The Castle

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DISCLAIMER: play this track until the part where Sam sings.

The trio was taken to a big castle made entirely out of marble. 

The marble material was gorgeous, the windows were huge enough to see the entire starry sky above the flowery gardens. 

They were led into the gigantic ballroom, where the floors were black, but still marble. The walls were a mix between peach color and white. 

The bards were all enjoying a lively dance across the floor. 

Keeping house were poshly dressed serfs and vassals. 

One little girl in a pink dress and blonde curls twirled up to Charles Wallace and shook her backside against his. 

"Hey!" Charles Wallace laughed. 

The girl giggled and beckoned him to the dance floor. 

Charles Wallace shook his head and danced with this girl.

The two of them snapped their fingers and shuffled across the floor. 

Sam and Jeremy were watching from a table in the corner.

"Charles has gone mad, hasn't he?" Jeremy laughed. 

"Not as mad as I am about this place" said Sam. "Aw, Robin, would have loved it."

"Then write and tell him about it" said Jeremy.

"I dunno. He'll write back and ask what we were doing here" said Sam. "If I tell him we were on a rescue mission, he might try to go after us and the IT might get him."

"Then sugarcoat it; say it was a dream or something" said Jeremy. 

"Oh come on, Jeremy; that's just another way to lie" said Sam.

"But you'll be protecting Robin, eh?" 

Sam tilted her head to say 'good point, I guess.'

Just then, a pretty woman approached Jeremy. "Shall we dance?"

Jeremy glanced at Sam who looked at him with a serious face.

"Just for a minute. No more" said Jeremy to the woman. 

While they were dancing, Sam took out her pen and a piece of paper and started writing. 

"Dear Robin..." she started. 

As she finished the first line, a handsome bard approached her. 

"May I have your arm?" he said. 

Sam sucked her teeth awkwardly. "I can't."

"You can't?"

"Well... I guess it wouldn't hurt to enjoy a dance."

"Well? No one can resist a dance with Alodus." 

Sam raised her eyebrows. "Sure... Alodus. I'll be right there."

Alodus left her alone and she finished her letter in song form.

I dreamt I dwelt in marble halls

With vassals and serfs at my side

And of all who assembled within those walls

That I was the hope and the pride

I had riches all too great to count

And a high ancestral name

But I also dreamt which pleased me most

That you loved me still the same

That you loved me, you loved me still the same

That you loved me, you loved me still the same

Then she glanced at Alodus on the dance floor, deciding to add a little truth to the letter.

I dreamt that suitors sought my hand

That knights upon bended knee

And with vows no maidens heart could withstand

They pledged their fate to me

And I dreamt that one of that noble host

Came forth my hand to claim

But I also dreamt which charmed me most

That you loved me still the same

That you loved me, you loved me still the same

That you loved me, you loved me still the same

Sam left the table and waltzed with Alodus. 

"I admit, good sir, this is nice" she said primly. "But it must end. I have a love of my own and I promised to be true."

"Understood, my dear. I thank you for this single dance" said Alodus. 

Jeremy and Charles Wallace were also able to let go of their dancing partners and get some sleep themselves. 

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