A little sleepover part 1

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Dylan's pov
Blake goes to the door to let them in, which I guess we are just going to have a sparkly sofa for the day since we didn't get to clean that yet. I go and put the cleaning things away and then go where Blake is but I stand by the stairs and he is still at the door "Alex baby come downstairs they are here" I slightly yell up the stairs. It was quiet in the house so I didn't have to be too loud, I hear the pitter patter of feet going across the floor so I know he is coming. I move from the stairs and go over to Blake to see everyone and also let them in.

Alex's pov
I hear dada call me telling me everyone was here so I grab mr.flops and buddy and get off of the bed and start to make my way downstairs. I had gotten distracted when I came up here to get them and I had started playing with them, when I was almost at the stairs I hit into a wall and fell onto my bottom which already hurt a bit from my rash making me whine a bit. I looked up to yell at the wall when I noticed it wasn't a wall at all, It was uncle danny which I only knew it was him since dada called me from downstairs not even a minute ago also dada always managed to catch me before I hit the floor "sorry hun, are you ok?" he asks and picks me up "I otay" I tell him "ok, let's get downstairs and see everyone" he says and I nod agreeing "wets go" I say. He takes us downstairs and walks us into the living room where everyone now seems to be, once we get in there he puts me down on the floor "Awex!!!" is all I hear as I see Toby and Lily run up to me and I put Mr.flops and buddy carefully on the floor before hugging both of them. They hug me back and we hug for a minute or two before pulling apart "ou otay?" lily asked and I nod "I otay" I say "nwever do dat agains we was worried abouts you" toby says "I sowwy no no meants to" I say and hug toby again and he hugs me back.

 They hug me back and we hug for a minute or two before pulling apart "ou otay?" lily asked and I nod "I otay" I say "nwever do dat agains we was worried abouts you" toby says "I sowwy no no meants to" I say and hug toby again and he hugs me back

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Toby's outfit

Lily's outfit (pretend the shirt is black and she has black tights on as well)

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Lily's outfit (pretend the shirt is black and she has black tights on as well)

Lily goes and gets Winter who was already coming over to us, I stop hugging Toby and look at her "hi buddy" she says to me "hewo" I say "how are you feeling?" she asks "I otay" I tell her "ok, have you been having fun with your daddies?" she asks and I nod and bounce a bit "mhm, we watch wiwo and stwitch wast nights and den dis mworning I cowored daddy's tattoo and made it spwarkly but dada not too happy bout dat cause daddy twickled me and mwade gwitter spill on da fwoor and da sofa" I tell her. "Wow that does sound like fun" she says "so that's why there is glitter on the sofa" Colton says and I nod "did your daddy get in trouble for making a mess hun?" Danny asks and I nod again and then look at daddy and dada and dada is chuckling and daddy is just shaking his head but has a small smile on his face. I look back at Winter and Lily since she is right beside her "what tattoo did you color?" she asks "da rose" I say and then go over to daddy and dada and move daddy's arm so they can see it and point at it "see" I say. Everyone in the room minus dada, daddy, Lily, and Toby look shocked "pwetty!" Lily and Toby both say "tank you" I tell them "yes it's very pretty, you did a very good job baby boy" daddy says and kisses my head "Awex wets pway" Toby says "yeah wets pway" Lily says "otay" I say and grab buddy and mr.flops while Lily and Toby get their stuffies which Toby's is winnie the pooh and Lily's is a pink care bear with a flower on it's tummy. Once they get their stuffies we go over to a different part of the living room and start playing.

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