Honest Skies

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Calvin was now in a swampy area in Anywhere.

It was morning, so the background had a sunrise in it.

Gayle approached Calvin near the marsh grass.

"Oh, Calvin" she said flirtatiously.

"Hello, Gayle" said Calvin calmly. 

"Jackie told me and Dorcas that you got her and Jeremy back together" said Gayle.

"Oh brother..." Calvin sighed.

"What is it?" said Gayle.

"Please tell me you'll listen when I tell you this" said Calvin.

Gayle nodded and listened intently.

"That is not Jeremy. That's his cousin Paul Drayton" said Calvin. 

Gayle's jaw dropped. "Then why did he pass himself off as Jeremy?"

"Because I thought Jackie's love for him would get us a way out."

"And why are you telling us now?"

"The real Jeremy is on his way here now. And he's far from ready to forgive her."

"Oh dear" said Gayle. "Jackie didn't tell us this."

"Because she doesn't know. Paul tried to tell her, but she didn't listen" said Calvin.

Gayle squinted to say it made sense. "Jackie never was the best listener."

"Where is she now?" said Calvin. 

"Having a word with Paul. She's giving him another chance" said Gayle.

"Good. Maybe she'll listen to him this time" said Calvin.

Just then, Gayle looked up at the sky and sighed at the sight of it.

"Ahh, the signs of true honesty" she said.

"Pardon?" said Calvin.

"The cave senses when one is being honest. When it does, the sky turns to this shade of blue" Gayle explained. 

Calvin looked up and saw that the sky was a much brighter blue than usual.

"Wow... I've never seen blue like that" he said.

"It's Caribbean blue. It's the richest shade of all" said Gayle.

She sang about this gorgeous color.

So the world goes round and round

With all you ever knew

They say the sky high above

Is Caribbean blue 

"So this shade of blue is the truest one" said Calvin.

"Yes. The sky here feeds on honesty. I learned that from being trapped here for such a long time" said Gayle.

She continued her song.

If every man says all he can

If every man is true

Do I believe the sky above

Is Caribbean blue 

"Why would the IT's secret cave feed off honesty?" said Calvin.

"It never let anyone know. It wanted them to keep thinking there was no way out" said Gayle.

Then Calvin got an idea. "So... if the cave takes in enough honesty, it'll show us the way out."

"Yes! I never thought of it that way!" said Gayle. 

She gave Calvin a big hug. "You're a genius!"

Then she finished her song on a happy note.

If all you told was turned to gold

If all you dream was new

Imagine sky high above

A Caribbean blue 

Gayle gave Calvin a huge kiss on the cheek. "Thank you, thank you! I must go tell Dorcas this."

"Please. I'll leave telling the truth to Jackie to Paul" said Calvin.

"Of course" said Gayle. 

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