Christmas break

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Alex's pov
It was now winter break. After Thanksgiving break was over I went back to school as planned and the first week was a little rough I slipped a few times during the school day but all in all I was ok and I got used to it again by the second week and almost all my teachers were understanding except for mr.Peters my bio 2 teacher but he doesn't seem to like anyone so i'm not very surprised. Blake and Dylan weren't happy about him being that way but I told them I was fine and that it was ok and they left it alone at least to my knowledge. The good thing about this break is I don't have any work I need to catch up on. I started doing some art stuff not really by choice and I wasn't attached to it, it didn't show any emotions. I didn't feel anything towards it but I had to start turning things in for that class. I had told my teacher why I hadn't been doing stuff for that class and she was super understanding about it but she told me I'm going to have to start doing work or I am going to fail the class she can't just give me good grades for not doing anything. My ceramics teacher was also understanding but said the same thing so i'm stuck doing art against my will, but my ceramics teacher did say she would make it to where the things I wasn't in school for to do don't get marked against me since I couldn't do those at home I would have had to do them at school and there is no time to make up for all of those things that they did.

I am currently making cookies with Colton, the few days after we gave the cookies to everyone we made them for we kept getting told how good they were and that we were in charge of cookies for christmas so that's what we are doing now. We have already made gingerbread men, sugar cookies, and chocolate chip cookies, but now we are making chocolate cookies that will have peppermint icing. We are planning to frost the gingerbread men and sugar cookies. We made them all different shapes but we haven't made the icing for them yet because we want to make sure they are completely cool before frosting them, also we want to finish baking all the cookies first as well. I see a hand go to grab a cookie one of the gingerbread cookies and I slap it before they got one "no, they aren't finished yet" I say "but honey I just want to taste one" Blake says "Dylan don't even think about it those aren't done either" I say seeing Dylan out of the corner of my eye trying to get a sugar cookie "come on darling just one please" Dylan says "no, you both have to wait for them to be finished" I say and they both pout and sit down at the table. Aren't I supposed to be the toddler here? Because they seem like they are trying to give me a run for my money since they are pouting because I won't let them have a cookie yet.

"Hey Alex?" Danny says "yes?" I ask and look at him "could I please have a sugar cookie?" he asks and I think about it "you can have half of one I want to have the other half" I say "I can agree with those terms, thank you" he says and grabs a cookie and breaks it in half and gives me one of the halves "hey how come he gets one!" Dylan says "yeah you wouldn't let us have one" Blake says "that's because he asked me for a cookie y'all tried to steal one there is a difference" I say "darling can I please have a cookie" Dylan asks and I roll my eyes and break off a piece of my half of the cookie and give it to him "there that's all you get for now until they are done" I says "thank you!" he says and eats the piece and then gets up and kisses my cheek "your welcome" I say. I look over at Blake and he is pouting so I grab a gingerbread cookie and break off part of it and give it to Blake "here baby" I say not realizing I just called him baby. He smiles and eats the piece of the cookie "thank you honey" he says and then also gets up and kisses my other cheek "your welcome" I say "now all of you out of the kitchen we have more work to do" I continue and look over at Colton who is glaring at Blake and Dylan "Colton stop glaring, they kissed me on the cheek it's not that big of a deal" I say "but it could be" he says "don't make me kick you out as well" I say "nevermind, i'll just check on the cookies they should be done baking now" he says and then checks on the cookies.

I turn back around to Blake and Dylan who are both looking at me "out both of you or sit down at the table and don't try to steal anymore cookies" I say and they both go and sit down at the table. Danny left he said he got what he came for and also said that the cookie was amazing and can't wait to see what they taste like once they are frosted. Colton took the cookies out and they were done so now they just have to cool but we can start working on the icing now. We decided to do the icing for the gingerbread and sugar cookies first since we are using the same icing but just dyeing it different colors but since we are doing it for two different types of cookies we tripled the recipe so that we knew we had enough and maybe a bit extra icing. I tasted both the sugar and gingerbread cookie and I thought they were pretty good but I realized I didn't want to finish them knowing I would want to eat one of each after we ice them and I can't or well shouldn't do that if my sugar is high and it's already 205 from when we had breakfast which was waffles and the syrup made my sugar go up even though I took insulin before I ate.

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