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08:30amMy brows furrowed slightly as I begun to hear loud music coming from downstairs

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My brows furrowed slightly as I begun to hear loud music coming from downstairs. I opened my eyes to see Willem standing by the window, smoking a cigar.

"finally you're awake" he muttered, shooting a glance back at me.

My eyes dropped low as I sat up, staring at the red marks on my wrists. The cuffs had dug into my skin so harshly.

"It's time to get up, you've got work to do" Willem continued, walking towards me.

"what?" I whispered, my lips forming a straight line.

He stayed silent as a smirk formed on his pale face, smoke still leaving his dry lips. He grabbed my upper arm, forcing me up from the bed. My feet met with the cold ground as Willem tugged me out of the warm room, the music grew louder as we headed down the hallway.

I winced as my hip scraped against the glass railing, Willem rushing down the steps. Cassius stood in the kitchen, drinking a small glass of whiskey.

"Everything is prepared sir" he shouted, nodding to Willem.

"Great." Willem added, turning the corner.

He led me to a dark red door behind the glass stairs, the source of music coming from there. The door opened in the same moment, dark purple drapes hung from the ceiling. Blood red carpet led straight down into a secret room, almost like a private club.

My eyes widened as I took in the room, luxurious sofas lay on either side, a stage in the centre with two silver poles upon it. A bar was to my right, the red neon lights clashing with the decor. My lips parted when I saw a familiar face, faye.

"Oh yes. I thought I'd bring your friend along, see I'm not all bad" Willem mocked, releasing my arm.

I hurried over to faye, her lifeless eyes locked onto the ground.

"faye." I muttered, kneeling down in front of her.

She sat on the stage, her body dressed in a revealing black one piece.

"are you okay?" I croaked, tears forming in my own eyes.

"I'm sorry." She cried, her body shaking softly.

"what?" I mumbled, pulling her into my arms.

"I should've never gotten you that job. This was all my fault." She sobbed, her nails clawing into my flesh.

I shook my head softly, our tears blending together.

"it's not your fault." I assured, my heart pounding.

Her bloodshot eyes met mine as she sat up again, a look of determination flashed across her face.

"I promise I'll get you out of here." She whispered, wiping her wet cheeks.

I nodded as I observed the room once again, Willems loud footsteps coming closer.

"Put this on." He hummed, throwing down a red two piece.

I hesitated as I looked down at the small fabric, chills running down my spine.

"now." He spoke firmly.

I sniffled lowly as I stood up, the red fabric hanging in my hand as I met Faye's gaze.

"I'll be back in a minute." I smiled, wiping my own tears.

Willem pointed over to another door in the corner of the room, it was almost unnoticeable if he hadn't pointed it out.

"Get dressed in there." He sighed, placing his hands on his hips.

I nodded before walking past him, the music faded slowly as I reached the door, turning the gold handle. It revealed a long hallway, doors each side of me. It reminded me of my old club, just more luxurious. I opted for the first room, my eyes scanning over the decor. A large bed sat in the middle, candles and mirrors spread across the small space.

My legs shook below me, the black heels supporting my feet ready to snap. Sweat dripped down my forehead, my gaze turning blurry as my feet gave in. My knees slammed into the hard stage floor, faye running to my aid immediately.

"She needs to rest." She announced, shooting me a worried glance.

"not until she's perfected her moves." Willem scowled, strolling towards us.

"She's exhausted." Faye sighed, wiping my forehead.

"Do I look like I give a fuck?! Get her up." He yelled, his voice piercing through my ears.

Faye hesitated, anger burning in her dark eyes.

"Don't." I whispered, my voice low.

She swallowed her fury before lifting me up, my tired gaze meeting the dance instructors. Her soft gaze turned to meet mine, worry flooding throughout them.

"well we was just about to take a bre-"

"Excuse me?!" Willem screamed, interrupting the woman.

"nothing sir" she smiled, her auburn hair dropping onto her shoulders.

"Back to positions ladies" the woman continued, tilting her head slightly.

Faye's eyebrows furrowed as she helped me back into position before returning back to the other pole.

My whole body ached as I sat down on the kitchen stool, faye joining me quietly. She passed me a plate of freshly cooked lasagna, a smile plastered on her face.

"What about you?" I asked, my throat dry.

"I'll eat after you." She insisted, shoving a fork into my hand.

I nodded as I turned my gaze to the steaming lasagna, my stomach growling in pain. It had been a while since I'd eaten something like this, my diet had been sandwiches and sometimes junk food. From what I've gathered Willem wants us to perform for him and his cronies, something about it all makes me feel sick. As if something's wrong. It's hard to accept that this might be my future, now that bill is..

I paused, tears swelling my eyes. I swallowed the piece of lasagna in my mouth, Faye's hand resting on my shoulder.

"What's wrong?" She asked, peering down at me.

I shook my head, my throat burning. If I spoke I'd break. As much as I hated him I also loved him, seeing him drop to the ground in front of me is something I'll never forget.

"y/n. Speak to me." She pleaded, her lip curling down.

"he's gone." I croaked, a sob escaping my parted lips.

"bill..?" She whispered, her eyes glazing over.

I managed a small nod, sensing her disapproval.

"don't say it." I cried, placing down my fork.

"say what?." She sighed, moving closer.

"that it's for the best." I sniffled, avoiding her gaze.

She shook her head, her lips parting slowly.

"you loved him."....

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