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(Apologies for not posting yesterday, I got called in for a late shift 🙏🏻)

15:34pm My eyes fluttered open to the dimly lit plane, bill sleeping peacefully against my shoulder

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My eyes fluttered open to the dimly lit plane, bill sleeping peacefully against my shoulder. I hummed quietly as I sat up, careful enough not to wake him. I flicked off the television before slowly sliding the small door open, my eyes scanning down the corridor.

I carefully stepped over bill, my feet hitting the floor with a soft thud. I set my eyes on one of the flight attendants, my breathing low as I approached her.

"Excuse me, where is the bathroom?" I asked, smiling at her.

"Just down the end" she hummed, pointing behind me.

I nodded as I headed backwards, pushing the blue curtain to the side. I tiptoed through economy, my gaze meeting with the bathroom sign. I gently unlocked the door, stepping inside of the small space. My brows raised as someone nudged me into the sink, locking the door behind them.

I quickly turned around, being faced with a tall man. He wore a black suit, his pale skin hiding behind it. My eyes moved to the eerie smile forming on his lips, one of his hands behind his back.

"what are you doing?" I muttered, my face scrunched up.

"Shhh!" He growled, covering my mouth.

"You've been very hard to find." He whispered, revealing a sharp knife from behind him.

My eyes grew wider, my breathing unstable as I stared back at him. His finger pulled down my bottom lip, my body frozen in fear.

"w-who are you." I asked, my voice shaky.

"That doesn't matter my love." He laughed, tilting his head.

"don't call me that." I scowled, my brows furrowed.

"Or what?" He spat, drawing the knife to my throat.

I pushed myself further back against the dripping sink, the cold metal pressing into my skin as he edged closer.

"Unfortunately I'm not allowed to kill you. yet." He pouted, a tear rolling down my cheek.

"Enjoy your time while it lasts. We're coming for you." He whispered, his breath hot against my ear.

My breathing became hollow as he drew the knife towards my face, taking a quick and sharp slit across my cheek. I screamed lowly as I cupped my face, my body hitting the thin wall.

"That's a warning, I'll see you soon y/n" he chuckled, swinging open the door.

I cupped my face harder as he left, my teary eyes scanning around the bathroom. I quickly fled from the small room, sprinting down the corridor. The guy was nowhere to be seen, passengers glaring at me concerned as I hurried past them.

"Stop the plane!" I screamed, blood trickling down my face.

"What happened miss?" The flight attendant asked, her eyes wide.

"You have to stop the flight!" I growled, grabbing her arm.

Bill jumped up out of bed, his hand gripping my wrist as he pulled me away from the woman. I spun around to face him, his brows furrowed.

"What the fuck happened?!" He gasped, lifting my chin up.

"Someone's after me again. We have to go home." I panicked, my face inches from his.

"No one is after us. I made sure of that, just sit down please." He sighed, pushing me onto the bed.

I shook my head as I unwillingly sat down, my eyes flooded with tears.

"no no! You're not listening." I growled, my head falling back.

"Miss you're going to need to calm down." The woman spoke, pushing bill to the side.

I continued to shake my head as she cleaned my fresh wound, the wet wipe stinging horrendously. She placed a skin like plaster over the cut before wiping the blood from my neck.

"Has she been drinking?" The woman asked, my eyes narrowing.

"How dare you." I scowled, my jaw tense.

"Not that I know of. I'll take care of her from now on" bill huffed, plopping down next to me.

The woman nodded before scurrying away, I rolled over onto my side. Bill wrapped his arm around me, his head falling onto my arm.

"Take a nap, it's been a long flight." He whispered, kissing my shoulder.

"you don't believe me." I growled.

"I do." He hummed, running his hands through my hair.

I slammed my eyes shut, pulling the thin blanket over my head.

I stormed through security, waiting to collect my luggage as bill and his security guards rushed behind me. I chewed at my nails, my eyes flicking around the crowded room. I set my eyes on my black suitcase, lifting it up before slamming it onto the ground.

"Slow down." Bill sighed, grabbing my arm.

"we need to get out of here." I murmured, looking over his shoulder.

My lips parted slightly as I saw the same man, that same eerie smile on his pale face as he waved. He pointed to the clock above him, my breathing hitched.

"That's him." I whispered as bill turned around.

My brows furrowed as he disappeared, my head beginning to shake again.

"let's go." Bill sighed, grabbing his luggage off of Abel.

My eyes squinted as we headed out of the airport, abel catching a taxi for all of us.

"I swear he was there." I began to cry, my head pounding.

Bill's unsure expression met mine, his eyes falling low.

"I never said he wasn't, you seem tired" he smiled, pecking my forehead.

"I am not tired. I know what I saw." I spat, snatching my hand from his.

He nodded slightly, passing my suitcase to the taxi driver. I wiped away my tears as I hopped into the back, the cold leather scraping against my bitter skin. The car was quiet, too quiet. I glanced out of the window, my eyes squinting at the neon lights around the town.

I could feel bills eyes on me, burning into the side of my head. His uncertainty obvious, my jaw still tense.

"I promise you're safe." Bill hummed as he kissed my shaky hand.

My head hit the seat quietly, watching the world pass by around me as the car sped up..

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