Alex's pov
Today was when we were supposed to go back to school but because of my moms death and her funeral being 2 days ago the school has given me some time off to grieve which I appreciate. But there is one issue everyone else including my daddies have to go to school the only person who also can't go is Toby because he is still sick so both of us are stuck without our caregivers for the day which let me tell you i'm not happy about at all. "Pup we have to go we can't miss school" dada says as I hold onto him and cry "baby boy your not going to be alone bubba and papa are going to come and watch you and play with you while me and dada are gone" daddy says but I just shake my head and continue to cry and hold onto dada tightly.A knock was heard and caused me to look at the door along with daddy and dada and daddy went to go to it which made me cry harder cause what if he leaves once he opens the door? "I'll get the door" Danny says as he comes down the stairs and pats my head before going to the door. Daddy comes back over to us and I make grabby hands at him and he picks me up and I hold onto him as tightly as I was holding onto dada before. Once the door was open bubba and papa came in and when they were fully inside Danny closed the door, "what's wrong little guy?" papa asks as he and bubba come closer to me and my daddies and I just whine "he doesn't want us to leave" daddy says and rocks me which calms me down a bit. "Ah I see" bubba says "little man we can do so many fun things we could bake, color, draw, watch movies and eat a lot of sweets" papa says which does peek my interest "you better not feed our baby sugar all day" dada says at the same time bubba says "he can't have sugar the whole time we are here" papa sighs "ok fine no sugar the whole day" he says. "Not to interrupt but we have to get going or we are going to be late" Danny says "oh yeah your right" dada says "bye hun see you later" Danny says and again ruffles my hair which makes me pout and he then walks away and goes into the kitchen to leave I guess his car is in the garage.
I feel someone's hand on my head so I turn to see who it is and it's dada "there your hair is all fixed now from where Danny messed with it" he says which makes me smile "ok now baby boy we have to go be good" daddy says and kisses my head before handing me to dada and he holds me and then daddy starts to walk away which makes me whine "daddy no weave stway" I say "I can't little love I have to go but i'll be back later I promise, I love you prince" he says "I wov you to" I say and with that he walks out the house. I look at dada knowing he is probably going to go now as well, he gives me a hug and kisses my cheek "dada has to go now to baby but just like daddy I'll be back later" he says and I nod but lightly whine. He kisses my head and bounces me a little "it'll be ok you'll have fun here with bubba and papa ok" he says and I lightly nod "ok be a good boy for them ok, I love you pup" he says "otay an I wov you to" I say. He kisses my cheek again before giving me to bubba who holds me "bye little one" dada says and waves bye to me and I wave back a little and then he also leaves. I put my head on bubbas shoulder and sigh my daddies just left and I already want them back stupid school took my daddies away which wasn't very nice of it.
What I didn't realize is that I said part of that out loud and both bubba and papa are laughing a bit "you'll get your daddies back later school isn't going to keep them" papa says and that's when I realized I said that part out loud and I blush a bit and hide my face in bubbas neck which makes them both laugh a bit more. "He is right bubs they will come back, but it's not nice to call things or people stupid" bubba says "I sowwy bubba" I say "it's ok bub just don't do it again now that you know it's not nice ok?"bubba says "otay" I say. "So what should we do, little guy?" papa asks and I shrug "well have you eaten anything yet?" he asks and I shake my head "well then let's make you some breakfast" papa says. We go into the kitchen and bubba sits me down in a chair "what would you like bubs?" he asks "paci" I say and he chuckles and shakes his head "i'll get you a paci in a minute but what do you want to eat and drink?" he asks "pancakes" I say "ok i'll make those once I get your paci" bubba says "what would you like to drink though little man?" papa asks "chocowit milk" I say "ok, in a sippy cup?" papa asks and I nod "ok" he says.

Thrown Into Trouble
Teen FictionAlex just moved from Florida to New York with his mom, he is starting at a new school in November. But he has a secret he is an age regressor and he is also a type 1 diabetic and has celiac's disease (it's a really bad allergy to wheat flour). He do...