(Season 1) Chapter 12: Valentines Day! The beginning of something special.

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After the festivities of New Years, all the students go back to school starting January 5. Daniel, Yune, and everyone else continue their school days as usual, until January 25 when an important announcement is made by the principal, Principal Vincent.

"Good morning Crescent Heights!"

"Good morning Sir Vincent!"

"As you may know, Valentine's Day is coming up in 3 weeks, and there will be separate proms for the Junior High School and Senior High School, however, whoever plans to attend this prom must bring a date."

The students whisper amongst themselves at this announcement.

"There will be meals, games, and awards announced as well. I highly recommend attending, it will be a fun experience for everyone!"

After these announcements, everyone returns to their respective classrooms and everyone is either talking with each other about the prom, not planning to attend the prom, or thinking about who they want to be their dates to the prom.

Yune didn't pay much mind to the announcements and chose instead to focus on her work, meanwhile, Daniel was planning on asking Yune to be his date to the prom, and then after a week, Daniel finally decided to ask.

While Yune was walking through the classroom after using the bathroom, Daniel stopped her while she stood on the podium where the teacher stands while discussing lessons. Daniel walks up to her while everyone in the classroom watched, and he asks the question.

"Yune, is there any chance, you may want to be my prom date?"

Yune wasn't particularly stunned, she easily knew that Daniel would ask her at one point, but still, she gave her response, accepting Daniel's offer.

Everyone got excited at this interaction, Yune was excited to go to prom with Daniel, she started to think about what she should wear. Something that would surprise Daniel.

Meanwhile, Daniel decides to wear a navy-blue suit with a blue rose, which would be a symbol, he will do something he used to think would've been impossible for him if he hadn't met Yune. In conjunction with the blue rose which people think is impossible to find in nature.

As time passes, the date of the prom gets closer, on Valentine's Day, some classmates exchange chocolates and gifts with each other. Xavier, after the eye-opening experience he had dealt with in chapter 4, decides to set his sights on Rosalina, and he starts with these chocolates for valentines.

"Hey, I... got these for you, Happy Valentines."

"A-Ah! Fine, I'll take it, but it doesn't mean I like you! But I got you these, happy valentine's day..."

"Oh, that's great! Thanks! Happy Valentine's Day."

Feelings of love flew through the air on Valentines Day, the prom was to begin at 6:00 PM. At 5:00 PM Daniel had gone to Yune's apartment, dressed up in his navy-blue suit with a blue rose, with his nicely combed hair and a gold ring he had received from his mother.

Yune had walked out, dressed in the red dress and heels, and wearing a rose crown she asked her mom to make in her hair, Daniel realized this and said:

"Are those my roses? I feel honored."

"I thought it looked really nice."

"And it is! You look beautiful!"

"Thanks, I'm flattered!"

Yune's dad would drive them to prom, on the way, Yune extended her gratitude to Daniel for taking her as his date to the prom.

"Of course I'll take you as my date! I wouldn't have it any other way."

They arrive at the school for the prom, register themselves as a pair, and enter the gymnasium where it's being held. As they walked in, they ran into Xavier and Rosalina, as it would turn out, Rosalina asked Xavier to be her date to the prom. The 4 of them had spent a lot of time talking, as they finished talking to each other, the first event was announced by the host that the boys will stand in a circle around the gym and the girls will rotate, dancing with each and every boy until they reach back to their date.

Daniel stands in a circle with all the other boys who had attended, and the girls would dance with each boy for 10 seconds each and they move to the next. Doing over and over until each girl had danced with every boy, then came the next event, a basic waltz with 5 pairs dancing at the same time. Daniel and Yune were part of the second 5 pairs, they danced to their heart's content, they enjoyed and found happiness and comfort in each other. That's when Daniel had fully made up his mind,

After everyone had finished, it was then time to eat, Xavier, Rosalina, Yune, and Daniel would sit at the same table, and they started to get along. Even Daniel and Xavier, who had started out their relationship bitterly when they first met, were becoming good friends.

Eventually, came the final event. Solo freestyle dance with your date on the stage, Daniel and Yune were practically born ready for this, they were the last duo to perform on the stage. They did a freestyle dance with moves that worked off each other, a dance that no other duo in the gymnasium could've done. As they finished, they were about to step off the stage. However, Daniel grabs Yune's wrist with one hand, and raises his other hand, signifying that he had something else to do on stage, and as lights point toward the two. Daniel takes the blue rose from his blazer pocket, takes Yune's hand, kneels down and holds it in her hand gently, saying with certainty and confidence as Yune and the audience watch in confusion.

"Yune, you were my first friend ever in this school... you're really kind and funny, you've given everything you've got to whatever you do. I always feel happy in your presence, you helped me when I was down."

Yune realizes what this may be and her mind races with thoughts of what might happen.

"When I met you, it was love at first sight, but I didn't have the guts to admit it, and I never would've if I hadn't met you in the way I did... Yune, you make me happier than anyone else, will you accept me as your boyfriend?"

The Gym becomes silent as everyone looks toward the two.

Yune pulls Daniel up from the ground, and gives him the most loving hug she could, as tears of the purest happiness pour down her face, she shouts.

"I will! Even through pain, sadness, struggles, I will be with you until the end of time!"

The Gym is overwhelmed with sounds of applause, joy, or just pure astonishment. Yune and Daniel's parents had recorded the entire confession. And as they stand on the stage, they lovingly kiss, only raising the volume of the cheers even higher. Only then, do they step off the stage and let the final parts of the prom commence. There were many rewards, best dressed lady, best dressed man, most mannerly, etc. But among the total 10 rewards, 3 had gone to Yune and Daniel. Best performance to the both of them, Best Confession to Daniel, and Prom Queen to Yune, after all the awards were given, the prom ends and everyone goes home... Well, not everyone.

Daniel and Yune had informed their parents they'll come back home later, they wanted some time alone.

They sat down on the benches of Oak Tree Park, as they stared into the sky of the night. Yune initiates the conversation.

"What a night huh?"

"Yeah, I feel so glad I managed to get those thoughts out of my head. And I feel even more glad that you said yes..."

"I feel so glad that you asked me, I would have taken so long to ask. What do you think is in store for us now that we're a couple?"

"No idea, but regardless, whether they're happy or sad times, I'm glad to always spend them with you."

"Yeah, I'm glad too... I love you."

"I love you too..."

Love between the two had finally bloomed, it was clear to those who saw them that no power, whether heavens in the sky, or the demons down under the earth could ever dissever the connection between Daniel and Yune, whose connections were stronger than diamonds.

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