Thanksgiving part 2 and surprise

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Alex's pov
No one was around daddy was wherever he went and dada was still upstairs I think, I didn't see him come back down so I get up and go over to the door and it takes me a minute to figure out how to unlock the door but I get it unlocked and I open the door and see Danny. He looks at me and smiles "hey hun, I don't think your daddies will be very happy you opened the door but thank you for letting me in I forgot my key" he says and picks me up and then closes the door. You could hear running coming down the stairs and someone coming from in the kitchen which was daddy and dada and they both got to me and danny at the same time "oh thank god it's just you" dada says "baby boy you can't just open the door it could have been anyone" daddy says "I sowwy daddy" I say "it's ok little love just next time get one of us to open the door" daddy says "otay" I say. I then remember I need to give Danny his drawing so he knows I forgive him "down pwease" I say "ok hun" Danny says and then puts me down and I run into the living room and grab my picture and then run back over to them and stand in front of Danny and hold the picture out to him but the drawing is facing me "what's this?" Danny asks and carefully takes the drawing and looks at it "it for you I fowgive you" I say and he smiles and gives me a hug "thank you, for forgiving me and for the drawing I love it, how did you know I like the beach?" he asked "dada" I simply say "ah ok that makes a lot of sense" he says and I nod.

"How about while we wait for the others we go into the living room and you can tell me what animals these are, what do you think?"Danny suggests "otay!" I say and grab his hand once he hands a dish over to dada and then we walk into the living room and sit on the sofa "it's a good thing your daddies got you paci clips if they didn't your paci would be who knows where on the floor "danny says pointing out my paci that fell out of my mouth when I went to answer the door and was dangling from where the clip was attached to my onesie. I pouted a bit and Danny chuckled "ok i'm sorry, do you think you can tell me what animal this is?" he asks while pointing to a shark sticker "sharky!" I say "your right good job hun" Danny said. We continued to go through the sea creatures on the drawing and then we moved onto colors like what color the bucket and the shovel was. The doorbell rang again and I looked at Danny and he looked down at me "I guess the others have arrived" he says but doesn't get up to open the door and I don't hear daddy and dada moving towards the door so I get up and walk into the kitchen where daddy and dada are. Dada was putting all the food they had made and that Danny made on the table and daddy was watching him do it, I go over to daddy and and tap him and he looks at me "yes bun?" he asks "people at da door" I tell him and he smiles at me "should we go see who it is?" he asks and I nod and then he picks me up.

We go over to the door and when he goes to open it I let out a small whine. I didn't have time for my nerves to kick in earlier but now I did, what if dada's parents don't like me or if daddy's dad doesn't like me? Before I could get any deeper into my thoughts daddy started rubbing my back "it's alright prince, I get it is scary but they will love you, you're the sweetest little thing and don't you want to see mama kat?" Daddy asks and I nod "well we have to let them all in it wouldn't be very nice to just let her in and make the others leave" daddy says which doesn't seem very nice when I think about it "otay" I say and move my head so my face is hiding in his neck I don't want to look at anyone yet i'm to nervous. Daddy kisses my head and then I can hear him open the door "hello come on in everyone" daddy says and rubs my back a little "how have you been Blake?" a woman asks and I'm guessing she is dadas mom "I have been pretty good, how have you been Mrs.Andrews?" daddy asks "I've been well, but you know you don't have to call me that I have known you since you were born" the lady said "I know I don't but it's more classy" daddy says.

I can hear movement but daddy isn't moving so it's the other people moving "and who might this be?" a man said and I would guess he is talking about me "I would assume that's Alex" a different man says "aww I wanna see him, Blake can I see him?" the woman asked and I lightly shook my head no "baby boy can you say hi?" daddy asks and I shake my head again but more noticeable this time "that's ok prince, he was nervous before so I'm not surprised he doesn't want to yet" daddy says "he'll warm up to you eventually just give him some time to adjust to you" I hear dada say and slightly move my head and see dada walking in and going to stand by daddy. They talk for a few minutes dada talking to his parents and then talking to daddy's asking how they are, I felt someone tap my arm lightly and I move my head again and see mama kat who was now standing behind daddy "hi tater tot" she says softly "hewo" I say quietly "how are you feeling? Better than the last time I saw you?" she asked and I nod "well that's good i'm glad you feel better" she says. Even though I was still a bit nervous I poked daddy to get his attention "yes little love" he asked and moved me a bit so he could look at me and I made grabby hands at mama kat "only if she wants to" he says and she takes me from him "of course I want to sweetie" kat says and that makes me smile.

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