Hanging out

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Trigger warning
For anyone that has a headspace and is in headspace while reading this don't read it until you are out of your headspace. There is alcohol abuse and physical abuse in this chapter along with a lot of swearing.

Alex's pov
It's now Wednesday and we still don't have school because of the snow and it's too cold outside. Yesterday after my nap and after Toby woke up from his we played some more inside and outside and it was really fun. Toby ended up spending the night since we didn't have school today so he didn't have to go home. I look at the time and it's 8:30 so I decide to get up. I woke up big this morning, which at this point considering everything that has happened there is a 50/50 chance on if I'm going to be big or little when I wake up. I quietly and carefully get out of the bed and grab my phone and insulin pump handheld and then leave the room making sure Blake and Dylan are still asleep before I fully walk away. Once I was sure they were still asleep I made my way down the hall and then down the stairs still being careful and quiet incase everyone else is still sleeping which I would guess they are. When I got downstairs, I went into the kitchen to get a drink, originally, I was going to make hot chocolate but as I was getting the stuff out for it I changed my mind and decided to make myself a cup of the caffeinated tea that Dylan and Danny drink. I was about to put the tea bag in the cup when I heard someone coming down the stairs. I knew it most likely wasn't Blake or Dylan because they only get up early for school and if they have something to do for work in the morning which from what I know they don't have anything happening with work this morning so it's probably not them. The footsteps are a lot softer than Danny and Colton's, they aren't as heavy as theirs are and usually when they come down the stairs even if people are asleep they aren't that quiet, I mean they aren't super loud either but still they aren't the quietest.

So by process of elimination I would have to go with Toby being the one that's coming down the stairs. He is the only other person that is here. I waited to see who it was before continuing my tea and it turns out I was right, it is Toby. Once he sees me he comes into the kitchen "good morning" he says which tells me he is big "good morning" I say and then continue to make my tea. Toby comes over where I am and grabs a mug and places it on the counter before going into the pantry looking for something to drink I would assume. By the time he came back I was letting my tea steep. I noticed a tea bag in his hand but it was different than the tea I am drinking. "What type of tea is that?" I ask "it's chamomile mint, you can taste some of it once it's done if you want to" he says "ok thanks" I say. Once my tea was done steeping I took the tea bag out and threw it away and while I was doing that Toby started letting his tea steep. "Alex?" Toby asks "yeah?" I ask "there are some things I wanted to talk to you about if that's ok" he says. My nerves instantly started acting up when he said that they always do when someone says they want to talk about something I always expect the worst to happen "it's nothing bad I just want to check in on you and ask you some things" Toby says he must have noticed my change in mood "ok" I say. Even though he said it's nothing bad, I'm still anxious and can't help thinking of all the worst case scenarios.

It was silent after that until after Toby's tea was done steeping and he threw the tea bag away "why don't we go sit down" Toby says "ok" I say "alright follow me i'm going to take you to the library that way in case anyone else gets up it will be private" he says which makes me a bit more nervous but also intrigued. I didn't know they have a library but then again I never asked. Toby then leads me out of the kitchen and into the hallway near the front door but turns right once he gets near the door and there are double doors in front of us. I've seen them before but I thought they were just a closet before until I found out where the closet actually is so then I just guessed it was a guest bedroom or storage room. Toby opened the doors and inside was the most beautiful library I have ever seen. It was like it was out of a fairytale, it had so many bookshelves full of books. There is a bay window with a seat so you can read there along with other furniture like chairs, a sofa, a coffee table, and end tables. But what blew me away the most was that it was two floors, there is a beautiful white staircase that goes in a spiral and leads you to the second floor which has even more bookshelves that are full and some more chairs and tables. "Wow" I say, causing Toby to laugh "that's exactly what I said when I saw it, it's beautiful and so peaceful" Toby says. I am so in awe I didn't even realize how long we have been standing here "come on let's go take a seat" Toby says breaking me out of my daze "ok" I say and then follow Toby into the Library and over to the seats. "Sit wherever you want" Toby says and he goes back over to the doors and closes them.

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