A Night in the Woods

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NOTE: listen to this track as soon as the fireflies show up.

The gang rode up to a glistening stream amongst the black and blue trees. 

Sam tied the horses to some trees while Charles Wallace and Jeremy sat by the stream.

Jeremy was staring at the water with a somber expression. 

"Jeremy? You okay?" said Charles Wallace.

"Yes. I'm just sorry I'm holding up the rescue. I didn't think my baby could grow this fast" said Jeremy. 

"This isn't the first time a pregnancy held us up, Jeremy" said Sam.

"Yeah. Last time, it was on our way to my mother's funeral. Our plane crashed and we needed to trek through a swamp" said Charles Wallace.

"Thank heavens it's not a funeral we're rescuing Paul from" said Jeremy. 

"Again, don't worry about it, Jeremy" said Sam. "We're almost there."

"But who knows how long it could take for those fireflies to show up" said Jeremy.

"Well, it's getting pretty dark. They should be here soon" said Charles Wallace.

Just then, a yellow light started to shine from different directions. 

It looked like it was coming from little specks in the air. 

In fact, it was coming from groups of fireflies. 

"Wow. These have to be the ones" said Sam.

The fireflies were attracted to Jeremy the most. They were flying around him. 

Some were even bowing down to him. 

Jeremy raised his finger and one firefly perched on it. 

"They look just like little moons" said Jeremy.

Sam looked at the fireflies. "They do, don't they?"

The fireflies then moved down to Jeremy's belly, where his baby was growing. 

They circled around it like little fairies bestowing a gift. 

"Looks like the fireflies know you're pregnant, Jeremy" said Charles Wallace.

"How can they tell?" said Jeremy sarcastically. 

The fireflies each planted tiny kisses on Jeremy's belly. 

"Face it, J Dawg. Those fireflies just love ya" said Sam. "Maybe you should be the one to ask for help."

Jeremy nodded. "Fireflies, could you please help us?"

The fireflies bunched up and formed a question mark. 

"Could you help us find a mysterious cave called Anywhere?" Jeremy asked. 

The fireflies formed an arrow pointing northwest. 

Then they flew together in the form of a whirlwind.

Some flew from that form so they moved.

"So... we keep going until we come to a whirlwind..." said Sam.

"And that whirlwind'll carry us to Anywhere?" finished Charles Wallace.

The fireflies formed a checkmark. 

"That sounds easy-squeezy" said Sam.

"We'll get to Calvin in no time" said Charles Wallace. 

"Thank you, fireflies" said Jeremy.

The fireflies flew around him once again to say 'you're welcome'. 

"Gee. Those fireflies should have a title" said Sam.

"What kind of title?" said Charles Wallace.

"Jeremy did say they looked like moons" said Sam.

"They do. And they live in the Shepherd Forest" said Jeremy. "So we shall call them... shepherd moons."

"Perfect!" said Sam.

"Now we better get some rest. We'll find our way to Anywhere first thing in the morning" said Charles Wallace.

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