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12:45pm I rubbed my sore wrist as I jumped back into the dark car, bill shoving my bags into the back

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I rubbed my sore wrist as I jumped back into the dark car, bill shoving my bags into the back. The door slammed shut as he got in next to me, his pale hands shaking slightly. My lips formed a straight line as he began to drive, my brows furrowing in confusion.

"I thought we were going out for lunch?" I sighed, resting my head back.

"Change of plans" he muttered, speeding down the icy road.

I rolled my eyes as I stared out of the window, watching silently as snow fell onto the ground. I'm still worried about faye, I should've been a better friend. Instead I ran away when she needed me. Bill shot me a glance, his soft eyes speaking words he wouldn't.

We got home pretty fast considering the weather, I seriously don't know what's up with bill. I let out a grunt as I shut my door, helping bill with the bags in the back. I carried a few inside, Abel rushing over.

"I'll take those" he whispered, signaling over to luka in the lounge.

Bill cautiously headed over to him, two bodyguards behind the couches.

"I've been waiting here for an hour" Luka hummed, smoke leaving his lips.

"I didn't expect a visit" bill responded, pouring a glass of whiskey.

Luka called me over immediately, my arms crossed around my chest as I plopped down onto the soft cushion.

"You didn't tell me you moved?" Luka continued, tapping his knee.

"We were attacked." Bill groaned, seeming bored.

His eyes fell onto me, a sorrowful look on his porcelain face.

"how have you been y/n?" Luka asked, shooting me a wide grin.

"Good" I shrugged, tucking my hair behind my ear.

Luka nodded approvingly before placing down a white bag, motioning for me to open it. I raised my brows as I peaked inside of the bag, seeing a white corset dress, mesh on the hips.

"You'll wear it tonight at my party" he announced, fixing his tie.

"oh" I blurted out.

"We did have plans-"

"what?!" Luka interrupted bill loudly, his brows furrowed.

"We'll be there" bill smiled nervously, his jaw clearly tense.

"Very well then, I'll see you both at nine" Luka sighed, getting up.

I watched as bill showed him out, goosebumps forming on my skin. I jumped as bill obnoxiously threw his glass onto the marble floor, it shattering into small pieces.

"are you okay?" I gasped, heading over to him.

He stormed upstairs, leaving the shards across the lounge. I watched as Abel scurried around, quickly attempting to help him clean up.

"I'll do this miss" he assured, shaking his head.

I sighed as I stood up, my gaze turning to the revealing dress Luka had given me.

My heart raced as we approached Luka's house, the dark fortress dimly lit. A few people stood outside smoking, bill still not saying a word. I exited the car first as bill wrapped his arm around my waist, leading us into the party.

I coughed as I got a wave of smoke blown in my face, the foggy entrance hard to see.

"Names?" A man spoke, holding a clip board.

"Bill kaulitz and y/n floris" bill groaned, clearly unimpressed.

The man nodded as he led us through the house, taking us to a large back room. It looked like a club, a bar, dance floor, bathrooms, everything. My eyes widened as we made our way further inside, Luka immediately calling us over. Bill hesitantly led the way, my heels making my ankles ache.

"So glad you could make it" Luka winked, looking me up and down.

I nodded politely before sitting down, luka's arm resting on the booth frame behind me.

"You look ravishing" he whispered, brushing his finger across my neck.

I chuckled nervously, an uncomfortable feeling surrounding my frame. The loud music blared through my sensitive ears, Luka leaning in closer.

"Come with me" he hummed, his tooth gems shining under the blue lights.

I felt a tingling feeling crawl up my throat, my breathing hitched.

"why?." I asked, my voice shaky.

"I want to talk to you, privately" he grinned, moving my hair from my shoulder.

Before I could say anything else he stood up, glaring at me to follow him. I shot bill a concerned glance as I cautiously got up. He pushed me ahead of him, leading us to the back rooms. He unlocked the door with a gold key, holding out his hand for me to enter.

I bit my cheek as I did, a black bed in the centre with gold sheets. He shut the door with a smooth click before wandering over to the bed, his body falling onto it roughly.

"Come" he called, patting the spot next to him.

My body froze up as I walked over to him, my hands shaking by my side. My nerves went into overload as his hand trailed to my thigh, the hairs on my neck standing up.

"w-what did you want to talk about?" I stuttered, moving my leg from his reach.

"about us of course sweetheart" he grimaced, kissing my shoulder.

"I think we should head back." I gasped, sprinting towards the door.

His hard hand grabbed my arm, pushing me into the velvet wall. He towered over me as his free hand reached for my breasts.

"no!" I yelled, smacking his hands away.

"Don't be so difficult." He scowled, edging closer to my face.

My bottom lip quivered as his lips met my neck, a tear strolling down my hidden cheek. My eyes quickly searched around the room, locking onto my heels. I kicked it off into my hand before slamming it into his jaw, a loud groan leaving his vile lips.

"are you insane?!" He screamed, grabbing my hair.

I cried as he threw me back onto the bed, his hands gripping at my white dress.

"get off of me!" I sobbed, digging my nails into his broad shoulders.

He held down my wrists with one hand, blood dripping from his cut lip as he trailed his free hand up my waist.

"bill." I wailed..

snowfall || BILL KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now