Chapter 12

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Rick was ever the doting spouse. His love for Patrice was all-consuming, while all she did was complain about him. Every time she came over sporting a new dress or handbag then proceed to whine about how he wouldn't let her work, or that he was so needy and wanted her around all the time, made me seethe inwardly. I thought about all the times I wished Ted would come home early or surprise me with dresses. I had to remind myself that he worked long hours and deserved that nap, or the late drinks with coworkers instead of relieving me of my duties, so I might take a bath without a child peering over the side of the tub.

Ted had been the quarterback of his high school football team. He was voted most likely to succeed and most attractive. He'd always been easy on the eyes, but he's only more handsome as he ages. We met during college, seated beside one another in history class. He asked to borrow my notes—because I was very detailed—and I was happy to share. We studied a lot together and wound up in his dorm one afternoon preparing for a big test. We were taking a short break, to relieve some stress, when his girlfriend walked in. Oops. That was the end of her. I can't help that we fell in love, or that I was too irresistible to ignore. She must have not been all that special to him. I knew how to keep him happy then and still do now. I certainly never found another woman in our bed.

I was the most beautiful bride, you know. Ted and I were like Ken and Barbie, at least that's what was printed in the paper. And although it took us a little extra time, he beamed with pride over Eve, over us. That doesn't happen as often lately. It is really tough having a baby who loves to snuggle with me every night. Nevertheless, he's a wonderful man and I am so fortunate.

After riding the Patrice rollercoaster for so long—I must admit—there was a slight sense of satisfaction as I watched her being carted off to the loony bin. Rick needed a break. I almost thought he started something up with that new maid of his, but I caught his eyes lingering on me on more than one occasion. I remember one time when Eve was still an infant, he dropped by to see if Patrice was over and walked right in on me breastfeeding! We'd both been embarrassed and agreed never to tell Patrice or Ted. It was a simple mistake. But I noticed the flush on his cheeks as he politely excused himself, apologizing about twenty times on his way out. He's so transparent.

I bet Patrice would have lost it though. With her shiny hair and short skirts, she could have never imagined her pitiful lapdog walking in on me and blushing like he did. I may have had twenty pounds of baby weight, but the girls were enormous. I'm sure any man would look. Ted loved them like that, all swollen and oozing with colostrum. He would cup them, squeezing with both hands, groaning with a primal desire. He didn't realize they were still very sore, but what woman would complain that her husband wants to be all over her?

Marie and Teresa came over the next morning.

"I guess the last screw finally came loose," Marie tutted as she plucked Eve's toys off of the couch and sat them delicately in the toy bin by the fireplace. It's her not-so-subtle way of reminding me that I didn't keep house as well as I once had.

"That poor little boy. Any word on how he's doing?" Teresa searched for a coffee mug in the kitchen behind me as I stood, hoisting Eve's sleeping body against me. Her soft puffs of air on my neck were little reminders of how lucky I was.

"I overheard the paramedic telling Rick that he would be okay. I'm just glad the maid showed up when she did." And I was. My relationship with Patrice had always been strained, but I would never have wanted anything to happen to John. He was such a good boy. "At least if she's locked away for a time, she can't hurt the new baby. She must be due any day now."

Marie and Teresa both froze in unison. Marie lowered herself onto the couch. "You don't think she was planning know..." She couldn't finish the question, but we both understood the implication. This was not the first time she'd neglected John, and it was no secret that she wasn't thrilled about having another baby.

"Oh, Marie don't even say it!" Teresa slammed the cupboard shut, clutching an empty mug in her hand.

"Rick needs to take this opportunity to take John and move on to someone else," Marie added. She flicked her hand at Teresa to hurry along with the coffee.

"I don't know what he sees in that woman," Teresa confirmed.

My mind drifted to my own husband as the ladies spoke. How lucky he was to have a wife who loved him, cared for him, and bore a child as precious as Eve. His withdrawal from me had been slow. My need for connection had begun to grow. In turn, our marriage was suffering, and seeing Rick still so dedicated to Patrice was making me increasingly bitter. I was able to be self-reflective enough to recognize that.

"Do you think she would try to harm her unborn child, Becky?" Teresa turned to me, holding out a cup of coffee, the steam curling over the wide rim. I was so lost in thought, I hadn't even noticed her come up beside me.

I thought for a moment, considering all that I knew about Patrice. I'd been in their home, heard her say the most bizarre things. I'd also seen her be a loving mother, sometimes in ways even I fell short. Was Patrice capable of intentionally ending her pregnancy?

"I haven't a clue what that woman is capable of anymore." I shifted Eve, a string of her drool dripped down my chest. All I knew, was that my family meant everything to me. I would do anything for them.

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