Sick, court, and attitudes

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Alex's pov
I wake up covered in sweat not because of a nightmare though but because it feels hot in here my head is also pounding. I wasn't in my headspace anymore which is probably for the best considering being little and feeling this bad probably wouldn't mix well. I look at Dylan and Blake to see if it's just me that's hot or if they seem hot too but neither of them seem hot, not as hot as I feel anyways. I carefully sat up and got out from under the blanket, it was a little difficult to do considering Blake and Dylan are so close to me, but I managed to do it. I thought I felt bad laying down, I feel worse sitting up. I very slowly and quietly get up off the bed, so I don't wake them up, which luckily they didn't but I still have to open the door to get out of their room so I'm not in the clear yet. I go over to the door trying to make sure I don't make too much noise; I grab my medical device and phone first so that way they won't go off saying I'm too far away from them. I also decided to go into the closet and get one of Blake or Dylan's shirts. I'm not sure whose it is but even though I'm hot I would rather not walk around in just a diaper in a house where at least 3 other people who aren't my caregivers are and could see me. It is currently 6am though so I would assume Colton and Lily are back so it would technically be 5 other people. I managed to successfully get out of the room, and I closed the door again once I got out of the room, I then quietly walked down the stairs and into the kitchen. My phone buzzed, which startled me a bit since it is completely quiet in the house. I looked at my notification and it is one from my freestyle telling me my sugar is high.

I go onto the app and scan my sincere and my sugar is 385 and going up which also explains why I feel so bad, but it also confirms my thought that I am getting sick my sugar always runs high when i'm sick. I was going to get some water anyway since my throat is also a bit sore. Also, my main goal of coming down here was to try and find some medicine for my headache. Although maybe I should check my temperature first just to see if I still have a fever. I grab a cup off the bottom shelf and put ice in it and fill it with water and then I place it on the counter, I then go into the bathroom and open the cabinet and apparently, I am having some luck at doing things today because Ibuprofen was in there also there was another thermometer in there. I take the thermometer out first and check my temperature and when it beeps, I take it out my mouth and look at it, 100.8 great I thought it might have gone down but no it went up instead. I cleaned the thermometer and then put it away before grabbing the pill bottle and opening it and taking out 2 of the pills. I turned off the light and closed the cabinet and then went back into the kitchen and took a sip of my water and then put the pills in my mouth one at a time and swallowed them. I decided to just stay awake and to stay down here since it's 6 in the morning and some people get up this early so it's not that bad although I don't normally get up this early. I sat down on the sofa and sat my cup on the coffee table and decided to watch some tv. I go onto netflix and put on Grey's anatomy. I have been binge watching it i'm only in season 5 but I've only been binge watching it for about a month or two.

I moved the blanket that was on the back of the sofa to be beside me if I end up getting cold, I then got up and went into the kitchen and got a cookie and a fruit roll up to eat. Yeah I know it's not the most healthy thing I could eat but I want something light and snacks are pretty light. I sat back down in my spot and placed the fruit roll up on the coffee table and started eating my cookie, I ate it slowly so that way I wasn't eating too fast. When I finished it I didn't feel very good although I didn't feel very good to start with but I laid down on the sofa and continued to watch the show. About halfway through the episode I quickly got up and ran into the bathroom and just barely made it to the toilet before throwing up. I hate throwing up, I always have but then again I don't know of anyone who actually likes to throw up. The light to the bathroom turns on right when I finish getting sick and I look up and see Lily, I must not have heard her come downstairs because of the sound of me throwing up. She comes over to me and pulls a tissue out of the tissue box that was on the counter and hands it to me and I take it and wipe my mouth "i'll go get Dylan and Blake" she said while going to walk out the room "no don't" I tell her and she stops walking and turns around to face me "but Alex your sick, they need to know" she said "Lily i'm fine, we don't need to tell them if it happens again i'll tell them" I told her "fine, but you should still tell them now instead of waiting" she says before stepping out of the room but she was standing by the doorway. I flushed the toilet and threw away the tissue in the trashcan and slowly got up and washed my hands and then turned the light off.

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