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I fluttered my eyes open to the sun piercing through the window, the messy blanket hugging my warm body. The sweet smell of vanilla still hung in the air, reminding me of last night. I dug through my hazy memories, going back to his soft lips, the ecstasy running through my veins. I lingered in the moment, tracing my fingers across my longing lips.

Bill cleared his throat, making me jump slightly. I shuffled my gaze to his, his sunkissed body leaning against my door frame. Seeing him like that makes me grateful for the sun's appearance.

"Morning beautiful" he hummed, admiring me gracefully.

"Morning" I muttered, my cheeks heating up.

I arose from the bed, dangling my feet from the frame before stretching out my sore limbs.

"I've booked us lunch at katyusha" he announced, pulling me into his grasp.

I raised my brows in surprise, his body towering over mine. His hand caressed my lower back for a moment, utterly lost in his honey gaze.

"what time?" I finally asked, tilting my head into his chest.

"Twelve thirty" he continued, tapping his black watch.

My eyes widened as I pulled away from him, only to be whisked back. He lifted my jaw carefully, pressing his glossy lips into mine, my hand gripping his dreads. His tongue slowly explored my wanting mouth, my beating body pressing into his.

"you better hurry" he snickered, pecking my nose.

I furrowed my brows as I tumbled to the bathroom, snatching up my blue toothbrush. I applied a thin layer of paste, shoving it into my mouth as I stared into the mirror ahead. Ever since bill left my whole world had lost colour, everything seemed the same, even the people. No one came close to bringing me the same joy he did. Last night had been one of the best nights in years, apart from losing my job.

I laughed at that thought before spitting out the white paste.

My eyes searched around the gold and black restaurant, it being something completely out of a movie. Our table was set near a lily painting, the ceiling covered in gold flakes. My glass topped up with red wine, my stomach growling.

"I'll be back in a moment" I whispered to bill, carefully getting up.

He nodded in response, watching me as I scurried around to find the bathroom. I spotted a waitress and quickly headed over, my heels tapping against the marble flooring.

"Excuse me, do you know where the bathroom is?" I questioned, my lips forming a straight line.

Her dark eyes scanned down my petite frame, her lip curling up.

"Down to your right" she tutted, clearly not impressed.

I rolled my eyes as I strolled away, letting her helpful guide lead me. I set my eyes on the white wooden doors, pushing them open with little effort. I basically sprinted into one of the stalls, my eyes closing in relief when I finally hit the seat.

I finished up quickly, stepping out of the stall to the line of marble sinks. I squirted a small amount of soap onto my hands, running them under the gold tap.

"Y/n?" A high pitched voice shrieked.

I shot up, looking through the mirror to see jasmine. Her brunette hair pulled back in a neat bun, an elegant royal blue dress draped across her tanned body. Gold stacked on her wrists.

"Jasmine" I chuckled, drying my hands.

"It's so good to see you!" She yelled, pulling me in for a hug.

I hugged her back softly, her rich perfume shooting up my sensitive nose.

"how have you been?" She asked, fluttering her long lashes.

"I've been alright, and you?" I responded, leaning back slightly.

"I've been great, are you on a date?" She teased, giving me a wink.

"I guess you could call it that" I snickered, admiring her glamorous heels.

"And his name is??" She exclaimed, shooting me a wide grin.

"Bill, bill kaulitz" I murmured, biting my lip.

Her face immediately dropped, a look of disbelief and fear shadowing over her.

"what?" I snorted, my brows furrowed.

"I-i have to go." She panicked, rushing away.

I shook my head confusingly before following after her, by the time I'd reached bill there was no sign of jasmine. I let out a sigh, returning to my plush seat.

My eyes fell onto the food being placed before me, wasting no time to dig in. Bill chuckled as he sipped on his wine, gracefully picking up his fork.

I hummed along to a song in my head, waiting for bill to finish up in the jewellers shop. After lunch we decided to look around town, it's been lovely spending time with him again.

"Jasmine!" I yelled, noticing her getting into a cab.

Her eyes avoided mine as I rushed over, my dress swaying above my ankles.

"why did you run off?" I demanded to know, holding open the grey door.

She let out a huff, her eyes filled with sorrow as she met mine.

"I can't talk here" she whispered, pulling out a piece of paper.

I watched as she wrote down her number, it being placed into my clammy palm.

"Meet me tomorrow afternoon at the cafe" she sighed, pulling the door to a close.

I shut my eyes in frustration, pushing the piece of paper into my bag as bill finally waltzed over. He held a small black bag in his left hand, a smirk on his pale face.

"are you ready to go back?" He asked, reaching for my hand.

I nodded, walking ahead before he stopped me.

"I was thinking we could go to mine tonight, I'd like you to see where you may be living" he announced, raising his brow.

"Only if you insist" I joked, shivering at the cold breeze.

"Let's go" he chuckled, leading me back to the car.

I quickly jumped into the front, relaxing as I turned on the heater. I was hoping the sun would stay for longer but I guess not. I lay my head back onto the leather seat, bill hopping in next to me.

"you're going to love it" he claimed, pecking my hand..

snowfall || BILL KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now