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16:34pm I hummed as I finished off my cappuccino, placing down the empty cup as I shot a glance at bill

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I hummed as I finished off my cappuccino, placing down the empty cup as I shot a glance at bill. The cafe's string lights reflected in his golden eyes, his face cold with no emotion showing.

"What's wrong?" I whispered, leaning into him.

"Nothing." He assured, plastering a smile on his pale face.

"are you sure?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.

He nodded blankly in response, my brows raising as I sat back in my wooden chair. I let out a small sigh, turning my attention to the window next to me. A large cherry blossom tree sat outside the frame, the pink flowers falling to the ground softly. The sun beginning to fade away into the rising night, neon lights beginning to light up the city.

"Shall we head to dinner sir?" Enzo questioned, checking his gold watch.

Bill nodded once again before rising up from his seat, I quickly picked up my bags from the floor. Abel waited for me to follow ahead, a gentle smile forming on my face as I headed out.

"I'll take those ma'am" Abel whispered, taking my bags into his arms.

"Thank you" I hummed, zipping up my black jacket.

Bill led the way, my head falling low. It's like a switch went off in his head, turning him into an unemotional zombie. He's barely said two words to me since earlier. I huffed at my own thoughts, my eyes observing the big city. Locals smiled as they passed us, my body shivering from the cold sudden breeze.

I plopped down into the velvet chair in front of me, sliding my jacket over the back. The linen lights above shun down on me, quiet chatter filling my ears.

"Good afternoon, any drinks?" A woman asked, placing down five menus.

"Four whiskeys and..." Bill paused, looking over at me.

"Red wine please" I smiled, opening the brown menu.

He nodded before giving the order in, the waitress swaying gently at the end of the table.

"I'll be back in a moment" bill hummed, sliding back his chair.

My brows furrowed as I watched him follow the woman, my gaze turning to Abel. His eyes falling low, his face turning to stone as he realised I was watching him.

"I'm sure he's just going to the bathroom" Abel assured, nodding towards me.

My stomach turned as I glanced back down to the menu in my shaky hands, my lips forming a straight line. My eyes shot up as a waiter strutted over with our drinks, no sight of bill or the waitress. I sighed as I took my wine, taking a sip immediately.

Ten minutes had passed, my patience wearing thin. My brows furrowed as I jumped up, Abel grabbing my arm.

"Miss" he hummed.

I scowled as I yanked my arm back, storming towards the way they both went. My eyes locked onto an employee only door, my heart pounding through my chest harshly. I quietly turned the silver handle, my hands shaking as it opened.

My eyes widened when I heard a small moan, my head peeking further around the door. Tears filled my low eyes as I finally saw it, bill and the waitress. He held her up against the wall, her legs wrapped around his back. His head buried into her bare chest as she continued to moan. A small whimper left my lips as I scurried away, my body becoming boiling hot.

Bitter tears ran down my heated face, catching the attention of a few customers. Abel's eyes shot up as he noticed me, I stormed towards the exit door as Abel ran towards me.

"It's not what you think miss" he whispered, standing in front of the doors.

"You knew?" I yelled, my bottom lip trembling.

Guilt flooded his eyes as he looked away from me, my jaw tensing.

"Fuck all of you." I gasped, pushing him out of the way.

I sprinted out of the crowded restaurant, my breathing hitched as I sped down the street. The tears never stopped, as if someone had physically stabbed me in the heart. My chest ached, my hair swaying in the wind as I continued to run away. I slowed down as I reached the end of the street, coming to a road.

"Excuse me" a low voice spoke.

My blurry gaze turned to a tall man, his hair slicked back in a bun. He wore black jeans and a smart white shirt.

"Are you okay?" He asked, his eyes soft.

"I just want to get out of here." I cried, my body throbbing in pain.

"I can do that" he whispered, holding out his hand.

I looked down at his large hand, shooting a glance back down the dark street. I nodded but not taking his hand, instead I began to walk. He caught up with me, leading us to a jet black car. I made my way to the passenger seat, jumping in immediately as I heard my name being shouted.

The mysterious man soon joined me, leaning back to grab something.

"Want some?" He asked, holding a bottle of vodka.

I sniffled as I took it quickly, twisting off the red cap. He started up the engine as I took a large sip from the alcohol, it burning my throat almost immediately. I lay my head back as I continued to drink, watching the world pass by from the window. He turned up the radio slightly, his gaze falling onto me.

"Are you on vacation here?" He asked, the car speeding up.

I didn't respond, instead I poured more vodka down my throat, hoping to numb some of the pain inside of me. It bubbled in my stomach like a curse, my tears dry on my cheeks. I blinked slowly, my breathing returning back to normal as the alcohol kicked in.

"you're safe with me.."

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