. Jungkook's stomach was completely red, clear that it would soon be black and purple by the next day. Jimin didn't want to push the poor boy anymore and just continued his work, trying his best to help ease the pain of Jungkook's wounds. The Yoonmin couple sat in very tense silence, one was heavily focused on trying not to cry at the sight of the bruises and the other was racking his brain on who could have possibly been Jungkook's attacker. After a minute of thinking, Yoongi walked out of the room, giving Jimin a reassuring look that he wouldn't do anything dumb of course. Yoongi immediately called Taehyung and told him to get to Yoongi's apartment right away, which of course he did.

As soon as Taehyung got there, he immediately, awkwardly, hugged Yoongi and then ran over to kneel in front of Jungkook. A confused Hoseok stumbled in a minute following with a concerned look for his boyfriend but eased up a bit once he realized his boyfriend wasn't in danger.

"Jungkookie, I know you don't want to talk, but please. You need to tell at least Yoonie or me what happened. Or you can tell Minnie or Hobi. Just please tell at least one of us what happened okay? That's it. We won't say a thing until you let us, we just want to hear what happened." Taehyung pleaded with Jungkook, trying to get him out of his dazed state, but also trying to get an explanation.

"Okay, just give me a minute, and then I will tell you," Jungkook said in a very meek voice. 

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