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11:20am I fluttered my heavy eyes open to an empty space next to me, the soft sheets hugging my body tightly

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I fluttered my heavy eyes open to an empty space next to me, the soft sheets hugging my body tightly. I let out a hum as I arose from the bed, the sweet scent of pancakes running through the air. My warm feet dropped to the ground as I got up, heading towards the bathroom. I reached for my toothbrush, sliding a thin layer of paste on before shoving it into my dry mouth.

After last night me and bill had quite a deep talk, he seemed to really open up to me although I ended up falling asleep half way through from the amount of wine I drank. It was assuring to see him that vulnerable with me, he means a lot to me of course.

My eyes shot up as a knock entered my alert ears, within the same second Abel entered the room. He held a letter in his right hand as he approached me.
I quickly spat out the toothpaste in my mouth, turning my attention to him.

"Good morning ma'am, I've got a letter for you" he smiled cheerfully, placing it onto the bathroom counter.

"Thank you. Where's bill?" I asked, raising my brow.

"He's had some-"

"Business to attend to?" I inquired, placing my hands on my hips.

Abel nodded quickly, a soft smile appearing on his face.

"Diablo is making some breakfast for you, come down when you're ready miss" he continued, walking away.

I sighed as he left, turning my gaze to the white envelope on the counter. I picked it up carefully, swiping my finger under the lip to open it. I pulled out the letter inside, seeing faye's name at the bottom immediately.


"Hey y/n, I don't know if you'll get this but I'm struggling right now and I could use a best friend. I've tried to call you numerous times but your number is out of service, I got this address from jasmine. I bumped into her at the mall and she told me you're with some guy, I'm worried about you. Please get back to me if you can."

love faye.

My brows raised in confusion, knowing my number was still active. I sprinted over to my white bag, kneeling down to search through it. To be honest I forgot about my phone, I've been so caught up. My eyes squinted as I rummaged further, finding nothing but books and photos. I know I put it in here.

I let out a groan as I rushed downstairs, letter still in hand.

"Have you got a phone?" I questioned, stumbling down the steps.

Abel shook his head, along with the chefs.

"I just need to call my friend." I spat, sensing their lies.

"I'm sorry miss but I can't do that" Abel croaked, his hands behind his back.

"why? did bill say so?!" I yelled, stomping my foot.

They each shared a glance, giving me the answers I needed. I stormed back upstairs, swinging the bedroom door open. I opened every draw looking for a paper and pen, I luckily found a writing pad. I plopped down on the bed, beginning to write a letter to faye.

I stood out on the balcony, holding my letter in my free hand as I smoked a cigarette. No surprise Abel wouldn't let me send the letter. My face tensed up as I heard the door unlock, my cigarette immediately dropping to the floor. I spun around to see bill covered in blood, my eyed widening as I headed back inside.

"What the fuck happened?" I scowled, following after him.

He stood in the bathroom, running his hands under the tap.

"did you take my phone?" I whispered, my jaw tense.

He stayed quiet, beginning to wash his face.

"I'm not playing around bill, do you think I'm some kind of dog? You won't even let me send a letter to my fucking friend?!" I screamed, his face spinning towards mine.

He launched towards me, towering over my small frame.

"watch your mouth." He scowled, red water dripping from his pale face.

"Don't speak to me like that. You don't own me." I bit, edging closer to his face.

"excuse me?" He growled, snatching my letter.

"Give me that!" I hollered, grabbing his arm.

He suddenly pushed me back harshly, my body hitting the wall with a loud thud. My head slammed back against the marble, a sharp pain burning throughout my being. I let out a cry, reaching up to my skull. Blood trickling onto my fingers, my eyes filling with tears.

Bill turned back to me, his face dropping as he saw the blood on my clothes.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." He pleaded, kneeling down to me.

"Get away from me!" I sobbed, pushing his hands away.

He sat there for a moment, watching me cry. He soon snapped back, reaching for his phone.

"Ambulance please" he croaked, his voice shaky.

My breathing hitched as bill called for Abel, the blood starting to trickle down my forehead. My eyesight went blurry as he ran inside, bill pulling me towards him to stop the bleeding. My vision suddenly went black, losing control of my body.

(Bill's pov)
I jumped into the back of the ambulance quickly, watching as they hooked her up to an iv bag. My hands trembled as they sped off, the medics trying to get a response out of her.

"Sir." One of them yelled, waving his hand.

"yes?" I hummed, my voice low.

"What happened?" He asked, shining a light into her closed eyes.

"S-she tripped." I lied, biting down on my lip.

He nodded before listening to her pulse, the bleeding finally stopping.

"She's alive, just unconscious. She seems to have fractured her skull." He sighed, taking off his blue gloves.

A wave of relief washed over me to hear she had a pulse, I don't know why I pushed her so hard. Luka would've killed me if she died, after all I'm only watching her..

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