Nightmare or memories?

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Alex's pov
I looked around and I was in a house that I recognized but I haven't been there in a long time. It took me a moment to realize it was the first house I had lived in, the one before the divorce and before me and mom moved away to Florida. I'm not surprised it took me a moment to realize that's where I was, I mean I haven't been here in 11 years and even with the flashback I had I only saw part of the house but I was in the kitchen this time which I didn't see in my flashback. But my question is why am I here and how did I get here? I mean the last thing I know I was trying to fall asleep and now I'm here. I hear a crash come from a different room and decide to see what it was, what can I say curiosity tends to get the best of me also it was quiet before that happened or maybe it wasn't and I just didn't realize it was noisy because I was to busy thinking but either way it still came out of nowhere. I get up off the floor and I notice there are a few toy cars on the floor and a kids cup, it wasn't a sippy cup but it had a lid and a straw and it was Scooby doo. Not a picture of Scooby doo but the cup was Scooby doo and he is holding on to a giant burger, I grab it and take a drink out of it and it had water in it but I don't know why I drank out of it I wasn't thirsty it was like my body moved on its own accord. But the cup made a noise when I picked it up and I have no idea how it did it but I could see a speaker on the back of it on the lid of the cup which was Scooby's head so that it wouldn't get wet. I definitely need to buy one of these when I get home because it's so cool and I don't know if mom kept this one when we moved but that's not what's important right now I can do that later.

I put the cup down and then go towards where the sound was and I see my mom and "father" in their room "this is all your fault!" my "father" says loudly but he isn't quite yelling yet

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I put the cup down and then go towards where the sound was and I see my mom and "father" in their room "this is all your fault!" my "father" says loudly but he isn't quite yelling yet. But you can tell by his tone he is mad and irritated but he was always mad from what I can remember about him he never seemed happy "its because of you I have a sick son, I could have had a perfectly healthy son but no because of you I got a diseased one" my "father " says. I look down and mess with my hands, I've done that ever since I was a kid and was upset or overthinking. I know it's not her fault she has no one on her side of the family with autoimmune conditions. Before I knew it I was in the room in front of my mom and my "father" was in front of me again it was like my body moved on it's own accord but I realized this seems familiar to me somehow I just can't figure out how yet. I look up at my "father" and I have now realized I am shorter than I was before, like a lot shorter than I was before "daddy don't yell at mama" I say which shocks me because I wasn't planning to say anything but yet again it happened on its own. The next thing I know there is a stinging on my cheek and i'm laying on the floor, I can feel tears burning my eyes and they quickly start to fall and go down my cheeks. I look up at my "father" and he is over me and has hate in his eyes. He just slapped me, he slapped me so hard I fell to the ground and as I realized that's what happened more tears fell "get the fuck out of here you diseased weakling" my "father" spits at me. I feel myself get picked up and see it's my mom that picked me up "that's enough Matthew, I could deal with you hurting me but not our son" mom says.

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