Alex's pov
I woke up Laying on daddy, I'm still little but i'm in my 3 year old headspace now instead of being in babyspace like last night. I woke up a few times during the night and ended up falling asleep on daddy but I only woke up 2 times so it could have been much worse. I rub my eyes and then look outside and see a light snow falling which helps me wake up more and I quickly and carefully get up off of daddy and off the bed and run over to the window to see the snow more clearly. It was so pretty I haven't seen snow in a long time since I was 5 considering it didn't snow in Florida and Clara, Maggie, and Sarah always visited us in Florida instead of us coming here to visit them I would assume now that the reason for that was so no one on my dads side would see me. I look out the window for a little longer before I decide I want to go outside, I look at what time it is on my phone and it's 8:30 so I decide to let daddy and dada sleep and i'll go outside by myself i'm a big boy I can do it by myself. I then quietly leave the room, I still have on daddy and dada's clothes from last night plus the stupid pants, I hate pants but at least they are dada's so it's not as bad and I remember what dada said last night so I know I can't take them off. Once I was in the hallway I made my way to the stairs and carefully went down them and once I made it downstairs I went to put my shoes on which let me tell you it was a struggle but I eventually got them on and then I put on my jacket and I decided that was good enough and I didn't need anything else.I then made my way to the door that goes to the back yard "and where do you think you're going little cuz?" Colton says "outswide" I say and turn to look at him since he was behind me. He comes up to me and zips my coat up since I didn't zip it "you can't go outside by yourself cookie monster puls you don't have on any gloves or a hat" he says causing me to whine "bu outswide" I whine "I know but lets get you some gloves and a hat and then i'll go outside with you ok?" he asks "otay bu I a big boy I no no needs help" I tell him "oh ok well I'll just grab your gloves and hat and then you can put them on" he says "otay" I say. We make our way back to the front door and Colton grabs my gloves and hat and then hands them to me and I take them from him and then he starts putting his stuff on to go outside. I put my hat on first and managed to get it on but I was having trouble with the gloves and I ended up getting mad at them and threw them across the room "hmph" I said and crossed my arms over my chest and pouted. Colton went and grabbed my gloves and then came back over to me "need some help with these bud?' he asks and I just nod. He was in all of his stuff now so once he put my gloves on me we were ready to go outside "alright now we can go outside" he says and I quickly get up and run to the backdoor. It felt like it took forever for Colton to get to the door and open it but once he finally did I ran outside and was shocked everything was covered in fluffy white snow it was mesmerizing "wow" I say and then move so I am more in the middle of the yard before sitting down in the snow.
It was pretty cold to sit on since I only hand on sweatpants but I didn't really care "I should have known to put you in snow pants before coming out here but it's too late for that now" Colton says. I pick up some of the snow in my hands and throw it in the air and giggle as it comes falling back down I really like the snow it's super pretty and fun to play in. After a while I got up and started running around in the snow which was making me giggle as well. Colton had moved so he was standing on the patio where there wasn't as much snow since it was covered by a gazebo kind of structure. I get an idea and decide i'm going to cover Colton in snow so I pick up as much as I can in my hands and then put my hands behind my back to hide that I am holding snow and then run up to Colton. When I get to him he looks down at me "do you need something kiddo?" he asks and I nod my head "alright what is it you need?" he asks and then I throw the snow at him which gets all over him "Hey! You tricked me!" He says, causing me to giggle. He then grabbed some snow in his hands "you better run i'm going to get you" he says making me squeal and then run away from him. It then turned into a battle and we would both chase each other trying to throw snow at each other and it was really fun. I am running from Colton again but I ended up going on the patio and as I was running on a part of it where some of it was covered by the gazebo thing and part wasn't I ended up slipping on ice that I didn't realize was there and falling on my butt.

Thrown Into Trouble
Teen FictionAlex just moved from Florida to New York with his mom, he is starting at a new school in November. But he has a secret he is an age regressor and he is also a type 1 diabetic and has celiac's disease (it's a really bad allergy to wheat flour). He do...