Thanksgiving part 1

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Alex's pov
The same thing happened on Tuesday and yesterday was the first day of thanksgiving break so both Blake and Dylan were home with me. I have been spending some time out of my headspace but I always go back into it at some point during the day, while I'm big I try and do some of my school work I have missed but Blake and Dylan keep telling me to take it easy and if I need help they are there but they only let me work for about an hour that is if I even stay big that long. I was big for about an hour on Tuesday before slipping again and then yesterday I made it 3 and a half hours so I was managing to stay big for longer but I can't make it all day still, I woke up big this morning well when I actually got up Blake and Dylan woke me up early to take my medicine and I was still little when I took it but they let me go back to sleep and I actually got up at 9:30. It's now 10:30 when I got up I ate a piece of toast and had a cup of hot chocolate which Blake and Dylan made for me and then I started working on school work once I finished eating meaning I probably have about 5 minutes before Blake and Dylan tell me I'm done for the day. They had been setting up though their families are coming over here for thanksgiving for dinner so they are trying to make sure things are clean in advanced and are also preparing some of the food apparently everyone brings something and each year it alternates between Blake and Dylan's dad on who makes the turkey and who makes the ham but I don't know which is bringing which.

I had been thinking about what I was going to do if I was going to stay or go see my mom and have thanksgiving with Clara, Sarah, and Maggie but I had decided to do all of it Sarah has to work tonight so they are doing a thanksgiving lunch and then I can visit my mom this morning and then I can have thanksgiving dinner here which sounds like a really busy day for me but I want to do it. "Honey it's been an hour no more work for today" Blake says as he comes into the room which is also what's new while I have been big Blake calls me honey and Dylan has been calling me darling which I don't mind it actually has helped me from slipping since they would usually call me by a nicknames they call me when i'm little which would make me slip. I close my computer and close my notebook and put it on top of my computer "how am I supposed to get my work done if y'all only let me work for an hour?" I ask "you have all the rest of the week to do it and maybe tomorrow we will let you have a bit longer to do it" Dylan says "but Blake did all his work yesterday and didn't have to even take a break" I say "Blake I told you to take a break" Dylan says and Blake looks guilty "I know you did love but I was almost done with that worksheet and I wanted to finish it but then I forgot you told me and kept working" he said.

While they were talking I took the opportunity to quickly open my computer and continue the notes I was taking "also Alex I didn't have as much work to do as you do so I managed to finish it in one day also you have been sick so you need breaks" Blake says "hey I told you times up" he continued and I looked at him and he was now looking at me "but that's why I need more time to be allowed to do it because I have more work to catch up on then you do and I'm getting better just a few-" I sneeze cutting myself off "sneezes that's all I still have" I continue my previous statement "well it's almost 11 and you need to get dressed to go see your mom before you have lunch at Clara's which starts at 12:30" Dylan says and I look at the time and it's 10:45 and it will take 15 - 20 minutes to get to the hospital meaning I won't get there until after 11 plus I still have to get dressed as Dylan said. I close my book and computer again and get up "ok, i'm going to go get dressed" I say and then rush out of the room and up the stairs and into Blake and Dylan's room.

I had some clothes in there room and I decided on a pair of jeans which are mine and then one of Dylan's shirts and I put on one of Blake's hoodies and then I ran my fingers through my hair a bit so it wasn't as much of a mess as it was before and then I go back down stairs. When I get down there Dylan has the keys in his hand and is waiting by the door and Blake is by the steps and has my medical device and phone in his hand which I grab them from him once I get to him "thank you" I say "your welcome" he says and kisses my cheek "be safe if you need anything let one of us know" he says "I will" I tell him and give him a quick hug and he hugs me back before walking away from me and back into the kitchen. I put my phone and medical device in the hoodie pocket and then went over to Dylan and put on my shoes and once I was done he opened the door for me and I went out of it and went to the car where he soon followed and then we got in and left for the hospital.

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