Chapter 33

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The house was beginning to smell. Without Delores, I simply could not keep up with it all. Performing any task took considerable effort, and I didn't want to force Ben to take all of it on himself. He was still a child, my last family member left. Fortunately, I made a few casseroles before I became too weak, and he had heated those up, washed the dishes and tidied up as best he could. But I soon realized, the smell was coming from me, and I could not bear the humiliation of my son cleaning his father.

John called earlier and Ben's face lit up at the sound of his brother's voice but as they spoke, I saw the recognition in his face. He was also reaching a realization. As much as he missed his brother, when he took a look around, he didn't want John back here anymore than I did. Our eyes locked for a moment, wordless understanding flowed between us and he chose not to tell John what was happening to me.

It wasn't until the phone trilled in the middle of the night, waking me from a fitful sleep that I feared John would meet his fate before I would. Ben showed in my doorway, a shadow in the dark hallway.

"Dad, it's John. He's been in an accident," his voice quaked, his own fear filled the room.

I cleared my throat and struggled to sit up, "Get changed."

"Y-you can't drive that far." I couldn't tell if he was asking or telling me, but he was right. I was in no condition to drive, and I had no way of contacting Patrice.

"Go wake Becky," I strained, tugging my legs from the tangle of sheets.

Ben hesitated.

"Hurry!" I yelled and Ben disappeared down the hall. The front door lock clicked and the sound of the door opening and slamming shut woke something inside of me. A burst of energy and adrenaline coursed through my veins as I sprang from the bed and threw a robe around myself. My fingers were numb as I tried to tie the belt around my waist, and shoved my feet into my worn loafers.

When I reached the garage, I already felt winded and worried I might not make a reliable companion. But what other choice did I have?

"Rick! What's happened?" Becky ran up the driveway while Ted came rushing up behind her, his perfect hair disheveled from sleep.

"I-I don't know. Ben just got a call from the hospital where the kids are vacationing," I say. My stomach churned.

"Can you...obviously we will drive, but will you..." Becky stammered. Even in the moonlight, or maybe because of it, she saw the writing on the wall when it came to me.

I swallowed and shook my head slightly. Ben stood to the side wringing his hands.

"I need to come."

Becky tilts her head slightly, her brows furrow but I appreciate that she doesn't protest. This might be the last time I see him. "Then let's go," she pivots to Ted, "stay with Eve. We will be fine."

Ted gapes like a fish and a large part of me wants to laugh, but that would be inappropriate. Ben swings the door of the car open and helps me into the passenger seat before getting into the back. Becky trots with purpose to the driver's seat, starts the car and backs out as though we are just going to the grocery store and not about to embark on a very long journey. But if I do nothing else with my life, I want for John to know that I have never abandoned him.

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