Alex's pov
I finished my picture when I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. I got up and held both my pictures in my hand and then went over to daddy who was sitting on the sofa talking to Danny. I climbed onto his lap and he put his arms around me to keep me from falling. I look over at the stairs to see who comes down hoping it's dada so I can show him and daddy my pictures. Sadly I see Colton which don't get me wrong he's great he's just not who I particularly want to see at this moment but as he continues down the stairs I see dada behind him and Winter I would assume is behind dada which makes me excited and bounce a bit on daddy's lap. "What are you so excited about baby boy?" Daddy asks and lightly tickles my side making me giggle "dada comin!" I tell him through my giggles "ah I see" daddy says and stops tickling me and kisses my head "your so precious and adorable bun" he continues and I move a bit and hide my face in his neck to cover my blush. I have always been like that with compliments like that they always make me blush and most of the time I disagree with them little or big. Daddy chuckles at me and kisses my head again "so cute" he says which makes me hide more until I hear dada ask "is it second nap time?" Which I immediately picked my head up and looked at him "dada!" I say. I get up off daddy's lap and go over to dada and hug him and he hugs me back "such a sweet baby I have" he says and then picks me up which I was about to make grabby hands at him anyways, well one grabby hand since I still have my pictures in my other hand.He walks over to where daddy is and sits down beside him and I sit on dadas lap now that both of them are here I can show them my pictures. But when I look over at daddy he is glaring in me and dadas direction, I tilt my head to the side in confusion while still looking at him since I don't know why he is looking at us like that. He looks at me and gives me a smile and a kiss on my cheek before glaring again so I'm pretty sure he is glaring at dada not me which makes me feel a bit better since it was starting to make me upset and think I did something wrong. Dada finally notices and looks at daddy "why are you giving me that look babe?" He asks "really love?" Daddy says "what?" Dada asks. Not even a second after he said that daddy took me from dada so I was sitting in his lap again and gives dada a look "think about what you said a few minutes ago love" he says and dada has a questioning look and then seems like he is thinking about what he said before. "Our baby" dada says and I look at him "mhm our baby, you said your baby before" daddy says so that's why he was glaring at dada and giving him that look. That seems pretty silly to me so I start to giggle and they both look at me and smile at me, I then remember that I was going to show them my pictures so I poked both of them on the arm even though both of them were already looking at me "yes pup?" Dada asks and I move the pictures closer to them for them to take and look at.
Daddy takes one and dada takes the other and they look at them "you did a good job Prince" daddy says "tank you" I say "you know what dada is going to put these on the fridge so everyone can see our babies beautiful artwork" dada says and kisses my head "weally?!?!" I asked, I never knew I wanted artwork hung on the fridge so badly now that it doesn't get hung up anymore not on the fridge anyways. "Yes, really little one" dada says and gets up and daddy gives him my other picture and then he walks out the room and into the kitchen to put them on the fridge. I look around and see uncle Danny putting away the coloring supplies me and Toby dumped on the floor, speaking of I don't know where Toby and Lily went or aunt Winter and uncle Colton but I guess they could be getting the surprise daddy was telling me that they got me. I feel bad for making uncle Danny clean up everything when me and Toby were the ones that dumped it all out so I get up and go over to him and pick up some of the crayons that are still on the floor. I pick up as many of them as I can and then turn to uncle Danny who was already looking at me and hold my hands out to him "here I hwelps" I say "why thank you hun I appreciate the help" he says and opens the container the crayons belong in and I put them in there. After we put all the markers, crayons, and color pencils back into their containers we put them away along with the coloring books and then I go back over to daddy and dada "good job for helping uncle Danny clean up pup" dada says and kisses my head and I smile at him. After that the door opens and then closes and Toby, Colton, Lily, and Winter come into the room.

Thrown Into Trouble
Teen FictionAlex just moved from Florida to New York with his mom, he is starting at a new school in November. But he has a secret he is an age regressor and he is also a type 1 diabetic and has celiac's disease (it's a really bad allergy to wheat flour). He do...