Alex's pov
I wake up after finally having a good sleep since Blake and Dylan are here. Speaking of which, I notice that they are both gone now, I look over to the nightstand and grab my phone to look at the time 10:30! That means I'm late for school. Why didn't they wake me up? I get up and grab my medical devices and quickly go out of the room but I hit a wall. No, not a wall just Dylan again which he catches me and keeps me from falling again "where are you going so fast baby?" Dylan asks me and picks me up "one I'm not little right now and two we are late for school" I tell him while trying to get out of his arms. Which I thought I was succeeding in doing until I realized I was just passed to someone else instead which I bet you is Blake. I get turned around and guess who won the because now I'm face to face with Blake "what's going on here?" he asks and looks at me and then Dylan and then back at me "put me down" I tell him and start trying to get out of his grasp. I felt a flick on my leg which hurt a bit "what was that for?" I asked both of them not fully sure who did it "it was for being rude if you want something you ask nicely baby boy" Blake says so he did it I think to myself "I'm not little so please put me down" I say we are already late to school so I don't know why they are just hanging around and aren't getting ready to go. Blake puts me down and I quickly go to find my way down stairs which I now realize I don't know my way around here.Now a bit annoyed I go back over to them which they were just standing there looking at me anyways this is embarrassing I think to myself trying to figure out what I want to say which all I decided to say was "" but I was really quiet when saying it but I'm pretty sure both heard it. They looked at each other then at me again "help with what pup?" Dylan asks and I look away for a moment and say "downstairs" not long after saying that I feel myself getting picked back up but this time Blake picked me up. I decided to just give in and get comfortable so I lay my head on his shoulder "and why do you want to go downstairs?" Blake asks, which causes me to turn my head so that I can look at him but still have my head laying on his shoulder "because we are late for school and I would also like something to eat" I tell him. They both start laughing a bit leaving me confused "baby we don't have school today we have the day off" Dylan says and ruffles my hair "oh" is all I say and then I hide my face in Blake's shoulder. I feel one of them pat my back I don't know which one though and I don't feel like moving to see who it was I was to embarrassed for that "but we can get some food into that belly of yours" Blake says and I nod my head and mumble "ok" before I can feel myself being moved to wherever the kitchen is at. Once we get to the kitchen I get put down on one of the barstools that are in the kitchen "what would you like to eat baby?" Dylan asks and I think about it for a moment "do you have gluten free pancakes?" I ask, not sure if they will or not. I mean they did have gluten free dino nuggets but that doesn't mean they have gluten free pancakes.
Dylan makes a face as if he is thinking "at the moment we don't have any made but I can make you some" he says as he goes over to the fridge "yes please" I say and then look at Blake who is looking at me. Dylan doesn't say anything else and starts getting the ingredients he needs to make the pancakes "baby boy what would you like to drink?" Blake asks me, I think about it for a moment not knowing if I want apple juice or chocolate milk but I come to a conclusion quickly "do you have any chocolate milk left?" I ask him and he nods "yes we do" he tells me "then chocolate milk please" I say and he nods his head and goes to the fridge and get's the chocolate milk out. I almost forgot that they don't have apple juice at the moment, only orange which is gross in my opinion. Well on its own it is, it's good in smoothies though. Blake goes to get a cup but stops for a second "bun do you want a regular cup or a sippy cup?" He asks me, which I do appreciate "a big cup please but can you put a straw in it please?" I ask since I don't want to accidentally knock the cup over little or big I'm still a bit clumsy "yeah I can give you a straw" he says as he grabs a glass and a straw. I look over at Dylan again and he is starting to cook the first pancake and I watch closely not having anything else to do which I am guessing he notices "pup why are you staring at me?" Dylan asked which made me a bit embarrassed.

Thrown Into Trouble
Подростковая литератураAlex just moved from Florida to New York with his mom, he is starting at a new school in November. But he has a secret he is an age regressor and he is also a type 1 diabetic and has celiac's disease (it's a really bad allergy to wheat flour). He do...