(Season 1) Chapter 1: The beginning.

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In a small apartment unit in Ontario lived a boy and his kind mother and strong father. This boy's name was Daniel Silva, he was famous in his old school for his amazing physical strength, excellent vision, and his highly morality-influenced personality, all passed down to him by his parents. 5 months ago, they had moved into this new home planted in the city of Ontario. 3 months ago, they enrolled Daniel into his brand new school. Today, he starts his first day of Junior High School in grade 8.

"Daniel, are you ready yet? You're gonna be late for your first day!"

"Nearly! I can't find my special soccer ball!"

Ever since he was 5, he enjoyed soccer with a passion. He always took a soccer ball with him wherever he went, regardless awake or asleep, from dusk until dawn and dawn until dusk. He had talent that made him better than those his age, and this soccer ball is special because despite having owned it for 6 years, it remains in perfect condition and it is signed by Koyama Ryuu, the world's best striker and the player Daniel aspires to become in his soccer career.

"I found it! I'm ready to go, mom!"

"Okay, get in the car and we will go."

Daniel's Mom, Megan Silva drives Daniel to school. As they near their destination, Daniel gets nervous as he has no idea what's in store for him within the walls of this new school, but before he had a chance to sort out his thoughts, he had arrived at his new school. The very prestigious Crescent Heights Academy International.

"Okay Daniel, remember, you need to go to room 8-K, have a good first day of school, honey!"

The number on each classroom represents the Grade Level, meanwhile the letter represents if you're in the smarter sections, Section A is the highest section, Section Z is the lowest section. For example, Classroom 2-C is the 3rd highest Grade 2 section, Classroom 5-V is the 5th lowest Grade 5 section.

"Thanks Mom! I'll see you later, bye!"

As Daniel enters the school, he is slowly overwhelmed by this new environment chock full of seemingly elite students with intelligence beyond his comprehension. He felt as if he didn't belong in this school where only the best of the best reside, he understands that his intelligence is subpar when it comes to academics, so as he becomes overwhelmed, he tries to just quickly make his way to his classroom. However, he hears sobbing and commotion in a different hallway, he rushes towards the source as fast as he can and as he finds the source, a blockade of 9th Graders. Behind the blockade, he sees a girl seemingly a bit older than him being bullied by someone who seemed to be the leader of the 9th Graders who formed the blockade.

"Leave me alone! I need to go to class! Stop punching me! It hurts!"

"Does it sound like it's my problem? Thought so, now... let us continue..."

"No! Wait! Stop!"

Daniel, after seeing the girl being unjustly bullied, instinctively rushes in without so much as thinking. Despite the other grade 9 student's efforts to stop him, he runs through them as if he were a bulldozer and grabs the leaders arm, stopping the punch as it was about to make contact with the girl's face. Daniel tells the 9th Grade bully to leave her alone, seeing the girl in front of the bully in such a blemished state.

"Okay then, make me!" The grade 9 student challenges, as he tries to punch Daniel, but he dodges faster than anyone could react to as he moves the girl to safety in his arms. After he gently lays down the girl, cushioning her head with his folded hoodie and leaving her in the care of the bystanders, he decides to face the bully himself. 

Arrogantly, the 9th grader accepts Daniel's proposal, but as they begin to clash, he realizes something is wrong. The 9th graders hits very rarely landed, even when they did, he couldn't make Daniel more than flinch, even punches to his gut only made Daniel freeze for a moment. Moreover, Daniels hits landed quite frequently, and each hit was devastatingly heavy, each punch easily left bruises and even just a slight graze from a jab could leave a sensation of sharp pain.

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