Chapter 187

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“Half a million!” At this time, Karuizawa covered her mouth using a finger, but still couldn't help but exclaimed.

Hachiman gave her a monthly share of 12,000 Class B benefits, only the total in the next three years was probably about 400,000.

As a result, in this exam, if she is selected as a preferential treatment recipient, will receive 500, 000 for free.


Now even possible to get 1 million!

“If you have any questions now, can ask me....” Looking at the duck students expressions, Mashima was pretty calm, “My task is to ensure that you understand rules.”

“Sensei, these two results....”

People immediately started to complain of what they just couldn't interpret.

Yukimura took a deep breath and pushed his eyes on the slanted bridge of his nose, “The first result is that everyone guesses the identity of VIP, so all students can get 500,000 points, but and VIP itself gets 1 Million..”

“As for the second result, as long as any member of the group fails to guess the identity of VIP, it will be invalid no matter how many people guess correctly, and only the recipient can get 500,000 points. But, VIP itself cannot answer, right?”

“Yeah? Do you even have something to ask or not....” Mashima glanced at him in surprise.

Although the current grades of Class C were very good, but they were promoted from D after all, so he actually considered that it might be very distressing for Hikigaya to understand the exam rules.

But, now Class C can actually understand rules on its own, which is quite a relief to his heart, and then nodded generously, “If not, you got it basically correct!”

“Then, I have no problem....” Yukimura didn't left anything more to question.

The first one is undoubtedly the best, which is for everyone to get rich together.

Second type, in which only VIP receive the benefits, seems  completely opposite to the first type.

If anything, no matter which outcome, the person receiving the VIP treatment  will get 500,000 points more than others.

The name "VIP" is such a good one.

Just get paid for free if you are chosen.

“What are the other two outcomes?” But Karuizawa asked subconsciously, her luck wasn't really good on the island, might even had a trauma of suddenly enjoying good stuff.

But, there are only 2 outcomes on paper.

“Turn it over.” Hearing this, Hachiman quickly did as he was told. '....I checked time and saw there were less than 5 minutes left.'

Just in case, Hachiman took a picture of the back, and then read the rules with nothing but a pure look of satisfaction.

'Chabashira, what on Class D's sake have you been teaching him?...' Mashima couldn't help but complain rudely in his heart.

Result three:

If someone other than VIP exposed to school the name in advance without waiting for the end, and if the answer is correct.

The class to which the student who answers correctly will receive 50 class evaluation points.

At the same time, school will pay 500,000 private points to those who answer correctly.

On the contrary, the class whose identity is revealed will be punished by deducting 50 points.

Once your answers are rushed, the group exam will end for you.

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