New years

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Alex's pov
It's new years eve and me, Dylan, and Blake were getting ready for the new years eve party we were having with their family. Maggie, Sarah, and Clara were invited but Sarah has a fever as well as Luke so they couldn't come but they appreciated the offer. I was feeling just fine and Blake and Dylan have been keeping an eye on me and my temperature to make sure i'm not getting sick again but my temperature has been normal every time they have checked it so I would say i'm just fine. "Darling come here please" Dylan says and I can bet you it's for another temperature check. I go over to him and he has a thermometer in his hand "again?" I ask "yes again we have to make sure you aren't getting sick" he says and I sigh but open my mouth and he puts the thermometer in and I close my mouth and he turns it on. It beeps and he takes it out of my mouth "98.1" he says "so normal again" I say "hey we're just trying to look out for you" Blake says as he enters the room "yeah I know but i'm fine" I say "fine we will back off a bit but we are still checking it at least once a day for a week" Dylan says and that's better than them checking it a million times a day "ok i'll agree to that" I say.

This morning I was still a bit irritated since my moms birthday was yesterday and I went to the hospital to take her the painting I had made her but they still wouldn't let me go in the room for even a minute but they said they would put the picture in her room. But now that I know I have been around people who are sick or at least have a fever I'm not as mad about it because if I did catch what they had I would have spread it to her and that would have been really bad. But I still wish I could have gone in for a minute just to tell her happy birthday and to leave the painting, but at least tomorrow I get to go see her and they can't stop me, well they can but not because of the same reason they are stopping me from seeing her now. I feel kinda bad for Blake and Dylan all this stuff going on is also showing when i'm little and a 3 year old who is irritated is probably a lot worse and more to deal with then a 16 year old who is irritated considering 3 year olds are still learning how to process their emotions in a good way so a few tantrums have happened which ended up with a punishment of an early bed time last night but honestly i'm not complaining. Well, little I complained but I know I needed the sleep and time for my brain to rest and reset and they could have given a worse punishment than that but they didn't which I'm glad they didn't. If there is one thing I have learned is that they are very understanding they get why I act the way I do and only give punishments when it's necessary, the reason I got the punishment was because the tantrums continued and I didn't learn from them and didn't try to do the things they told me to to calm down I just wouldn't listened so even I would say the punishment I got was well deserved.

By lunch I was alright though, I still wasn't happy about it but I wasn't in a bad mood anymore. But getting everything ready for new years is giving me a good distraction by keeping me busy and not giving me much time to think about it. Everyone is coming over after dinner which it's almost dinner time now but pretty much everything is set up so after dinner it's just finishing touches and washing the dishes in the sink that we use for dinner although I have no idea what we are having for dinner and i'm not sure if either of them have thought about it. I go and see what Blake and Dylan are doing and they are busy doing things while also talking about work things even though they have had since Christmas off and don't go back to work until the 3rd I believe. But it seems they forgot about dinner so I decided to make it. I mean both have cooked for me when I am big and little so it's my turn to cook for them. I go into the kitchen to see what they have and I decide to make homemade pizza, I had a really nice teacher back in Florida and for an elective I took nutrition and wellness which you had to take before taking intro to culinary arts and she taught us how to make homemade pizza dough which taste really good even the gluten free one was good and even my teacher said it was. I was going to take intro culinary arts but the class was full and I also had my idea to sell my artwork so I took the classes I'm in now and then we had to move here they put me in the same classes I was taking in Florida since they all had room in them.

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