African Wind

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The next morning, the guys woke up to a brighter day.

The forest was still dark, but they could see the sunshine through the trees. 

They got back on their horses and kept trekking along the sandy road. 

"How far is it from the forest to the cave do you think?" said Charles Wallace.

"Not that far, old boy. The fireflies implied that it's easy" said Jeremy.

"How could you tell? They communicated in images" said Sam. 

Just then, it started to get a little windy. 

"Those images said we needed to find a whirlwind" said Jeremy. "And it's getting windy. Keep going."

They continued on until they heard more voices vocalizing. 

"The spirits are back" said Charles Wallace.

The voices started to sing a Latin song again.

Mare Nubium, Umbriel (suus cuique mos, suus cuique)

Mare Imbrium, Ariel (meus mihi, suus cuique carus)

Et itur ad astra (memento terrigena)

Et itur ad astra (memento vita brevis)

Mare undarum, lo, vela (meus mihi, suus cuique carus)

"I like this song" said Sam. 

"Me too. It's reminding us of the sea and wind spirits and that life is brief" said Charles Wallace. 

They kept moving as the wind got stronger.

"This is some wind" said Sam.

"We must be getting close" said Jeremy. 

The spirits sang another verse.

Mirabile dictu, mirabilia (suus cuique mos, suus cuique)

Mirabile visu, mirabilia (meus mihi, suus cuique carus)

Et itur ad astra (memento terrigena)

Et itur ad astra (memento vita brevis)

Sempervirent, Rosetum

The voices kept vocalizing until the gang got to a huge whirly wind.

It didn't look dangerous, but fairly colorful. Like it could take anyone wherever they like. 

"I think this is it" said Jeremy.

"It sure looks like it could carry us anywhere" said Charles Wallace.

"Which is exactly why we're going to ride it there" said Jeremy.

They got off their horses and approached the wind. 

"Shall we tell it where we want to go?" said Jeremy.

"You tell it, Jeremy. We're saving your cousin" said Sam.

Jeremy nodded with a smile, then whispered to the whirlwind, "would you carry us to the cave Anywhere?"

The wind picked them up and gently carried them further southwest.

And while they were flying, the spirits sang one more chorus. 

Afer ventus, Zephyrus (suus cuique mos, suus cuique)

Volturnus, Africus (meus mihi, suus cuique carus)

Et itur ad astra (memento terrigena)

Et itur ad astra (memento vita brevis)

Etesiarum, Eutus (meus mihi, suus cuique carus)

The flight lasted the entire afternoon, so it was evening by the time it ended. 

Soon, they reached the cave's big rocky entrance. 

"We made it!" said Charles Wallace.

"Paul and Calvin are trapped in that thing?" said Sam.

"Cal said you lose your way once you're deep enough in there. No wonder you need to break the cave to get out" said Charles Wallace.

"We'll find out how to break it when we find Calvin. He'll tell us" said Sam.

"But first, we need to find him. Let's hurry" said Jeremy. 

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