The doctor

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Alex's pov
I guess on the way there I ended up falling asleep because I felt someone lightly shaking me and when I opened my eyes I was met with daddy looking at me "were here prince time for you to get up" he said as he unbuckled me and picked me up. I was too tired to really care we were in public and I cuddled up to him and had my face facing his neck and I sucked on my paci which stayed in my mouth the whole time well I think it did anyways. Dada had my bag and was walking beside daddy and when we got to the doors he opened them for us, but instead of going to the front desk we went straight back and into an office well daddy did knock first but he didn't wait for a reply "still haven't learned to wait for a reply I see" the lady at the desk said "no it seems I haven't" he said "how was your trip mom?" he then asked which made me move a little to look at her more so this was Blake's mom "it was good, but we can talk about that later what can I do for you boys?" she asked "well you know how you have an appointment in 5 minutes?" he said "yes I know but how do you?" she asked "well I was the one who made it but not for me or Dylan but for Alex" he said which made me look away from her because she was now looking at me "you mean y'alls little that I had to find out about from Maria" she says "wait how did my mom know?" dada said "I would assume she found out from Danny" she said "now come follow me" she continued and led us to an exam room I would assume.

When we got there daddy tried to sit me down onto the table but I wouldn't let go "baby boy you have to let go" he said and I shake my head and say "no" "it's fine if you hold him and sit on the table it might make my job easier" the lady said so daddy sat down on the table and held me he tried to make me face forward but I kept moving so he just let me sit facing towards him. Dada had sat in a chair by the bed and there was a spinny stole in front of me and daddy which I assume the lady is going to sit on "hi Alex, i'm doctor Newman but you can call me Katelyn or kat if that's easier for you to say" she says and I slightly turn my head to look at her "can you tell me what feels bad so I can help you feel better?" she asked and I shake my head "there's nothing to be scared of I promise, your daddy used to hate the doctors when he was small he would kick at them and try and bite them when he was really little" she said making me look up at daddy and then look at her a bit more "mom really? You aren't supposed to be telling stories about me" daddy says "i'm your mom that's my job, what do you think Alex? I can tell you lots of stories about your daddy and some about your dada to but his mom can tell you more about him than I can" she says and that gets my curiosity and I nod agreeing with her and fully turning to face her "such a smart boy and look at you your an adorable little thing" she says making me smile and giggle a little "hey who's side are you on?" dada says making me giggle a bit more "alright now do you think you can tell me what's wrong tater tot?" she says and her calling that made me giggle more and I nod my head.

She takes out her computer to put down what I say and to put down my information I point to my head "hurt" I say and she looks at me and nods "what else hurts other than your head?" she asks and I point to my stomach "yucky" I say "yucky? Do you mean you've gotten sick?" she asked and I nod "how many times she asked "dis many" I say and hold up 3 fingers "you've been sick 3 times? Why didn't you tell us you got sick before the last time pup?" dada asked "I big when dat happen" I say "have you eaten anything today?" she asked "cookie" I said "all you had was a cookie?" she asked and I nodded "baby boy when we asked if you ate this morning we meant real food not a cookie" daddy said. "Oh please Blake you used to eat muffins everyday for breakfast and wouldn't eat anything else until lunch" Kat said "not helping mom, plus muffins have fruit in them" daddy said "yeah but you only ate chocolate chip muffins rarely you ate ones with fruit" she said "ok now you're really not helping" daddy said. "Anyways what else tater tot?" kat asked "warmer an hot" I said "he has been hot since 2 this morning and last night he had a low grade fever but we checked it again almost an hour ago and it was 101.3" dada said "well that's not good" kat said "anything else?" she continued "sneeze and-" I cut myself off by coughing which is what I was about to say anyways "sneezing and coughing i presume is what you were trying to say" she says and I nod "does your throat hurt at all?" she asked and I thought about it before shaking my head "alright, i'm going to do a flu test and maybe a strep test just to be safe but i'm leaning more towards the flu" she says "ok" daddy says and kat leaves the room to get the stuff for the test.

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