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23:15pmI glanced out of the steamed window, studying the neighbourhood ahead before turning my attention back to bill

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I glanced out of the steamed window, studying the neighbourhood ahead before turning my attention back to bill. The heater blew straight onto my burning knees, a light drizzle outside.

"thanks for driving me back" I muttered, flashing a sincere smile at him.

"I'll take you inside" he insisted, tapping his nails across the wheel.

"You don't need to bill" I suggested, feeling a small pit form in my stomach.

A part of me wants him to follow me inside, it's undeniable that I've missed him and what we had. We'd always been close, inseparable at times.

My tired gaze met his, the gold flakes swimming in his honey eyes.

"I want to make sure you're safe" he admitted, tilting his head.

I snickered lowly at his response before opening my door, my bag hooked onto my elbow as bill followed. The car locked with a small click, my worn out heels dragging against the slippery concrete. I made my way up the slippy apartment steps, keeping myself stable on the black railing. The strong scent of rubbish flew up my nose, a wave of embarrassment washing over me. This is the only place I can afford right now, it would take me decades to even consider buying a house.

I sighed as I pulled out my silver keys, pushing them into door thirty two. Bill watched me silently, his dreads blowing in the harsh wind. The door opened with a creak as I stepped inside, flicking on the light above.

His eyes scanned the apartment, the small kitchen being to our left, the lounge in front. The bathroom sat on the right, my bedroom not too far from it. I placed my bag down on the white kitchen counter, prying off the heels that buried into my feet.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you choose a place like this to live" he questioned, slipping off his damp suit jacket.

"I didn't have much choice bill." I murmured, avoiding eye contact.

I've done the most I could with this place, when I first arrived here it was covered in thick mold. My nervous gaze flicked around the small space, admiring the lavender paint on the walls. Vanilla and coconut filled the room, the candle I'd left out still burning.

"This neighbourhood isn't exactly the safest." He grunted, turning back to me.

I nodded in response, heading towards my bedroom.

His soft footsteps followed behind me, my messy room making me cringe. I snatched up a two piece cotton set from my beige drawers, shooting a look at a curious bill.

"I'll sit in the lounge" he chuckled, closing the door slightly.


I sipped on the freshly made hot chocolate in my hands, bill's eyes burning into the side of my head.

"I don't want you living like this." He whispered, his gaze softening.

I raised my brows, turning my attention from the static television onto him. I attempted to look for a response but once again I had nothing to say, I didn't want to live like this. It's funny when I think about it, I went to college and took a marine biologist course, it was my dream. Living in America and studying the ocean, but things didn't work out. I needed to get away from Germany and decided to move here, I met faye shortly after and she referred me to Jacob.

"say something" bill insisted, turning off the television.

"In all honesty I don't know what to say bill, I haven't seen you in years." I huffed deeply, placing down my hot beverage.

A small smile appeared on his face as he shuffled closer to me, pulling the edge of my small blanket over his empty lap.

"you never told me why you left" I whispered, picking at my chipped nails.

"It was my mother's choice, when my parents broke up she didn't want to live in Germany anymore. I had no time to explain, I'm sorry" he sighed, running his fingers up my leg.

"So what do you do for work?" I blurted out, my curiosity getting the best of me.

He took a moment to answer, his eyes seeming to hide something.

"I'm a real estate agent" he chuckled, his jaw tensing.

"Oh wow, at least one of us made it" I joked, clearing my throat.

"well it could be both of us if you consider my offer" he continued, raising his pierced brow.

"you still haven't told me what the offer actually is" I pointed out, laying down my aching head.

"you'll come live with me, I'll take care of you" he grinned, a playful expression forming.

I studied his porcelain face for a moment, waiting for him to admit that he's joking but instead he moved closer, his left hand caressing my cheek softly. My lips parted slightly, my whole body heating up at his touch.

"I'm not asking you to make a decision yet, but i want to take care of you. I don't want to see you living like this anymore." He hummed softly, his eyes glowing in the moons reflection.

He inched closer once again, his boiling lips pressing into mine, my palm cupping his defined jawline. I slowly closed my eyes, allowing his tongue to explore my wanting mouth. His touch ever so soft, everything else drowning out instantly. He intentionally bit my lower lip, a fluttering sensation forming in my stomach as I pulled away.

"what do I have to lose?" I snickered, savouring his touch.

He grinned slowly, my heavy eyes begging to be closed.

"You should get some rest, we'll talk about it fully tomorrow" he suggested, jumping up.

He lent out his hand, mine enveloping his quickly as he led me to my bedroom. I immediately fell into the cotton sheets, bill plopping down next to me, stroking his fingers through my knotted hair.

"Goodnight y/n" he hushed, leaving a peck on my forehead.

My hand lay on his warm chest, the world blurring out as I finally fell asleep..

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