Alex just moved from Florida to New York with his mom, he is starting at a new school in November. But he has a secret he is an age regressor and he is also a type 1 diabetic and has celiac's disease (it's a really bad allergy to wheat flour). He do...
Alex's pov Today is the day I am supposed to go back to school and I am very nervous. It has been a week since the funeral but ever since then I have mostly been in my headspace and Mason and Clayton have been watching me all week during the day while no one else is at home to watch me, they even took me to their old house that they lived in together I even know where the spare key to the house is and how to shut down the security system. But it will be difficult trying to stay big all day and I honestly don't think I will be able to do it. I am also exhausted which doesn't help even though I had been in headspace I have been going to bed early the past few days but last night I got really nerves causing me to go into a smaller headspace I would say around 1 which meant I was up all night and Blake and Dylan didn't get much sleep either since they were taking care of me which I feel bad for. That's why I got up before they did, ok I had Colton wake me up and get me out of headspace but still I got up before they did which was my goal.
It's 7:30 usually I wouldn't get up this early and neither would Colton but today is Toby's first day back at school as well and he is going to pick him up before school and I want to make breakfast for Blake and Dylan since they had to stay up a lot last night to take care of me. I decided to get dressed first and since it's cold outside I put on one of Dylan's long sleeve shirts, then put on one of Blake's hoodies, and a pair of my sweatpants along with a pull up just to be safe. After I finished getting dressed I went downstairs and into the kitchen to start cooking, I had asked Colton if he wanted anything earlier and he said he didn't since he was going to take Toby out for some breakfast so that was one less person I have to cook for but I still have 4 people including myself to cook for. I chose to make french toast, scrambled egg, and bacon, it's quite simple and easy and something I'm hoping I can manage to make after not being big for a week.
I made enough french toast for everyone to have 4 pieces, except myself I made myself nutella french toast instead of regular. I put 4 pieces on each plate before putting some powdered sugar on top and some maple syrup, then I add strawberries, bananas, and blueberries on them and I put some just on the plate. I put the eggs in a bowl for all of them minus myself. I didn't want any eggs or bacon, so I then put the plates of french toast at their spots at the table and then did the same thing with the bowls of egg. I got a fork and a butter knife and napkin for all of them and put those on the table as well and I put all the bacon on one plate and sat it in the middle of the table. Once everything was on the table I started making them drinks, I made coffee for Blake and I made caffeinated tea for Dylan and Danny. While I was making those I got myself a glass of apple juice and checked my sugar and took some insulin for what it was and what i'm about to eat and drink.
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I hear footsteps coming down the stairs as I am placing their drinks by their food. I look towards the stairs after I place Blakes drink down and I see Danny coming down the stairs. Once he is all the way down the stairs he comes into the kitchen and looks around and then looks at me "what's all this?" he asks "breakfast, I made you some too as well as a drink you can get as much bacon as you would like but leave some for Blake and Dylan please" I tell him "thank you and ok" he says before going over to the table and sitting in his spot and starting to eat. I give ginger, shadow, and snowflake some food and fresh water before I start eating my breakfast. It didn't take me long to finish my breakfast, gluten free bread is quite small but I don't have a big stomach or appetite anyways so it's fine.