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|Nurgül's POV|

After returning from the hamam I started getting ready because tonight Safiye Sultan will be having a party in the harem to celebrate my pregnancy... I put on a red dress, a crown and jewelry that would suit it, then before leaving my room I heard the door.

"Come in" I said as I stood waiting.

The door opened and the last person I expected entered, she had been on my mind for the past months but I never had the chance to talk to her.

"Ayse?" I raised my hand "Come in" I sat on the sofa waiting for her.

"Thank you" she came closer and sat next to me "It's been a long time"

I nodded "I wanted to talk to you for a long time but I got very busy and couldn't find the right time"

"Me too" she was silent for a while as if she was gathering her thoughts then smiled a little "Congratulations, I felt happy when I learned the news of your pregnancy"

I smiled a little "Thank you.."

The silence between us lasted for a few minutes until I broke it "Alice told me that you were very upset" I put my hand over hers "I swear that our friendship was real and I always felt that I wanted to share my secrets with you but I was worried about your reaction"

She nodded then raised her eyes "I thought about it well over the past months.. I think I exaggerated a little and Alice told me everything that happened" she put her other hand over my hand "You went through bad things alone.. You should have told me when you were locked in your room in Manisa"

"Yes I know" I sighed a little remembering those dark months then tried to smile "Anyway we had a very strong friendship and I know my mistakes very well"

"Until now nothing has changed... I understood that you had your own reasons" she stood up then I did the same "Come on we will be late for the party"

 I understood that you had your own reasons" she stood up then I did the same "Come on we will be late for the party"

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I entered the harem with confident looks and a small smile thanks to Safiye Sultan's talk to me this morning


"A party?" I shook my head as if I had just heard the worst idea ever "No no valide... I won't be able to sit in the middle of the harem"

"It's been literally months Nurgül" she replied in a calm voice trying to convince me.

"Everyone still gossips about what happened when they see me" I lowered my head playing with my fingers... The girls here have nothing to do but gossip and create problems, what they heard from Eylem and seeing my good relationship with Mehmet despite everything made them make up some rumors that I am a witch and a devil and some other stuff.

Safiye Sultan put her hand under my chin and lifted my face so that my eyes met hers “There is nothing for you to be shy about... You are a beautiful and intelligent girl, the favorite of Sultan Mehmed Khan and the mother of the princes of our dynasty” She smiled confidently “I want you to always remember that you are one of the most important women in the world right now and millions of girls wish day and night to take your place”

|End of Flashback|

I bowed to Safiye Sultan with a smile and then sat next to her daughter, Razye Sultan.

"Good evening" I motioned to the maid to pour me some juice.

"Good evening my dear" Safiye Sultan who was sitting on her throne proudly replied with a smile.

I drank from my glass watching the party for a few minutes then turned to Razye "Where is Hafize Sultan?"

She approached me and spoke in a low voice "The Sultan said he wanted to talk to her about something important" When the signs of surprise appeared on my face, she added "According to what I heard, he is thinking of marrying her so today he will ask her if she is ready for this step"

"That would be great" I smiled and went back to drinking my juice, Mehmet must be very excited and wants the good news to fill this palace... All I want is to see him happy.

More than half an hour passed, Hafize Sultan returned and we continued to chat until suddenly I saw Matilda and Elizabeth enter.

Before I could say anything, I heard Safiye Sultan's voice saying "I invited them, I thought it would be nice to have your sisters join you in this party"

I smiled at her happily "Thank you, Sultana" I stood up and hugged Elizabeth and then Matilda "I missed you both"

Matilda laughed, putting her hand over her mouth "We only saw you two days ago and now you already missed us"

"I don't know, but I feel like time is passing slowly" We all sat down after greeting the Sultanas, then continued talking in low voices.

Matilda approached me "You're going to be a mother again, mmm you and your Sultan are unstoppable"

I tried to hold back my laughter and pinched her without anyone noticing "Shut up! Should I consult you before I get pregnant or what?"

She nodded “Yes that would be good because when we visit you always make me take care of your children”

I raised my eyebrows “You really are the worst aunt Matilda”

She laughed a little loudly “I’m just kidding.. I swear I love all your children”

Before I could answer her Fahriye Kalfa came and leaned next to my ear “The Sultan wants to see you now”

I excused myself from Safiye Sultan then headed to Mehmet’s room where I found him waiting for me.

"Mehmet" I smiled as I approached him "I wanted to see you all day long"

He ran his fingers over my cheek then placed a warm kiss on my lips "I also thought about you all day long even when I'm very busy you never leave my mind" He raised my hand then placed a kiss on it "I wanted to give you a small gift because nothing is worthy of everything you gave me"

I blinked my eyes in surprise "I can't deny that I love your gifts"

He nodded with a smile then moved away a little and took a book from his desk "It's a very rare book and the number of its editions can be counted on the fingers... -The New Life- by  Dante" He raised his head and looked into my eyes "Many months ago you told me how much you tried to search for it"

I took the book from his hands and felt like I was carrying a precious treasure "You remembered?" I looked at the book then at him again, one time when we were walking in the garden I told him how much I loved Dante's books and about my desire to have this exact book.

“Of course I did” A charming smile appeared on his lips then he placed them over mine.

“Of course I did” A charming smile appeared on his lips then he placed them over mine

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