Daddies and secerets

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Blake's pov
"Daddy" Alex said as he whined, making grabby hands at me. I wasn't expecting him to do anything like that so I was quite for a moment which I don't think he liked that very much because he began to cry " I-I sowwy I no no mweant to" he said balling his eyes out "no shh baby boy it's alright daddy's here" I said trying to calm him down and picking him up feeling myself slip into my caregiver mind set. I rock Alex back and forth and I grab my phone and text Dylan.

Me: love can you come to the bathroom please it's Alex
My love (Dylan): What?!?! What happened? Is he ok? What happened to my baby?!?!
Me: love he is ok just come to the bathroom and I'll explain when you get here ok?
My love: alright I'll be there in a minute

I look at Alex and now he is just sniffling, I put my phone away and go over to the bathroom and unlock the door which makes Alex fidget in my arms and start to whimper and go to cry again "shh baby it's alright I'm going to lock the door again when Dylan gets here ok" I told him while rubbing his back "dada" he said while sniffing "yes baby dadas going to come and then we will lock the door again" I told him.  Just as I said that the door opened and Dylan walked in he looked at me and Alex and saw the tears going down his cheeks as he sniffled "what happened to my baby" he said coming closer to me and Alex "dada" Alex said while looking at him and he stopped walking for a second shocked like I was when he called me daddy. He quickly recovered and came up to us "aww here come to dada little one" he said while taking him out of my arms which I let him knowing he has gone full caregiver mode we both might be daddies but Dylan acts more like a mommy if you were to think about it.

Alex cuddled into Dylan's neck and sucked on his paci "what happened?" Dylan asked "I don't fully know I'm guessing that the work was stressing him out so he came in here to regress for a little while and then when I came in and got him to unlock the stall door he made grabby hands so I picked him up and then I sat him down on the sink so I could text you but he didn't like that I put him down so he made grabby hands again and then called me daddy which I wasn't expecting and then he realized he did and started crying and apologized for it" I explained and he hit me on the head not super hard of course but enough for it to hurt a bit "daddy was being a meanie huh little one? Not holding our precious little baby" Dylan said making Alex nod and giggle which was so cute that I decided to let it slide that I was just called mean by my boyfriend and little. Me and Dylan both coo at him. He is just too cute for this world.

Alex's pov
I was very comfy and taking in dadas body heat and comfort. I yawn, feeling a bit sleepy  from all the crying I did which caused my paci to fall out of my mouth and onto the floor. I start to whine from the loss of my paci which gets dada and daddy's attention "what's wrong little one?" Dada says while rubbing my back. I just whine more and pointed to my paci "here baby daddy will get it" daddy says while getting my paci off the floor I make grabby hands at it once daddy grabs it "sorry baby but you can't have it right now it's dirty" that causes me to pout "hmph" I say and cuddle into dada. I put my thumb in my mouth and suck on it "little one don't suck on your thumb it's dirty" dada said as he pulled my thumb out of my mouth and I whine at him. I put the top of his shirt in my mouth and suck and chew on it this time it's not taken out of my mouth "looks like we have a sleepy baby" daddy says "yeah it does but we still have one class left we can't just leave plus it's his first day" dada said this bringing me out of my head space remembering this is my first day at a new school and three people I just met have figured out I'm a little possibly four.

I wiggle out of dada- I mean Dylan's arms and quickly go to the bathroom door unlock it and walk out of the bathroom and back to my class right as the bell rings meaning it's time for lunch I quickly grab my things and walk out to where the cars are knowing I will get to be alone and won't have to face Dylan and Blake. How could I be so stupid to call them dada and daddy? I just met them but they just went with it they didn't judge or say for me not to ugh this is too much to think about right now I go to sit down by a tree when I hear my name get called I look up and see Toby running towards me with Colton following behind him "hey Toby" I said noticing that he didn't seem to be little anymore "sorry about earlier I try not to slip at school but I really don't like math and it always stresses me out" he explained "it's alright I get it I don't like it either but I slipped today in biology 2 because the work was difficult and stressing me out and I like biology and normally it is easy" I tell him "well what teacher do you have" Colton asked coming up beside Toby which I completely forgot he was there "don't worry Toby told me when he was still little that you are a little which I think it's good Toby made a little friend" Colton continued "oh ok but I have Mr.Peters" I told them "well no wonder it is stressing you out he is the hardest biology teacher at the school he always personally makes all his questions and some of them make no sense at all" Colton explained and I get what he means because half the questions on that paper didn't make any sense.

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