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23:55pm My body slouched onto the ragged carpet below, Willem and Cassius making their way into the dimly lit lounge

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My body slouched onto the ragged carpet below, Willem and Cassius making their way into the dimly lit lounge. Abel followed sheepishly behind them, a smug smile plastered on his lying face.

"What's the plan boss?" Cassius hummed, sliding a cigarette between his pale lips.

"We need to head back to Russia as soon as possible, the court will be all over this like a fly to shit." Willem growled, rubbing his forehead.

"Do you want me to call the pilot?" Abel asked, glaring down at me.

Willem shook his head immediately, his eyes narrowing.

"Too risky, find me a new car and bring it back here asap." Willem continued, shooting a look to Abel.

He nodded in agreement before turning back to the open front door, his footsteps were heavy as he strolled away. My gaze locked with the carpet, my body still in shock. Although I didn't feel anything anymore, not anger, nor sadness. I felt empty as though someone had ripped my soul from my being.

"I shall call our security to prepare the house" Cassius announced, pulling out his phone.

He trailed away into Willems bedroom, his voice barely above a whisper.

"you're going to love what I have planned for you back home and your little friend. faye." Willem grimaced, my eyes dull as I continued to look away from him.

"Oh don't be so gloomy. He never loved you. You were merely a pawn in his game." He sighed, kneeling down.

He lifted up my cold chin with his slender fingers, dried tears sinking into my pale skin. My stomach growled lowly as he stared at me, his dark brow arching.

"ah yes. I should feed you." He tutted, his fingers falling from my face.

My back lay against the bitter wall as Willem headed to the small kitchen, plates smashing together in the distance. I used to believe I was destined for something great, something bigger than this. I was young and naive, filled with empty dreams. I have nothing to show for my life, i already feel as though I'm dead. A lifeless body being forced to relive my fears, my nightmares that haunted me.

My thoughts trailed away as Willem handed me a microwaved pizza. It was small and round, a few pepperoni pieces spread around. The hot plate fell into my palm as Willem watched, my cold lips meeting the flavourless meal.


"All ready sir." Abel grinned, standing by the front door.

Willem nodded before grabbing my arm, shoving me out of the small apartment.

"light it up." Willem whispered, turning back to Cassius.

"there are people in there. Children." I muttered, my eyes wide.

"Did I ask for your input? shut up." Willem scowled, nodding back to Cassius.

He pulled a matchstick box from his pocket, scraping one off of the side so that a single flame arose. In the same breath he threw it into the lifeless apartment, my mouth falling open.

Willem rushed us down the steps as the fire begun to spread, Abel already starting up the red vehicle. My lip trembled as we hit the ground, the smell of wood burning shooting up my nose. Next thing I knew I was in the back of a car, Willem sitting next to me. A smile grew on his face as people began to scream in terror, their bodies soon to be turned to ash.

My head hit the seat as Abel sped off, my hair slashing against my red cheeks.

-6 days later-
My eyes unwillingly opened as a large house came into view. My throat begging for water, my body completely weak.

"Did my present arrive safely?" Willem questioned, yawning harshly.

"Yes sir, she's being held in the basement." Abel nodded, parking up the car.

My brows furrowed in confusion as a tall suited man opened my door, grabbing my arms. He bound my wrists with cold metal cuffs before dragging me out of the car.

"Where should I take her sir?" The man asked, turning to Willem.

"To my bedroom." He hummed, slamming his door shut.

I didn't fight back, nor struggle. Everything I cared about was gone, lost forever. I didn't care what happened to me anymore. I observed the foyer quietly, gold and white splattered around the house. Before I could take in anymore details I was met with a flight of glass stairs, my bare feet sinking into the coolness.

Upstairs was dark, so dark i couldn't make anything out. I heard the suited man unlock a door, a chandelier hanging in the centre of the purple room. I glanced down at the lion print rug, a king sized bed in front of it. An open bathroom was to the right, no privacy in sight. A large closet lay next to it, a tall single plant up against the wall. A simple black side table next to the bed, the left side being bare.

"It's still being decorated, this house is new." The man tutted, letting go of me.

"Mr Willem will be with you soon" he continued before waltzing away into the darkness.

I let out an empty sigh as I sat down on the bed, the silk sheets soothing my sore skin. I moved my gaze to the windows opposite me, a forest surrounding the place. I had never been to this part of Russia. My heavy eyes fluttered as my body fell backwards, the cuffs behind me digging harshly into my back..

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