The truth

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Alex's pov
Class is about to end and I'm scared as hell about talking to Blake and Dylan. I have read the same sentence probably a hundred times now and I still can't even process what it says. That's how nervous and scared I am. I put my book down and check the time again. We have only five minutes left of class. Great, just great. This class felt like it took forever and before I did want it to end but now I definitely don't. Maybe they will forget about it and then I can keep my secret forever or well at least a little longer. I guess I was in my head and looking at the clock for a bit too long because Blake says "it's almost time to go baby just two more minutes and then you me and dada can leave" I nod and don't say anything. He looks like he is about to say something but doesn't I guess he isn't sure what headspace I'm in. He was probably going to tell me to use my words which I don't talk much anyway, little or not especially when I'm non-verbal or really little like when I'm 1 or 2.

The bell rings and I put my stuff in my bag and zip it up and then put it on, I wait a moment while Blake does the same thing and then puts his hand out for me to take "come on bun let's go" I hesitantly nod and take his hand. We walk out the class and Dylan is waiting on the other side of the hall across from the door. He sees us and smiles and comes over to us and takes my other hand "hey pup how was the rest of class?" Dylan asked "it was fine" I said not really feeling like talking, especially since I know what we are going to end up talking about. He just nods and we walk down the halls and then out of the building and to the parking lot "me and daddy will give you a ride home that way we can talk on the way there ok puppy?" Dylan asks great so they didn't forget "ok" I simply say. Then I remember mom isn't going to be home until late and I for one don't like being home alone sometimes and two we have had some sketchy stuff going on in my neighborhood for the past couple of days. We get to their car and Blake opens the back door for me and the passenger seat for Dylan and we both get in after telling him thank you and he closes the door and then gets in the driver's seat and starts the car after we are all buckled up. He goes to pull out of the school parking lot and asks "bunny where do you live?" I tell them the address and they just look at each other for a moment "is anyone else going to be there?" Dylan asks to which I shake my head no "would you like to come to me and daddy's house?" Dylan said "you might also get to see uncle Colton since he lives with us" he continued. I think about it for a second and nod "yes please" I say and Blake and Dylan both smile "alright hun" Dylan says.

After that I wait and see who is going to make the first move on asking me about what happened but it never came. Maybe they are going to ask me at their house instead of in the car I think to myself. After a while we get to this big house with a gate around it and by house I mean mansion. This place is huge "wow" escapes my lips as I stare in awe which earns a chuckle from both Blake and Dylan. The gate opens and we go through and then it closes. I keep looking around and see some really pretty flowers, some on trees, some on bushes, and some that are just on the ground like how sunflowers are. I have always liked flowers. Maybe I can pick some of them later I think to myself; I look back in front of me and we are pulling into their garage. Once the car is parked and turned off I take my seat belt off as do they and they open their doors and get out. I went to open mine but Blake had done it before I got the chance to. I step out of the car and say "thank you" to him and he nods and says "your welcome bunny" and then closes the door once I'm out of the way.

Dylan opens the door into the house and holds it open for me "thank you" I say to him quietly as I walk through the door "your welcome puppy" he says as he walks into the house with Blake following behind him. Blake closes the door and then him and Dylan lead me over to the living room and then motion me to sit down on the couch which I do and they sit down on the chairs across from me and the sofa. Now my nerves are really starting to act up. They calmed down a bit on the car ride here once I figured they weren't going to say anything, well at least at that time. I look at both of them and they are both looking at me which instantly makes me look away from them "little one can you look at me and daddy please and tell us what happened earlier?" Da- I mean Dylan asked me I look at them and think you have to stay big for this Alex. I slowly nodded my head while trying to figure out how exactly to tell them and I decided to just be straightforward with it "I went out of class to check my blood sugar because it felt high and I'm a type one diabetic" I say but I say it a bit quickly. Even though I said it quickly I'm pretty sure they both heard it clearly "baby boy why didn't you tell us that?" Dadd- Blake said god I really need to slip but I still need to hold off. I look down and mumble "because I didn't know if you would still want me if I told you'' I keep looking down until I feel someone pick me up and sit me in their lap and look up to see dada holding me.

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