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I froze for a second, reacting with a small chuckle

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I froze for a second, reacting with a small chuckle. Her eyes squinted to my response, catching some undivided attention.

"That's the funniest thing I've heard all day." I snickered, fanning myself dramatically.

"I'm not joking. Do you really believe I'd make you meet me just to tell you a joke?" She growled, clearly annoyed.

My face relaxed, my brows raising.

"I should go." I sighed, snatching up my bag.

"you have to listen to me, I'm trying to help you!" She scowled, grabbing my hand.

I pulled it back from her grasp, my eyes narrowing.

"Don't grab me. This conversation is over, you're sick. I've known him since we were kids." I defended, my stomach churning.

"You may have known him then but he's not the same person anymore." She pleaded, her brows curling down.

I shook my head, nudging past her to leave. I searched around the busy streets, noticing the security guard still waiting for me. I hurried back over to the parked car, my hair whipping my cold cheeks. Snow had begun to settle around Russia, the skies a dark grey.

"Are you alright ma'am?" Abel asked as I jumped into the car, my jaw tense.

"I'm fine just drive please" I sighed, glaring out of the open window.

Abel nodded in response, starting up the dark car with a click. Jasmine sprinted down the street, her voice slowly getting louder.

"y/n! Don't trust a word he says!" She screamed, small tears forming in her hollow eyes.

My face turned a shade of red, quickly doing up my window. My head fell back into the seat, the world around me spinning.

"if you don't mind me asking miss, what was that?" Abel questioned, his voice flat.

"It was nothing." I huffed, rubbing my temples.

I don't know what just happened, why would she say that? I've known bill for years, he's not a liar never mind a killer. That kind of stuff scared him, deep down I know he's still the sweet boy I used to know. He has to be.


I sat perched up on the kitchen bar stools, watching as one of the chefs impressively cooked my lunch. My eyes observed the house, wondering how different things could have been. In all honesty I gave up on my dreams, but the regret never left me. My eyes shot up from the rug as Bill's car pulled up the driveway, another car following after his.

"Here you are ma'am" Diablo sung, placing down a plate.

"Thank you" I smiled, being handed a glass of fresh lemonade.

He nodded, heading back to the kitchen. I didn't want anything fancy so I opted for a grilled cheese sandwich, basic but delicious. I wrapped my lips around the sandwich, my eyes closing with delight as it hit my taste buds.

"This is unacceptable!" Bill screamed, catching my attention.

My brows raised, wondering why he was yelling. I dusted off my hands as I placed down my bitten sandwich, jumping off of the black stool. I trailed over to the garage door, Abel and another security guard stepping in front of me.

"I want to see if he's okay?" I frowned, my hands meeting my hips.

"I'm sorry ma'am this doesn't concern you, please sit back down" Abel spoke coldly, his voice firm.

My brows furrowed, hearing a loud bang which made me jump slightly. Abel and the other security guard shot each other a glance before grabbing a hold of my arm, Abel snatched up my plate and drink quickly. They both dragged me upstairs, opening one of the other rooms. It was bare, nothing but white carpet inside.

"What are you doing?!" I bellowed, kicking my feet.

"I'm sorry miss." Abel muttered, placing down my lunch.

The other security guard held me before pushing me onto the ground, the door slamming shut. I ran towards it quickly, hearing a lock click. I panted lowly, questioning what was happening. did they seriously just lock me in here?

"Let me the fuck out!" I yelped, banging on the wall.

"wait till bill finds out" I continued, biting my lip.

"He already knows ma'am." Abel tutted loudly.

I let out a low shriek, my lip slowly quivering as I hit the ground. I buried my head into my knees, listening to bill yelling, constant loud bangs coming from the garage. Why would he lock me in here?.

I stared at the beige wall, the night sky outside now pitch black. Three hours had passed since I'd been thrown in here, my body sprawled across the carpet. I slowly began to hear footsteps come closer to the door, immediately shooting up. The door soon opened, Abel standing there with his usual black suit on.

"You fucking bastard!" I screamed, launching at him.

I hit everywhere I could, as hard as I could. Bill suddenly appeared behind him, his hand gripping my wrist.

"Why the fuck would you lock me in there?!" I scowled, my teeth grinding.

"Lower your voice" bill growled, his dreads tied back.

"Or what?" I bellowed, tilting my head.

His left hand suddenly whipped against my cheek, the sharp shooting pain vibrating throughout my body. My head stayed to the side, my hair covering my watering eyes.

"don't question my actions" he whispered, pulling me towards the bedroom.

"you knew I hated small spaces." I cried, keeping my gaze low.

"If you would've minded your business this wouldn't have have happened" he sighed, shutting the door.

He released his grip on my wrist, my body falling into the messy bed. My sorrowful tears streamed down my face, the pain still lingering. Bill shuffled over to his bar, pouring a glass of whiskey once again. The balcony doors lay ajar, the bitter breeze wondering around the dim room. My knotted hair still covering my red cheek, a feeling of embarrassment forming in my stomach.

"I'm sorry. Something went wrong in the business today, I wanted to make sure you were safe." He murmured, waltzing over.

"safe from what?" I asked, not daring to meet his cold gaze.

He stayed quiet, his body resting near mine. His hand trailed onto my thigh, my lips forming a straight line.

"There's things I can't tell you about my world, you're apart of that now." He whispered..

snowfall || BILL KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now