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10:21am I let out a low sigh as the warm water poured down my stained body, watching as the dried blood trickled down the drain

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I let out a low sigh as the warm water poured down my stained body, watching as the dried blood trickled down the drain. The sweet scent of cinnamon lingering in the air, Bill's hands snaking around my waist. I closed my hollow eyes as he placed a kiss on my cheek, my body pushing into his. His fast heartbeat pressed into my wet shoulder, my arm trailing towards the back of his head.

I slowly twisted my body around, meeting his low stare. His pale skin glistened under the water as if diamonds were falling from his frame. I lifted his chin up softly, pecking his lips slightly.

"I was thinking we could go out today" he whispered, caressing my cheek.

"after what happened yesterday?" I sighed, my lips curling down.

"I won't let anyone hurt you, I promise." He reassured, a smile forming on his porcelain face.

I raised my brow before kissing him once again, letting the pure bliss take over my soul. His careful hands drifted down my body, his touch making me weaker.

"where are we going then?" I chuckled, pulling away.

"Well first we should head to the mall, you need some clothes and then we'll go for lunch?" He asked, kissing my collarbone.

"Sounds good but I'm starving" I hummed, thinking about breakfast.

"Better hurry up then" he teased, pulling me back into his alluring kiss.

I laughed softly throughout it, the water enveloping me fully.

I hummed lowly, picking at the dress bill had given me to wear. It was a dark purple shade, reminding me of a summer dress. It was puffed at the bottom, the back left open. His head peaked around the door frame, a suit wrapped around his tall body.

"Why do you always wear a suit?" I pointed out, tilting my head.

"I prefer it" he shrugged, admiring me.

I snickered at his response before slipping my feet into the flat shoes next to me.

"Ready?" He questioned, holding out his hand.

I nodded, grabbing his hand as I led him downstairs. This house is truly massive, two separate staircases on each side. Abel and another man stood by the black doors, opening them quickly as they noticed our approach. The car unlocked with a small click, bill attempting to race me, defeat shadowing over him.

I smugly sat in the passenger seat, wrapping my seatbelt around me as bill hopped in. He started it up immediately, the gates behind automatically opening. I set my eyes on the scenery whisking past us, snow settling under the trees. The mall wasn't too far from us, Bill's music making time pass by with ease.

Once we'd finally arrived I headed straight inside, my gaze scanning the mountains of stores.

"Where to?" Bill grinned, holding my hand tightly.

I dragged him over to a basic clothing store, in need of some 'normal' clothes. We got to the door but bill stopped suddenly, his honey eyes turning to his pocket.

"You go on I won't be long" he sighed, answering the phone.

My lips formed a straight line as he passed me his credit card, guilt pouring into my stomach. He walked away as I continued into the store, a lady greeting me with a wide smile. I observed the vibrant clothes, brushing my fingers over the different textures. I threw a few tops and jeans over my arm, satisfied with the selection.

"y/n?" A familiar voice gasped.

I immediately turned around to see faye, dark bags under her once bright eyes. She wore a grey hoodie, baggy jeans covering her skinny legs.

"faye." I muttered, my brows curling up.

Her bottom lip trembled as she ran towards me, her arms hugging my body tightly. I pulled her in closer as a tear fell onto my shoulder, the smell of cigarettes flying up my nose.

"I-I thought you were dead." She sobbed, cupping my face.

"dead??" I murmured, my eyes wide.

"is he here with you? Has he hurt you?" She questioned, pulling at my dress.

I moved her hands away, my breathing hitched.

"I'm fine faye." I admitted, my eyes falling to the tile ground.

"You need to leave him y/n. He's not who you think he is." She whispered, picking at her red nails.

My brows furrowed, catching a glance of bill outside.

"I said I'm fine. I wish everyone would just accept that." I scowled, turning my attention back to her.

"He's going to sell you. Look hard enough and you'll find proof." She snapped, tears still running down her puffy face.

"that's nonsense. I'm worried about you." I growled, rubbing my pounding forehead.

Her words were cut off by bill, his heavy footsteps trailing towards us. I shook my head at her, seeing the fury in her eyes.

"Oh hello faye." Bill smiled, wrapping his arm around my waist.

"Don't hello me. I know who you are." She spat, looking him up and down.

His jaw tensed as his gaze turned to me.

"Are you done?" He questioned, taking the clothes from my grasp.

I nodded as he placed them onto the counter, Faye's presence making me shiver.

"If you touch her I'll kill you myself." She growled, her voice shaky.

"is this woman bothering you?" A blonde woman asked, her hands on her hips.

"Yes she is." Bill scowled, his brows furrowed.

The woman nodded, escorting Faye out of the store.

"Don't listen to him!" Faye screamed, her voice echoing into my ears.

Bill swiped his card into the reader as the woman passed over the two black bags. His hand met mine again, leading us out of the shop. He walked extremely fast, my body barely keeping up.

"Slow down bill." I huffed, my wrist aching.

"that bitch." He muttered under his breath.

I let out a whine as he dragged me up the escalator, people gasping as they noticed bill. I looked around for faye but no sight of her anymore, her voice still replaying in my mind. Who should i believe?.

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