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I let out a low hum, the quiet sound of fire crackling in the background

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I let out a low hum, the quiet sound of fire crackling in the background. We all sat at the large dining table, Bella walking through the door wearing a classy black dress. The sweet savoury smell of honey and gammon being prepared in the kitchen, my lips forming a straight line as I looked down at myself. I wore a baggy white shirt that hung off my left shoulder and some black woolly shorts.

I didn't know that we were going to be having a dinner like this, I would've got changed into something more.. appropriate. I moved my gaze to ana and miles, them both hugging their mom tightly.

"Thanks for this" Bella smiled at bill as she pulled out her chair.

"Well I thought we could all do with some family time" bill responded, his eyes glossy as he turned his gaze back to me.

My gaze fell low as I realised he was staring at me, picking at my chipped nails underneath the marble table.

"He's right, family is important" Tom added, taking a sip of his wine.

Bella nodded as she kissed him on the cheek, the chemistry between them hard to miss. My eyes rose up as the chefs brought in dinner, their hands full with delicious food.

"Thank you" I whispered as one of them placed a plate in front of me.

I picked up my fork and knife, beginning to cut up the honey smothered gammon. The snow outside now reached to our knees, the stars in the sky glistening with the moon. I closed my eyes as I began eating, my growling stomach now at rest.

"I'll see you soon" Bella hummed as she hugged me softly.

The strong scent of lily's flew up my nose as I pulled back, the kids waving at me as they all headed out. Bill stood by the door as I made my way to the stairs, seeking a hot shower. I tiptoed into our bedroom, beginning to remove my clothes. I hummed as I reached the bathroom, turning on the hot water immediately.

My body soaked up the heat, the water enveloping me completely. I tilted my head slightly, allowing it to trickle down my back. I lifted my head back up as I felt his presence behind me, goosebumps forming on my skin. His arm snaked around my waist carefully, a gentle kiss being planted on my shoulder.

"I'll do anything to make this right." bill whispered, his breath brushing against my ear.

My heart pounded in my chest as I twirled around, my gaze meeting his.

"I-" I cut his sentence short with my lips, my left hand cupping his jaw softly.

He fell into the kiss quickly, his hand resting on the small of my back. My free hand trailed down his faint abs, his skin angelic to touch. My tongue tangled with his, his warm body pressing into mine. Both of his hands cupped under my buttocks, lifting me up carefully as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

My back met the cold shower wall, steam filling the bathroom. I let out a small moan as his fingers brushed across my clit, my head falling back. His fingers explored my core softly as his mouth met my nipple, my hands tightening around his back.

"You're so beautiful" he whispered, his teeth brushing against my breasts.

I bit down on my lower lip as he entered two fingers, my head falling onto his wet shoulder. His kisses moved to my neck, deliberately sucking at the exposed skin as I dug my nails into his back.

"I want you" I muttered, gripping onto his dreads instinctively.

He slowly removed his fingers, positioning himself with my core before gently pushing himself inside. His hands lay under buttocks, the water spilling over us both as he carefully thrusted into me.

My heavy eyes flickered as the television played, my head resting on Bill's chest as we lay in bed. His thumb caressing my hip, his breathing slow but steady.

"so about that vacation?" He hummed, placing a kiss on my forehead.

I looked up at him observingly, running my finger across his bullet wound. The stitches could still be felt, the skin no longer red.

"Where would we go?" I asked, a sigh leaving my lips.

"Anywhere you want" he smiled softly, his head tilting.

"I wouldn't even know." I huffed, glancing back at the television.

"Where have you always wanted to go?" He grinned, lifting my chin up.

"I think Tokyo is stunning" I chuckled, raising my brow.

"Tokyo hm?" He snickered.

I nodded as I rolled my eyes, falling back onto my side of the bed. My head rested on the cold pillow, bill pulling the blanket over my chest.

"Then we'll go to Tokyo" he whispered, placing his arm around me.

"Okay." I laughed, my cheeks hot.

He placed one last kiss on my cheek as he closed his eyes, my body rolling onto its side automatically. I let out a sigh as I met with the window, watching snowflakes whisk past the glass. The trees gently swaying with the wind. A part of me feels that I've given in too quickly, but is there ever a right time? He's the person I love, the person I'd fight for. I sometimes find myself wondering what would've happened if bill didn't call off the deal, where would I be now? Would I even be alive?

My mother always taught me to forgive, to not live in bitterness. I don't know when I'll fully forgive him, but for now I'm going to try. Try to forget about luka and everything else. My glossy eyes closed, darkness swallowing me as I drifted off to sleep..

snowfall || BILL KAULITZWhere stories live. Discover now