Mason and Claytons talk

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Authors note
This won't change anything going on with the main part of the book this is just explaining exactly what happened to Clayton's brother so everyone can get a better understanding of it and because as of now I don't plan on having Clayton telling anyone else and if he does he most likely won't go in detail like he did with Alex where he just said it was an accident but this will show what actually happened in detail.

Tw this chapter will have gun violence and murder in it so if you are uncomfortable with that I recommend you don't read this chapter.

Clayton's pov
When we all got home after leaving Blake and Dylan's house I got a text from Mason asking me if I wanted to talk about everything tomorrow and I agreed Maria has work in the morning and so does Kat so we decided to meet up at the house we share. When we were around Dylan, Danny, Blake and Colton's age we also got a house together and we lived there until we both got married and bought our own homes for our families but we still kept the house we bought together. I am currently driving there and I'm getting nervous which isn't a good thing for me since I am not great with my emotions not anymore anyways which I can at least admit to. When I pulled up to the house I was hit with so many memories, I haven't been here in a while but being back and pulling into the driveway is bringing back so many good memories which helps me calm down a bit. I take a minute before getting out of my car before getting out and going to the door and opening it since Mason was already here, his car was in the spot he used to park it in when we lived here and mine was in my old spot when we lived here. Walking into the house and seeing everything exactly the same as it used to be made even more memories come back some good some bad and some that I missed but they hurt too much to remember them specifically the ones of Brayden especially the ones when he was little and running around the house.

Before I could get too lost in thought about him Mason showed up in front of me "brings back memories doesn't it?" he asked "yeah it does" I said "here I brought you some coffee" he says and I now notice he is holding two cups of coffee one for me and I would assume the other cup is for him. I take the cup from him and take a sip of it "thanks" I say "no problem" he says and then it's silent for a minute or two "this is completely up to you but do you want to talk about it in his room or his playroom or nursery? We don't have to do it in any of those rooms but I figured you might want to while talking about him" he continued. I froze for a moment I hadn't even thought about that, Brayden also lived with us and he had his regular room for when he was big and then when he was little he had a nursery since his headspace was normally 2 and that's as old as he would get most of the time sometimes being 3 but mostly 2 and he had a playroom. Once he died I never went back into his nursery or playroom I only went into his regular room and stayed in there for a little over 6 months after he passed, the first 2 months after he died I wouldn't leave his room Mason, Maria, and Kat would leave food and drink for me outside the door since after a week or two of trying to get me out of his room they realized I wasn't going to come out for a while.

After it had been four months since he passed I finally would leave his room to go eat and get something to drink but I would go right back to his room after, I didn't go back to my room until it hit 6 months but I would always go back to his room and stay in there I only probably stayed in my room for an hour or two. Mason was always there when he wasn't at work and if he was at work he would send me messages seeing if I was alright or needed anything, he didn't let me suffer alone he was always there I just never fully went to him all I would really tell him is that I still needed time before going back to work and he always understood and told me to take as much time as I needed and I did. I didn't go back to work until after a year had passed and by that point I only went to his room an hour a day or every other day and slept in there at least one night a week. It may seem like a bit much but my brother was my everything I pretty much raised him anyways so he was also like my son along with my brother and he was also my little, he was and will always be very important to me even though he is gone that's why me and Maria gave Daniel his name it was my brothers middle name and Dylan was given his name because of him as well he always really liked the name Dylan and said if he ever had a son he would name him Dylan so since we had twins one got his middle name and one got the name he loved although neither of them know that about their names but maybe one day i'll tell them when i'm ready.

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